diff options
authorTom Smeding <>2018-09-01 10:09:43 +0200
committerTom Smeding <>2018-09-01 10:09:43 +0200
commitd68df2d0d847f7d9579df8b48ae95be5e90fa470 (patch)
parent9aabb53bfda096dafebfddaab8df274d82ac01b4 (diff)
hsolve: stronger indirect scratching
3 files changed, 116 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/hsolve/FSu.hs b/hsolve/FSu.hs
index dc0f4c6..7429da2 100644
--- a/hsolve/FSu.hs
+++ b/hsolve/FSu.hs
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ isValidCol :: Arr s Value -> Index -> State s -> ST s Bool
isValidCol arr c st = indexSetNoDups arr [9 * i + c | i <- [0..8]] st
isValidBlock :: Arr s Value -> Index -> State s -> ST s Bool
-isValidBlock arr b st = indexSetNoDups arr [blockOrigin b + 9 * y + x| y <- [0..2], x <- [0..2]] st
+isValidBlock arr b st = indexSetNoDups arr [blockOrigin b + 9 * y + x | y <- [0..2], x <- [0..2]] st
indexSetNoDups :: forall s. Arr s Value -> [Index] -> State s -> ST s Bool
indexSetNoDups arr set st = do
diff --git a/hsolve/Main.hs b/hsolve/Main.hs
index 015cb0f..52a0edd 100644
--- a/hsolve/Main.hs
+++ b/hsolve/Main.hs
@@ -63,15 +63,26 @@ possElem n (Poss l) = 0 <= n && n < 9 && l !! n
possExact1 :: [Poss] -> Poss
possExact1 [] = Poss (replicate 9 False)
-possExact1 ps = Poss $ map (== 1) $ foldl1 (zipWith (+)) $ map (\(Poss p) -> map b2i p) ps
+possExact1 ps =
+ Poss $ map (== 1) $
+ foldl1 (zipWith (+)) $ map (\(Poss p) -> map b2i p) ps
+fullPoss :: Poss
+fullPoss = Poss (replicate 9 True)
+emptyPoss :: Poss
+emptyPoss = Poss (replicate 9 False)
possMakeAllExcept :: Value -> Poss
-possMakeAllExcept n = Poss $ map (\i -> if i == n then False else True) [0..8]
+possMakeAllExcept n =
+ Poss $ map (\i -> if i == n then False else True) [0..8]
possGetIfInOne :: [Poss] -> Value -> Maybe Int
-possGetIfInOne ps n = case concatMap (\(p,i) -> if n `possElem` p then [i] else []) (zip ps [0..]) of
- [i] -> Just i
- _ -> Nothing
+possGetIfInOne ps n =
+ case concatMap (\(p,i) -> if n `possElem` p then [i] else [])
+ (zip ps [0..]) of
+ [i] -> Just i
+ _ -> Nothing
backtrackSolve :: Sudoku -> [Sudoku]
@@ -82,7 +93,10 @@ backtrackSolve (Sudoku l) = do
return $ Sudoku l'
-data Region = Row Int Sudoku | Col Int Sudoku | Block Int Sudoku | Cell Int Sudoku
+data Region = Row Int Sudoku
+ | Col Int Sudoku
+ | Block Int Sudoku
+ | Cell Int Sudoku
deriving (Show, Eq)
rowOf :: Region -> Region
@@ -124,7 +138,8 @@ cellIsIn :: Region -> Region -> Bool
cellIsIn (Cell i _) (Cell j _) = i == j
cellIsIn (Cell i _) (Row r _) = i `div` 9 == r
cellIsIn (Cell i _) (Col c _) = i `mod` 9 == c
-cellIsIn (Cell i _) (Block b _) = (i `mod` 9) `div` 3 == b `mod` 3 && i `div` 27 == b `div` 3
+cellIsIn (Cell i _) (Block b _) =
+ (i `mod` 9) `div` 3 == b `mod` 3 && i `div` 27 == b `div` 3
adaptRegion :: Region -> Sudoku -> Region
adaptRegion (Cell i _) su = Cell i su
@@ -158,7 +173,8 @@ instance HasValues Sudoku where
instance HasValues Region where
values (Cell i su) = maybe [] pure (su `atv` i)
- values reg = concatMap values [cell i reg | i <- indexRange reg] -- row, col, block
+ values reg = -- row, col, block
+ concatMap values [cell i reg | i <- indexRange reg]
class UpdateValue a where
@@ -180,9 +196,18 @@ instance MaskPoss Region where
maskPoss (Cell i su) p = case su `at` i of
Left _ -> su
Right p' -> update i (Right (p `possAnd` p')) su
- maskPoss row@(Row r _) p = sudokuOf $ foldl (\row' i -> Row r $ maskPoss (cell i row') p) row [0..8]
- maskPoss col@(Col c _) p = sudokuOf $ foldl (\col' i -> Col c $ maskPoss (cell i col') p) col [0..8]
