path: root/test/NonBaseTH.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/NonBaseTH.hs')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/NonBaseTH.hs b/test/NonBaseTH.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..712b680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/NonBaseTH.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+module NonBaseTH where
+import Data.List (sort)
+import Language.Haskell.TH
+-- | Define a new GADT that is a base-functor-like version of a given existing
+-- Remember to use 'lookupTypeName' or 'lookupValueName' instead of normal
+-- quotes in case of punning of data types and constructors.
+ :: Name -- ^ Name of the (base-functor-like) data type to define
+ -> Name -- ^ Name of the GADT to process
+ -> [Name] -- ^ Constructors to exclude (chiefly Var, Let, Lam)
+ -> Q [Dec]
+defineBaseAST basename astname excludes = do
+ info <- reify astname
+ (params, constrs) <- case info of
+ TyConI (DataD [] _ params Nothing constrs _) -> return (params, constrs)
+ _ -> fail $ "Unsupported datatype: " ++ pprint astname
+ let recvar = mkName "r"
+ let detectRec :: BangType -> Q (Maybe Type)
+ detectRec (_, field) = _
+ let processConstr con = do
+ (vars, ctx, names, fields, retty) <- case con of
+ ForallC vars ctx (GadtC names fields retty) -> return (vars, ctx, names, fields, retty)
+ GadtC names fields retty -> return ([], [], names, fields, retty)
+ _ -> fail "Unsupported constructors found"
+ checkRetty astname (head names) vars retty
+ _
+ constrs' <- concat <$> traverse processConstr constrs
+ _
+checkRetty :: Name -> Name -> [TyVarBndr a] -> Type -> Q ()
+checkRetty astname consname vars retty = do
+ case splitApps retty of
+ (ConT name, args)
+ | name /= astname -> fail $ "Could not parse return type of constructor " ++ pprint consname
+ | null args -> fail "Expected GADT to have type parameters"
+ | Just varnames <- traverse (\case VarT varname -> Just varname ; _ -> Nothing) (init args)
+ , allDistinct varnames
+ , all (`elem` map bndrName vars) varnames ->
+ return ()
+ | otherwise -> fail $ "All type parameters but the last one must be uniform over all constructors. "
+ ++ "(Return type of constructor " ++ pprint consname ++ ")"
+ _ -> fail $ "Could not parse return type of constructor " ++ pprint consname
+splitApps :: Type -> (Type, [Type])
+splitApps = flip go []
+ where go (AppT t arg) tl = go t (arg : tl)
+ go t tl = (t, tl)
+allDistinct :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
+allDistinct l =
+ let sorted = sort l
+ in all (uncurry (/=)) (zip sorted (drop 1 sorted))
+bndrName :: TyVarBndr a -> Name
+bndrName (PlainTV n _) = n
+bndrName (KindedTV n _ _) = n