path: root/hsolve/Main.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hsolve/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hsolve/Main.hs b/hsolve/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..015cb0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hsolve/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+module Main where
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Writer
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Either
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import System.Exit
+import qualified FSu
+lupdate :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
+lupdate 0 v (_:xs) = v:xs
+lupdate i v (x:xs) = x : lupdate (i-1) v xs
+lupdate _ _ [] = error "Empty list in lupdate"
+b2i :: Bool -> Int
+b2i = fromEnum
+newtype Sudoku = Sudoku [Either Value Poss] -- length 81
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Value = Int
+newtype Poss = Poss [Bool] -- length 9
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+at :: Sudoku -> Int -> Either Value Poss
+at (Sudoku l) i = l !! i
+atv :: Sudoku -> Int -> Maybe Value
+atv su i = case at su i of
+ Left v -> Just v
+ Right _ -> Nothing
+atp :: Sudoku -> Int -> Poss
+atp su i = case at su i of
+ Left _ -> Poss (replicate 9 False)
+ Right p -> p
+update :: Int -> Either Value Poss -> Sudoku -> Sudoku
+update i v (Sudoku l) = Sudoku $ lupdate i v l
+listPoss :: [Value] -> Poss
+listPoss l = Poss [i `elem` l | i <- [0..8]]
+possList :: Poss -> [Value]
+possList (Poss m) = map snd $ filter fst $ zip m [0..8]
+possAnd :: Poss -> Poss -> Poss
+possAnd (Poss l1) (Poss l2) = Poss (zipWith (&&) l1 l2)
+possOr :: Poss -> Poss -> Poss
+possOr (Poss l1) (Poss l2) = Poss (zipWith (||) l1 l2)
+possElem :: Value -> Poss -> Bool
+possElem n (Poss l) = 0 <= n && n < 9 && l !! n
+possExact1 :: [Poss] -> Poss
+possExact1 [] = Poss (replicate 9 False)
+possExact1 ps = Poss $ map (== 1) $ foldl1 (zipWith (+)) $ map (\(Poss p) -> map b2i p) ps
+possMakeAllExcept :: Value -> Poss
+possMakeAllExcept n = Poss $ map (\i -> if i == n then False else True) [0..8]
+possGetIfInOne :: [Poss] -> Value -> Maybe Int
+possGetIfInOne ps n = case concatMap (\(p,i) -> if n `possElem` p then [i] else []) (zip ps [0..]) of
+ [i] -> Just i
+ _ -> Nothing
+backtrackSolve :: Sudoku -> [Sudoku]
+backtrackSolve (Sudoku l) = do
+ let ml = map (either Just (const Nothing)) l
+ res <- FSu.solve ml
+ let l' = map (maybe (Right (listPoss [0..8])) Left) res
+ return $ Sudoku l'
+data Region = Row Int Sudoku | Col Int Sudoku | Block Int Sudoku | Cell Int Sudoku
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+rowOf :: Region -> Region
+rowOf (Cell i su) = Row (i `div` 9) su
+colOf :: Region -> Region
+colOf (Cell i su) = Col (i `mod` 9) su
+blockOf :: Region -> Region
+blockOf (Cell i su) = Block (3 * (i `div` 27) + (i `mod` 9) `div` 3) su
+valueOf :: Region -> Maybe Value
+valueOf (Cell i su) = su `atv` i
+possOf :: Region -> Poss
+possOf (Cell i su) = su `atp` i
+contentsOf :: Region -> Either Value Poss
+contentsOf (Cell i su) = su `at` i
+indexOf :: Region -> Int
+indexOf (Cell i _) = i
+sudokuOf :: Region -> Sudoku
+sudokuOf (Cell _ su) = su
+sudokuOf (Row _ su) = su
+sudokuOf (Col _ su) = su
+sudokuOf (Block _ su) = su
+indexRange :: Region -> [Int]
+indexRange (Cell _ _) = [0]
+indexRange (Row _ _) = [0..8]
+indexRange (Col _ _) = [0..8]
+indexRange (Block _ _) = [0..8]
+-- Doesn't check sudoku equality
+cellIsIn :: Region -> Region -> Bool
+cellIsIn (Cell i _) (Cell j _) = i == j
+cellIsIn (Cell i _) (Row r _) = i `div` 9 == r
+cellIsIn (Cell i _) (Col c _) = i `mod` 9 == c
+cellIsIn (Cell i _) (Block b _) = (i `mod` 9) `div` 3 == b `mod` 3 && i `div` 27 == b `div` 3
+adaptRegion :: Region -> Sudoku -> Region
