
Wrapper library around orthotope that defines nested arrays, including tuples, of (eventually) unboxed values. The arrays are represented in struct-of-arrays form via the Data.Vector.Unboxed data family trick. Below the surface layer, there is a more low-level wrapper around orthotope that defines an array type type-indexed by [Maybe Nat]: some dimensions are shape-typed (i.e. have their size statically known), and some not.

An overview of the API:

data Ranked (n :: INat) a               {- e.g. -}  Ranked 3 Float
data Shaped (sh :: '[Nat]) a            {- e.g. -}  Shaped [2,3,4] Float
data Mixed (xsh :: '[Maybe Nat]) a      {- e.g. -}  Mixed [Just 2, Nothing, Just 4] Float
Ranked I0 a = Ranked Z a          ~~=  Acc.Array Z a                 = Acc.Scalar a
Ranked I1 a = Ranked (S Z) a      ~~=  Acc.Array (Z :. Int) a        = Acc.Vector a
Ranked I2 a = Ranked (S (S Z)) a  ~~=  Acc.Array (Z :. Int :. Int) a = Acc.Matrix a

rshape :: (Elt a, KnownINat n)     => Ranked n a  -> IxR n
sshape :: (Elt a, KnownShape sh)   => Shaped sh a -> IxS sh
mshape :: (Elt a, KnownShapeX xsh) => Mixed xsh a -> IxX xsh

rindex :: Elt a => Ranked n a  -> IxR n   -> a
sindex :: Elt a => Shaped sh a -> IxS sh  -> a
mindex :: Elt a => Mixed xsh a -> IxX xsh -> a

data IxR n where
  IZR :: IxR Z
  (:::) :: Int -> IxR n -> IxR (S n)

data IxS sh where
  IZS :: IxS '[]
  (::$) :: Int -> IxS sh -> IxS (n : sh)

data IxX sh where
  IZX :: IxX '[]
  (::@) :: Int -> IxX sh -> IxX (Just n : sh)
  (::?) :: Int -> IxX sh -> IxX (Nothing : sh)

class Elt a
instance                             Elt ()
instance                             Elt Double
instance                             Elt Int
instance (Elt a, Elt b)           => Elt (a, b)
instance (Elt a, KnownINat n)     => Elt (Ranked n a)
instance (Elt a, KnownShape sh)   => Elt (Shaped sh a)
instance (Elt a, KnownShapeX xsh) => Elt (Mixed xsh a)

rgenerate :: Elt a                    => IxR n   -> (IxR n   -> a) -> Ranked n a
sgenerate :: (Elt a, KnownShape sh)   =>            (IxS sh  -> a) -> Shaped sh a
mgenerate :: (Elt a, KnownShapeX xsh) => IxX xsh -> (IxX xsh -> a) -> Mixed xsh a

newtype Ranked n  a = Ranked (Mixed (Replicate n Nothing) a)
newtype Shaped sh a = Shaped (Mixed (MapJust sh)          a)