path: root/hs/GCStore.hs
diff options
authorTom Smeding <>2023-05-21 22:00:40 +0200
committerTom Smeding <>2023-05-21 22:00:40 +0200
commit0ef6d707911b3cc57a0bee5db33a444237219c29 (patch)
tree0e0a8572924b5d944c77a32d962131a0fe5cbb75 /hs/GCStore.hs
parent164a8d297429d58d216b9fa44e0cb42db5d23e2c (diff)
Find old Haskell implementation on backup diskHEADmaster
GHC 8.0.2 vintage, doesn't compile
Diffstat (limited to 'hs/GCStore.hs')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hs/GCStore.hs b/hs/GCStore.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1e550f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hs/GCStore.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+-- Intended to be imported qualified.
+module GCStore(Store, Id, empty, store, retrieve, update, refcount, ref, deref) where
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+-- import Debug.Trace
+type Id = Int
+data Store a = Store (Map.Map Id (a, Int)) (Set.Set Id) (Set.Set Id)
+ deriving (Show)
+empty :: Store a
+empty = Store Map.empty Set.empty Set.empty
+store :: Show a => Store a -> a -> (Id, Store a)
+store (Store vm fs us) a =
+ let (i, fs') = if Set.null fs
+ then (maybe 1 succ (Set.lookupMax us), fs)
+ else Set.deleteFindMin fs
+ in (i, Store (Map.insert i (a, 1) vm) fs' (Set.insert i us))
+retrieve :: Store a -> Id -> Maybe a
+retrieve (Store vm _ _) i = fst <$> Map.lookup i vm
+update :: Show a => Store a -> Id -> a -> Store a
+update (Store vm fs us) i a =
+ maybe (error $ "GCStore.update on nonexistent id " ++ show i)
+ (\(_, rc) -> Store (Map.insert i (a, rc) vm) fs us)
+ (Map.lookup i vm)
+refcount :: Store a -> Id -> Int
+refcount (Store vm _ _) i = maybe 0 snd $ Map.lookup i vm
+ref :: Store a -> Id -> Store a
+ref (Store vm fs us) i = Store (Map.alter updf i vm) fs us
+ where updf Nothing = error $ "GCStore.ref on nonexistent id " ++ show i
+ updf (Just (a, rc)) = Just (a, rc + 1)
+deref :: Store a -> Id -> Store a
+deref (Store vm fs us) i =
+ maybe (error $ "GCStore.deref on nonexistent id " ++ show i)
+ (\(a, rc) -> if rc == 1
+ then Store (Map.delete i vm) (Set.insert i fs) (Set.delete i us)
+ else Store (Map.insert i (a, rc - 1) vm) fs us)
+ (Map.lookup i vm)