path: root/hs/AST.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hs/AST.hs')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hs/AST.hs b/hs/AST.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a809d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hs/AST.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+module AST where
+import Data.List
+import qualified GCStore as GCS (Id)
+type Name = String
+data Program = Program Block
+ deriving (Show)
+data Block = Block [Statement]
+ deriving (Show)
+data Statement
+ = Declaration Name Expression
+ | Assignment Name Expression
+ | Condition Expression Block Block
+ | Dive Name [Expression] Block
+ | Expr Expression
+ deriving (Show)
+data Expression
+ = EBin BinaryOp Expression Expression
+ | EUn UnaryOp Expression
+ | ELit Literal
+ deriving (Show)
+data Literal
+ = LNum Double
+ | LStr String
+ | LVar Name
+ | LBlock BlockType ArgList Block
+ | LNil
+ deriving (Show)
+type ArgList = [Name]
+data BlockType = BT0 | BT1 | BT2 -- the number of ?'s
+ deriving (Show, Enum, Eq)
+data BinaryOp
+ = BOPlus | BOMinus | BOMul | BODiv | BOMod | BOPow
+ | BOLess | BOGreater | BOEqual | BOLEq | BOGEq
+ | BOBoolAnd | BOBoolOr
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data UnaryOp
+ = UONeg | UONot
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+class ASTPretty a where
+ astPrettyI :: Int -> a -> String
+ astPretty :: a -> String
+ astPretty = astPrettyI 0
+indent :: Int -> String
+indent n = replicate (4*n) ' '
+instance ASTPretty Program where
+ astPrettyI i (Program (Block sts)) =
+ let pr = map (astPrettyI i) sts
+ in intercalate "\n" $ map (uncurry (++)) $ zip ("" : cycle [indent i]) pr
+instance ASTPretty Block where
+ astPrettyI _ (Block []) = "{}"
+ astPrettyI i (Block sts) =
+ let lns = map (('\n' : indent (i+1)) ++) $ map (astPrettyI (i+1)) sts
+ in "{" ++ concat lns ++ "\n" ++ indent i ++ "}"
+instance ASTPretty Statement where
+ astPrettyI i (Declaration n e) = n ++ " := " ++ astPrettyI i e ++ ";"
+ astPrettyI i (Assignment n e) = n ++ " = " ++ astPrettyI i e ++ ";"
+ astPrettyI i (Condition c b1 b2) =
+ "if " ++ astPrettyI i c ++ " " ++ astPrettyI i b1 ++ " else " ++ astPrettyI i b2
+ astPrettyI i (Dive n [] b) = n ++ " " ++ astPrettyI i b
+ astPrettyI i (Dive n al b) =
+ n ++ "(" ++ intercalate ", " (map (astPrettyI i) al) ++ ") " ++ astPrettyI i b
+ astPrettyI i (Expr e) = astPrettyI i e ++ ";"
+instance ASTPretty Expression where
+ astPrettyI i (EBin bo e1 e2) =
+ "(" ++ astPrettyI i e1 ++ ") " ++ astPrettyI i bo ++ " (" ++ astPrettyI i e2 ++ ")"
+ astPrettyI i (EUn uo e) =
+ astPrettyI i uo ++ "(" ++ astPrettyI i e ++ ")"
+ astPrettyI i (ELit l) = astPrettyI i l
+instance ASTPretty Literal where
+ astPrettyI _ (LNum m) = show m
+ astPrettyI _ (LStr s) = show s
+ astPrettyI _ (LVar n) = n
+ astPrettyI i (LBlock bt [] b) = replicate (fromEnum bt) '?' ++ astPrettyI i b
+ astPrettyI i (LBlock bt al b) =
+ replicate (fromEnum bt) '?' ++ "(" ++ intercalate ", " al ++ ")" ++ astPrettyI i b
+ astPrettyI _ (LGCSId d) = "<[" ++ show d ++ "]>"
+ astPrettyI _ LNil = "nil"
+instance ASTPretty BinaryOp where
+ astPrettyI _ bo = case bo of
+ BOPlus -> "+"
+ BOMinus -> "-"
+ BOMul -> "*"
+ BODiv -> "/"
+ BOMod -> "%"
+ BOPow -> "**"
+ BOLess -> "<"
+ BOGreater -> ">"
+ BOEqual -> "=="
+ BOLEq -> "<="
+ BOGEq -> ">="
+ BOBoolAnd -> "&&"
+ BOBoolOr -> "||"
+instance ASTPretty UnaryOp where
+ astPrettyI _ uo = case uo of
+ UONeg -> "-"
+ UONot -> "!"