+adaptRegion (Cell i _) su = Cell i su
+adaptRegion (Row i _) su = Row i su
+adaptRegion (Col i _) su = Col i su
+adaptRegion (Block i _) su = Block i su
+class HasCells a where
+ cell :: Int -> a -> Region
+instance HasCells Sudoku where
+ cell i su | 0 <= i && i < 81 = Cell i su
+instance HasCells Region where
+ cell i (Row r su) | 0 <= i && i < 9 = Cell (9 * r + i) su
+ cell i (Col c su) | 0 <= i && i < 9 = Cell (9 * i + c) su
+ cell i (Block b su) | 0 <= i && i < 9 =
+ let bx = 3 * (b `mod` 3)
+ by = 3 * (b `div` 3)
+ in Cell (9 * (by + i `div` 3) + bx + i `mod` 3) su
+ cell 0 c@(Cell _ _) = c
+ cell _ _ = undefined
+class HasValues a where
+ values :: a -> [Value]
+instance HasValues Sudoku where
+ values (Sudoku l) = lefts l
+instance HasValues Region where
+ values (Cell i su) = maybe [] pure (su `atv` i)
+ values reg = concatMap values [cell i reg | i <- indexRange reg] -- row, col, block
+class UpdateValue a where
+ updateValue :: Int -> Value -> a -> Sudoku
+instance UpdateValue Sudoku where
+ updateValue i v su = update i (Left v) su
+instance UpdateValue Region where
+ updateValue 0 v (Cell j su) = update j (Left v) su
+ updateValue _ _ (Cell _ _) = undefined
+ updateValue i v reg = updateValue 0 v (cell i reg) -- row, col, block
+class MaskPoss a where
+ maskPoss :: a -> Poss -> Sudoku
+instance MaskPoss Region where
+ maskPoss (Cell i su) p = case su `at` i of
+ Left _ -> su
+ Right p' -> update i (Right (p `possAnd` p')) su
+ maskPoss row@(Row r _) p = sudokuOf $ foldl (\row' i -> Row r $ maskPoss (cell i row') p) row [0..8]
+ maskPoss col@(Col c _) p = sudokuOf $ foldl (\col' i -> Col c $ maskPoss (cell i col') p) col [0..8]
+ maskPoss blk@(Block b _) p = sudokuOf $ foldl (\blk' i -> Block b $ maskPoss (cell i blk') p) blk [0..8]
+readSudoku :: String -> Sudoku
+readSudoku s = Sudoku $ flip map (words s) $ \w -> case w of
+ "." -> Right (Poss $ replicate 9 True)
+ [c] | '1' <= c && c <= '9' -> Left (ord c - ord '1')
+ _ -> error "Invalid sudoku input"
+writeSudokuGeneric :: Sudoku -> Bool -> String
+writeSudokuGeneric su full =
+ intercalate "\n"
+ [testinter n "\n" ++
+ intercalate " "
+ (map (\i -> testinter i " " ++ printone (su `atv` i) ++ printposs (su `atp` i)) [9*n..9*n+8])
+ | n <- [0..8]]
+ where
+ printone :: Maybe Value -> String
+ printone Nothing = "."
+ printone (Just n) = show (n + 1)
+ printposs :: Poss -> String
+ printposs (Poss m) =
+ let s = map snd $ filter fst $ zip m ['1'..'9']
+ padded = replicate (9 - length s) ' ' ++ s
+ in if full then "(" ++ padded ++ ")" else ""
+ testinter :: Int -> String -> String
+ testinter i s = let n = i `mod` 9 in if n > 0 && n `mod` 3 == 0 then s else ""
+writeSudoku :: Sudoku -> String
+writeSudoku su = writeSudokuGeneric su False
+writeSudokuFull :: Sudoku -> String
+writeSudokuFull su = writeSudokuGeneric su True
+writeSudokuDiff :: Sudoku -> Sudoku -> String
+writeSudokuDiff su1 su2 =
+ intercalate "\n" $ flip map [0..8] $ \r ->
+ let line = flip concatMap [0..8] $ \c ->
+ (if c > 1 && c `mod` 3 == 0 then " " else "")
+ ++ (if c > 1 then " " else "")
+ ++ case (su1 `at` (9 * r + c), su2 `at` (9 * r + c)) of
+ (Left v1, Left v2) | v1 == v2 -> show (v2 + 1) ++ printposs pe pe
+ | otherwise -> high (show (v2 + 1)) ++ printposs pe pe
+ (Left _, Right p) -> high ("." ++ printposs p p)
+ (Right _, Left v) -> high (show (v + 1) ++ printposs pe pe)
+ (Right p1, Right p2) -> "." ++ printposs p1 p2
+ in (if r > 1 && r `mod` 3 == 0 then "\n" else "") ++ line
+ where
+ high :: String -> String
+ high s = "\x1B[41;1m" ++ s ++ "\x1B[0m"
+ pe :: Poss
+ pe = listPoss []
+ printposs :: Poss -> Poss -> String
+ printposs (Poss m1) (Poss m2) =
+ let s = flip concatMap [0..8] $ \i -> case (m1 !! i, m2 !! i) of
+ (True, True) -> show (i + 1)
+ (True, False) -> high "."
