path: root/test/Arith.hs
diff options
authorTom Smeding <t.j.smeding@uu.nl>2024-08-28 16:10:58 +0200
committerTom Smeding <t.j.smeding@uu.nl>2024-08-28 16:10:58 +0200
commit5a0ce21e12e765125ad8068e919cf97b70df8257 (patch)
treeed38cf21945c6a2b0434c23a35b3136935dbaf0e /test/Arith.hs
parent869be329dd05eede1dd1adb3c3b6ce2340074818 (diff)
Implement sorting of floated expressions
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Arith.hs')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/Arith.hs b/test/Arith.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c34baa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Arith.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
+module Arith where
+import Data.Type.Equality
+import Data.Expr.SharingRecovery
+data Typ t where
+ TInt :: Typ Int
+ TBool :: Typ Bool
+ TPair :: Typ a -> Typ b -> Typ (a, b)
+ TFun :: Typ a -> Typ b -> Typ (a -> b)
+deriving instance Show (Typ t)
+instance TestEquality Typ where
+ testEquality TInt TInt = Just Refl
+ testEquality TBool TBool = Just Refl
+ testEquality (TPair a b) (TPair a' b')
+ | Just Refl <- testEquality a a'
+ , Just Refl <- testEquality b b'
+ = Just Refl
+ testEquality (TFun a b) (TFun a' b')
+ | Just Refl <- testEquality a a'
+ , Just Refl <- testEquality b b'
+ = Just Refl
+ testEquality _ _ = Nothing
+class KnownType t where τ :: Typ t
+instance KnownType Int where τ = TInt
+instance KnownType Bool where τ = TBool
+instance (KnownType a, KnownType b) => KnownType (a, b) where τ = TPair τ τ
+instance (KnownType a, KnownType b) => KnownType (a -> b) where τ = TFun τ τ
+data PrimOp a b where
+ POAddI :: PrimOp (Int, Int) Int
+ POMulI :: PrimOp (Int, Int) Int
+ POEqI :: PrimOp (Int, Int) Bool
+deriving instance Show (PrimOp a b)
+opType2 :: PrimOp a b -> Typ b
+opType2 = \case
+ POAddI -> TInt
+ POMulI -> TInt
+ POEqI -> TBool
+data Fixity = Infix | Prefix
+ deriving (Show)
+primOpPrec :: PrimOp a b -> (Int, (Int, Int))
+primOpPrec POAddI = (6, (6, 7))
+primOpPrec POMulI = (7, (7, 8))
+primOpPrec POEqI = (4, (5, 5))
+prettyPrimOp :: Fixity -> PrimOp a b -> ShowS
+prettyPrimOp fix op =
+ let s = case op of
+ POAddI -> "+"
+ POMulI -> "*"
+ POEqI -> "=="
+ in showString $ case fix of
+ Infix -> s
+ Prefix -> "(" ++ s ++ ")"
+data ArithF r t where
+ A_Prim :: PrimOp a b -> r a -> ArithF r b
+ A_Pair :: r a -> r b -> ArithF r (a, b)
+ A_If :: r Bool -> r a -> r a -> ArithF r a
+deriving instance (forall a. Show (r a)) => Show (ArithF r t)
+instance Functor1 ArithF
+instance Traversable1 ArithF where
+ traverse1 f (A_Prim op x) = A_Prim op <$> f x
+ traverse1 f (A_Pair x y) = A_Pair <$> f x <*> f y
+ traverse1 f (A_If x y z) = A_If <$> f x <*> f y <*> f z
+prettyArithF :: Monad m
+ => (forall a. Int -> BExpr Typ env ArithF a -> m ShowS)
+ -> Int -> ArithF (BExpr Typ env ArithF) t -> m ShowS
+prettyArithF pr d = \case
+ A_Prim op (BOp _ (A_Pair a b)) -> do
+ let (dop, (dopL, dopR)) = primOpPrec op
+ a' <- pr dopL a
+ b' <- pr dopR b
+ return $ showParen (d > dop) $ a' . showString " " . prettyPrimOp Infix op . showString " " . b'
+ A_Prim op (BLet ty rhs e) ->
+ pr d (BLet ty rhs (BOp (opType2 op) (A_Prim op e)))
+ A_Prim op arg -> do
+ arg' <- pr 11 arg
+ return $ showParen (d > 10) $ prettyPrimOp Prefix op . showString " " . arg'
+ A_Pair a b -> do
+ a' <- pr 0 a
+ b' <- pr 0 b
+ return $ showString "(" . a' . showString ", " . b' . showString ")"
+ A_If a b c -> do
+ a' <- pr 0 a
+ b' <- pr 0 b
+ c' <- pr 0 c
+ return $ showParen (d > 0) $ showString "if " . a' . showString " then " . b' . showString " else " . c'