- maskPoss blk@(Block b _) p = sudokuOf $ foldl (\blk' i -> Block b $ maskPoss (cell i blk') p) blk [0..8]
+ maskPoss row@(Row r _) p =
+ sudokuOf $ foldl (\row' i -> Row r $ maskPoss (cell i row') p) row [0..8]
+ maskPoss col@(Col c _) p =
+ sudokuOf $ foldl (\col' i -> Col c $ maskPoss (cell i col') p) col [0..8]
+ maskPoss blk@(Block b _) p =
+ sudokuOf $ foldl (\blk' i -> Block b $ maskPoss (cell i blk') p) blk [0..8]
+-- Returns cells in first region that also occur in second region
+intersectReg :: Region -> Region -> [Region]
+intersectReg reg1 reg2 =
+ filter (\c -> c `cellIsIn` reg2) [cell i reg1 | i <- indexRange reg1]
readSudoku :: String -> Sudoku
@@ -196,7 +221,10 @@ writeSudokuGeneric su full =
intercalate "\n"
[testinter n "\n" ++
intercalate " "
- (map (\i -> testinter i " " ++ printone (su `atv` i) ++ printposs (su `atp` i)) [9*n..9*n+8])
+ (map (\i -> testinter i " " ++
+ printone (su `atv` i) ++
+ printposs (su `atp` i))
+ [9*n..9*n+8])
| n <- [0..8]]
printone :: Maybe Value -> String
@@ -225,8 +253,9 @@ writeSudokuDiff su1 su2 =
(if c > 1 && c `mod` 3 == 0 then " " else "")
++ (if c > 1 then " " else "")
++ case (su1 `at` (9 * r + c), su2 `at` (9 * r + c)) of
- (Left v1, Left v2) | v1 == v2 -> show (v2 + 1) ++ printposs pe pe
- | otherwise -> high (show (v2 + 1)) ++ printposs pe pe
+ (Left v1, Left v2)
+ | v1 == v2 -> show (v2 + 1) ++ printposs pe pe
+ | otherwise -> high (show (v2 + 1)) ++ printposs pe pe
(Left _, Right p) -> high ("." ++ printposs p p)
(Right _, Left v) -> high (show (v + 1) ++ printposs pe pe)
(Right p1, Right p2) -> "." ++ printposs p1 p2
@@ -267,9 +296,11 @@ reasonReg (Block b _) = RBlockI b
writeAction :: Action -> String
writeAction (AResolve i n reason) =
- "Resolved cell " ++ actionCellString i ++ " to value " ++ show (n + 1) ++ " (" ++ writeReason reason ++ ")"
+ "Resolved cell " ++ actionCellString i ++ " to value " ++ show (n + 1) ++
+ " (" ++ writeReason reason ++ ")"
writeAction (AScratch i n reason) =
- "Scratched possibility for " ++ show (n + 1) ++ " in cell " ++ actionCellString i ++ " (" ++ writeReason reason ++ ")"
+ "Scratched possibility for " ++ show (n + 1) ++ " in cell " ++ actionCellString i ++
+ " (" ++ writeReason reason ++ ")"
actionCellString :: Int -> String
actionCellString i = "(" ++ show (i `mod` 9) ++ "," ++ show (i `div` 9) ++ ")"
@@ -315,36 +346,70 @@ scratchAroundCell cl@(Cell _ _) =
su3 = scratchPossBasicRegion (blockOf (adaptRegion cl su2))
in su3
-scratchPossIndirectB :: Sudoku -> (Sudoku, [Action])
-scratchPossIndirectB su = runWriter $ foldM bfunc su [0..8]
- where
- bfunc :: Sudoku -> Int -> SM Sudoku
- bfunc su' bi =
- let rowAllowed = flip map [0..2] $
- \i -> [possOf $ cell (3 * i + j) (Block bi su') | j <- [0..2]]
- colAllowed = flip map [0..2] $
- \i -> [possOf $ cell (3 * j + i) (Block bi su') | j <- [0..2]]
- rowIndices = scratchPairsFromAllowed rowAllowed
- colIndices = scratchPairsFromAllowed colAllowed
- in do
- rowsu <- foldM (\su1 (i,n) -> -- i: row number in block; n: value
- scratchInRegionExcept n (rowOf (cell (3 * i) (Block bi su1)))
- (Block bi su1) (RCombine (reasonReg (Block bi su1)) RRow))
- su' rowIndices
- colsu <- foldM (\su1 (i,n) -> -- i: row number in block; n: value
- scratchInRegionExcept n (colOf (cell i (Block bi su1)))
- (Block bi su1) (RCombine (reasonReg (Block bi su1)) RCol))
- rowsu colIndices
- return colsu
- -- return [(index, n)] for all the n that occur in only one blockrow
- scratchPairsFromAllowed :: [[Poss]] -> [(Int, Value)]
- scratchPairsFromAllowed plists =
- let allowed = map (foldl1 possOr) plists
- in catMaybes $
- map (\(mi,n) -> maybe Nothing (\i -> Just (i,n)) mi) $
- -- v [(Just index if n exists in only one blockrow and else Nothing, n)]
- zip (map (possGetIfInOne allowed) [0..8]) [0..8]
+scratchPossIndirectReg :: Region -> [Region] -> SM Sudoku
+scratchPossIndirectReg mainreg intregs' =
+ let intregs = filter (\intreg -> not $ null $ intersectReg mainreg intreg) intregs'
+ su = sudokuOf mainreg
+ intcells = [intersectReg mainreg intreg | intreg <- intregs]
+ alloweds = [foldl possOr emptyPoss (map possOf l) | l <- intcells]
+ valOnlyInWhich = -- [(index, value)] for each value in only one intersection
+ concat [maybe [] (\i -> [(val, i)]) (possGetIfInOne alloweds val)
+ | val <- [0..8]]
+ in foldM (\su1 (i,v) ->
+ scratchInRegionExcept
+ v
+ (adaptRegion (intregs !! i) su1)
+ mainreg
+ (RCombine (reasonReg mainreg) (reasonReg (intregs !! i))))
+ su valOnlyInWhich
+scratchPossIndirect :: Sudoku -> (Sudoku, [Action])
+scratchPossIndirect su =
+ let blocks = [Block i su | i <- [0..8]]
+ rows = [Row i su | i <- [0..8]]
+ cols = [Col i su | i <- [0..8]]
+ params = [(Row i, blocks) | i <- [0..8]] ++
+ [(Col i, blocks) | i <- [0..8]] ++
+ [(Block i, rows) | i <- [0..8]] ++
+ [(Block i, cols) | i <- [0..8]]
+ in runWriter $
+ foldM (\su' (regc, intregs) -> scratchPossIndirectReg (regc su') intregs)
+ su params
+-- scratchPossIndirectB :: Sudoku -> (Sudoku, [Action])
+-- scratchPossIndirectB su = runWriter $ foldM bfunc su [0..8]
+-- where
+-- bfunc :: Sudoku -> Int -> SM Sudoku
+-- bfunc su' bi =
+-- let rowAllowed = flip map [0..2] $
+-- \i -> [possOf $ cell (3 * i + j) (Block bi su') | j <- [0..2]]
+-- colAllowed = flip map [0..2] $
+-- \i -> [possOf $ cell (3 * j + i) (Block bi su') | j <- [0..2]]
+-- rowIndices = scratchPairsFromAllowed rowAllowed
+-- colIndices = scratchPairsFromAllowed colAllowed
+-- in do
+-- rowsu <- foldM (\su1 (i,n) -> -- i: row number in block; n: value
+-- scratchInRegionExcept
+-- n (rowOf (cell (3 * i) (Block bi su1)))
+-- (Block bi su1)
+-- (RCombine (reasonReg (Block bi su1)) RRow))
+-- su' rowIndices
+-- colsu <- foldM (\su1 (i,n) -> -- i: row number in block; n: value
+-- scratchInRegionExcept
+-- n (colOf (cell i (Block bi su1)))
+-- (Block bi su1)
+-- (RCombine (reasonReg (Block bi su1)) RCol))
+-- rowsu colIndices
+-- return colsu
+-- -- return [(index, n)] for all the n that occur in only one blockrow
+-- scratchPairsFromAllowed :: [[Poss]] -> [(Int, Value)]
+-- scratchPairsFromAllowed plists =
+-- let allowed = map (foldl1 possOr) plists
+-- in catMaybes $
+-- map (\(mi,n) -> maybe Nothing (\i -> Just (i,n)) mi) $
+-- -- v [(Just index if n exists in only one blockrow and else Nothing, n)]
+-- zip (map (possGetIfInOne allowed) [0..8]) [0..8]
resolveCells :: Sudoku -> (Sudoku, [Action])
resolveCells su = runWriter $ foldM func su [0..80]
@@ -377,7 +442,7 @@ resolveRegions su = runWriter $ foldM func su [f i | f <- [Row, Col, Block], i <
operations :: [Sudoku -> (Sudoku, [Action])]
operations = [
- scratchPossBasic, scratchPossIndirectB,
+ scratchPossBasic, scratchPossIndirect,
@@ -394,7 +459,7 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
su <- liftM readSudoku getContents
- let useBT = True
+ let useBT = False
btSols = backtrackSolve su
when useBT $
diff --git a/hsolve/ b/hsolve/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0aff88d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hsolve/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+diff -ys -W 43 <(stack exec hsolve <"$1" | tail -12) <(../solve_bt <"$1")