+ (False, True) -> high (show (i + 1))
+ (False, False) -> " "
+ in "(" ++ s ++ ")"
+data Action = AResolve Int Value Reason
+ | AScratch Int Value Reason
+ deriving (Show)
+data Reason = RCell | RRow | RCol | RBlock
+ | RCellI Int | RRowI Int | RColI Int | RBlockI Int
+ | RCombine Reason Reason
+ deriving (Show)
+type SM = Writer [Action]
+reasonReg :: Region -> Reason
+reasonReg (Cell i _) = RCellI i
+reasonReg (Row r _) = RRowI r
+reasonReg (Col c _) = RColI c
+reasonReg (Block b _) = RBlockI b
+writeAction :: Action -> String
+writeAction (AResolve i n reason) =
+ "Resolved cell " ++ actionCellString i ++ " to value " ++ show (n + 1) ++ " (" ++ writeReason reason ++ ")"
+writeAction (AScratch i n reason) =
+ "Scratched possibility for " ++ show (n + 1) ++ " in cell " ++ actionCellString i ++ " (" ++ writeReason reason ++ ")"
+actionCellString :: Int -> String
+actionCellString i = "(" ++ show (i `mod` 9) ++ "," ++ show (i `div` 9) ++ ")"
+writeReason :: Reason -> String
+writeReason RCell = "cell"
+writeReason RRow = "row"
+writeReason RCol = "column"
+writeReason RBlock = "block"
+writeReason (RCellI i) = "situation in cell " ++ show i
+writeReason (RRowI i) = "situation in row " ++ show i
+writeReason (RColI i) = "situation in column " ++ show i
+writeReason (RBlockI i) = "situation in block " ++ show i
+writeReason (RCombine a b) = writeReason a ++ "; " ++ writeReason b
+scratchInRegionExcept :: Value -> Region -> Region -> Reason -> SM Sudoku
+scratchInRegionExcept val reg except reason =
+ foldM (\su i ->
+ let cl = cell i (adaptRegion reg su)
+ in if cl `cellIsIn` except
+ then return su
+ else if val `possElem` possOf cl
+ then let su' = maskPoss cl (possMakeAllExcept val)
+ in tell [AScratch (indexOf cl) val reason] >> return su'
+ else return su)
+ (sudokuOf reg) (indexRange reg)
+scratchPossBasic :: Sudoku -> (Sudoku, [Action])
+scratchPossBasic su =
+ let su1 = foldl (\su' regc -> scratchPossBasicRegion (regc su'))
+ su (concat [[Row i, Col i, Block i] | i <- [0..8]])
+ in (su1, [])
+scratchPossBasicRegion :: Region -> Sudoku
+scratchPossBasicRegion reg = maskPoss reg (listPoss $ [0..8] \\ values reg)
+scratchAroundCell :: Region -> Sudoku
+scratchAroundCell cl@(Cell _ _) =
+ let su1 = scratchPossBasicRegion (rowOf cl)
+ su2 = scratchPossBasicRegion (colOf (adaptRegion cl su1))
+ su3 = scratchPossBasicRegion (blockOf (adaptRegion cl su2))
+ in su3
+scratchPossIndirectB :: Sudoku -> (Sudoku, [Action])
+scratchPossIndirectB su = runWriter $ foldM bfunc su [0..8]
+ where
+ bfunc :: Sudoku -> Int -> SM Sudoku
+ bfunc su' bi =
+ let rowAllowed = flip map [0..2] $
+ \i -> [possOf $ cell (3 * i + j) (Block bi su') | j <- [0..2]]
+ colAllowed = flip map [0..2] $
+ \i -> [possOf $ cell (3 * j + i) (Block bi su') | j <- [0..2]]
+ rowIndices = scratchPairsFromAllowed rowAllowed
+ colIndices = scratchPairsFromAllowed colAllowed
+ in do
