path: root/treetree.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'treetree.js')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/treetree.js b/treetree.js
index 2b186ae..d0d863e 100755
--- a/treetree.js
+++ b/treetree.js
@@ -47,16 +47,23 @@ function extractCmd(code,startat){
var i;
while((code[startat]==" "||code[startat]=="\t"||code[startat]=="\n")&&startat<code.length)startat++;
if(startat==code.length)return false;
- if(code[startat]=='"'||code[startat]=="'"||code[startat]=="{"){
+ if(code[startat]=='"'){ //string
var term;
- if(code[i]==code[startat]||(code[startat]=="{"&&code[i]=="}"))break;
+ if(code[i]=="\"")break;
- if(code[startat]=="'"||code[startat]=="{")return extractCmd(code,i+1); //'this is a comment,' {and this too.}
return [["str",term],i+1];
- } else if(code[startat].match(/[0-9]|-|\./)){
+ } else if(code[startat]=="'"||code[startat]=="{"){ //comment
+ var term;
+ term="";
+ for(i=startat+1;i<code.length;i++){
+ if((code[startat]=="{"&&code[i]=="}")||(code[startat]=="'"&&code[i]=="\n"))break;
+ term+=code[i];
+ }
+ return extractCmd(code,i+1); //{this is a comment,} 'and the rest of the line now too
+ } else if(code[startat].match(/[0-9]|-|\./)){ //number
var neg,dot;
@@ -70,17 +77,17 @@ function extractCmd(code,startat){
return [[dot?"flt":"int",parseFloat(code.slice(startat,i))],i];
- } else if(code[startat]=="#"){
+ } else if(code[startat]=="#"){ //labeldef
var term;
if(code[i]==" "||code[i]=="\t"||code[i]=="\n")break;
return [["lbl",code.slice(startat+1,i)],i];
- } else if(code[startat]=="@"){
+ } else if(code[startat]=="@"){ //labelref
var term;
if(code[i]==" "||code[i]=="\t"||code[i]=="\n")break;
return [["ref",code.slice(startat+1,i)],i];
- } else {
+ } else { //command or shit
var term;
if(code.length-startat<3)throw new Error("Invalid command '"+code.slice(startat)+"' at end of code with less than 3 characters!");
@@ -302,9 +309,45 @@ function runCmds(cmds,TR){
else TR=[TR[0].length,TR,false];
case "SPL":
- throw new TTerror("SPL not implemented!");
+ if(TR==false)throw new TTerror("Cannot SPL with a non-existant root node!");
+ if(TR[1]==false)throw new TTerror("No string in tree for SPL!");
+ if(TR[2]!=false||TR[1][2]!=false)throw new TTerror("Unexpected secondary children while SPL'ing!");
+ if(typeof TR[0]!="number"||TR[0]!=~~TR[0])throw new TTerror("Root node is not an integer in SPL!");
+ if(typeof TR[1][0]!="string")throw new TTerror("Root's primary child is not a string in SPL!");
+ if(TR[0]<0||TR[0]>TR[1][0].length)throw new TTerror("Invalid split position "+TR[0]+" in SPL!");
+ if(TR[0]==0)TR[0]="";
+ else {
+ TR[0]=TR[1][0].slice(0,TR[0]);
+ TR[1][0]=TR[1][0].slice(TR[0]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "SUM":
+ var total,item,addto;
+ if(TR==false||TR[1]==false)throw new TTerror("Not enough tree items in SUM!");
+ if(TR[2]!=false&&TR[1][2]!=false)throw new TTerror("Only one base node can have secondary children in SUM!");
+ if(TR[2]==false&&TR[1][2]==false){
+ TR[0]+=TR[1][0];
+ TR[1]=TR[1][1];
+ break;
+ }
+ if(TR[2]!=false){
+ addto=TR[1][0];
+ TR[1]=TR[1][1];
+ TR[0]=TR[0]+addto;
+ for(item=TR[2];item!=false;item=TR[2]){
+ if(item[1]!=false)throw new TTerror("No primary children allowed in chain of secondary children (in SUM)!");
+ item[0]=item[0]+addto;
+ }
+ } else {
+ addto=TR[0];
+ TR=TR[1];
+ TR[0]=addto+TR[0];
+ for(item=TR[2];item!=false;item=TR[2]){
+ if(item[1]!=false)throw new TTerror("No primary children allowed in chain of secondary children (in SUM)!");
+ item[0]=addto+item[0];
+ }
+ }
- case "SUM":break;
case "DIF":break;
case "PRO":break;
case "QUO":break;
@@ -326,7 +369,7 @@ function runCmds(cmds,TR){
case "TAU":break;
case "E__":break;
case "RND":
- TR=[~~(Math.pow(2,31)*Math.random()),TR,false];
+ TR=[~~(/*Math.pow(2,31)*/10*Math.random()),TR,false];
case "JMP":break;
case "EXJ":break;
@@ -373,14 +416,14 @@ this node) and the third containing the second child. An absent child is of
course indicated with the literal value `false`.
For example, the following program:
1 2 3 SWP 4
-makes the tree (*'s indicating absence of children, / is a primary child, --
+makes the tree (*'s indicating absence of children, | is a primary child, --
is a secondary child):
- 4 *
- /
- 3--2 *
- * /
- 1 *
- *
+* |
+ 1*
+ *
and is represented in `TR` like: