path: root/src/Haskell/TypeCheck.hs
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1 files changed, 55 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haskell/TypeCheck.hs b/src/Haskell/TypeCheck.hs
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+++ b/src/Haskell/TypeCheck.hs
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+module Haskell.TypeCheck (typeCheck) where
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Haskell.AST
+typeCheck :: (Eq a, TypeCheck a) => a -> Either String a
+typeCheck initVal = go initVal Map.empty
+ where
+ go value mapping = do
+ value2 <- annotate mapping value
+ if value2 == value then return value else go value2 mapping
+class TypeCheck a where
+ annotate :: Map.Map String Type -> a -> Either String a
+instance TypeCheck AST where
+ annotate mapping (AST tops) = AST <$> mapM (annotate mapping) tops
+instance TypeCheck Toplevel where
+ annotate mapping (TopDef x) = TopDef <$> annotate mapping x
+ annotate _ (TopDecl x) = return $ TopDecl x
+ annotate _ (TopData x) = return $ TopData x
+ annotate _ (TopClass x) = return $ TopClass x
+ annotate mapping (TopInst x) = TopInst <$> annotate mapping x
+instance TypeCheck Def where
+ annotate mapping (Def name expr) = Def name <$> annotate mapping expr
+instance TypeCheck Inst where
+ annotate mapping (Inst name ty defs) = Inst name ty <$> mapM (annotate mapping) defs
+-- TODO: Just passing mappings around is not sufficient; the typechecking
+-- needs to be done on the whole environment at once, and dynamically
+-- updating the mapping as it goes. In fact, I'd probably do better just
+-- looking up how the simplest possible implementation of Hindley-Miller
+-- goes, stripping away most classes, and then implementing that.
+instance TypeCheck Expr where
+ annotate mapping (App func' [] _) = annotate mapping func'
+ annotate mapping (App func' [arg'] _) = do
+ func <- annotate mapping func'
+ arg <- annotate mapping arg'
+ case typeApply (typeOf func) (typeOf arg) of
+ Just ty -> return $ App func [arg] (Just ty)
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Cannot apply argument of type " ++ show (typeOf arg) ++
+ " to function of type " ++ show (typeOf func)
+ annotate mapping (App func' (arg':args') _) =
+ combineApps <$> annotate mapping (App (App func' [arg'] Nothing) args' Nothing)
+ -- annotate mapping (Ref )
+combineApps :: Expr -> Expr
+combineApps (App (App f as1 _) as2 ty) = combineApps (App f (as1 ++ as2) ty)
+combineApps e = recurse id combineApps e