+ rowsu <- foldM (\su1 (i,n) -> -- i: row number in block; n: value
+ scratchInRegionExcept n (rowOf (cell (3 * i) (Block bi su1)))
+ (Block bi su1) (RCombine (reasonReg (Block bi su1)) RRow))
+ su' rowIndices
+ colsu <- foldM (\su1 (i,n) -> -- i: row number in block; n: value
+ scratchInRegionExcept n (colOf (cell i (Block bi su1)))
+ (Block bi su1) (RCombine (reasonReg (Block bi su1)) RCol))
+ rowsu colIndices
+ return colsu
+ -- return [(index, n)] for all the n that occur in only one blockrow
+ scratchPairsFromAllowed :: [[Poss]] -> [(Int, Value)]
+ scratchPairsFromAllowed plists =
+ let allowed = map (foldl1 possOr) plists
+ in catMaybes $
+ map (\(mi,n) -> maybe Nothing (\i -> Just (i,n)) mi) $
+ -- v [(Just index if n exists in only one blockrow and else Nothing, n)]
+ zip (map (possGetIfInOne allowed) [0..8]) [0..8]
+resolveCells :: Sudoku -> (Sudoku, [Action])
+resolveCells su = runWriter $ foldM func su [0..80]
+ where
+ func :: Sudoku -> Int -> SM Sudoku
+ func su' i = case possList (su' `atp` i) of
+ [n] -> do
+ tell [AResolve i n RCell]
+ let su1 = updateValue i n su'
+ return $ scratchAroundCell (cell i su1)
+ _ -> return su'
+resolveRegions :: Sudoku -> (Sudoku, [Action])
+resolveRegions su = runWriter $ foldM func su [f i | f <- [Row, Col, Block], i <- [0..8]]
+ where
+ func :: Sudoku -> (Sudoku -> Region) -> SM Sudoku
+ func su' regc =
+ foldM (\su1 n ->
+ let reg = regc su1
+ ps = map possOf [cell i reg | i <- indexRange reg]
+ in case possGetIfInOne ps n of
+ Nothing -> return su1
+ Just i -> do
+ let su_i = indexOf (cell i reg)
+ tell [AResolve su_i n (reasonReg reg)]
+ let su2 = updateValue i n reg
+ return $ scratchAroundCell (cell su_i su2))
+ su' [0..8]
+operations :: [Sudoku -> (Sudoku, [Action])]
+operations = [
+ scratchPossBasic, scratchPossIndirectB,
+ resolveCells,
+ resolveRegions]
+solve :: Sudoku -> [(Sudoku, [Action])]
+solve su =
+ let l = tail $ go su operations
+ (su', _) = last l
+ in if su' == su then [] else l ++ solve su'
+ where
+ go :: Sudoku -> [Sudoku -> (Sudoku, [Action])] -> [(Sudoku, [Action])]
+ go su1 ops = scanl (\(su2, _) op -> op su2) (su1, []) ops
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ su <- liftM readSudoku getContents
+ let useBT = True
+ btSols = backtrackSolve su
+ when useBT $
+ case btSols of
+ [] -> do
+ die "Cannot solve sudoku using backtracking"
+ list -> do
+ putStrLn $ "Backtracking gave " ++ show (length list) ++ " solutions:"
+ forM_ list $ \res -> do
+ putStrLn $ writeSudoku res
+ putStr "\n"
+ let reslist = (su, []) : solve su
+ suRes = fst (last reslist)
+ putStrLn (writeSudokuFull su)
+ mapM_ (\((su', acts), (prevsu, _)) -> do
+ putStr "\n\n"
+ mapM_ (putStrLn . writeAction) acts
+ -- print acts
+ putStrLn (writeSudokuDiff prevsu su'))
+ (zip (tail reslist) reslist)
+ putStrLn (writeSudoku suRes)
+ putStr "\n"
+ when useBT $
+ when (length btSols /= 1 || suRes /= btSols !! 0) $
+ die "Incorrectly solved!"