path: root/modules/changes
diff options
authortomsmeding <>2016-09-13 11:43:06 +0200
committertomsmeding <>2016-09-13 11:44:11 +0200
commitf00ba92ed2cc1a9c24ad783e83525d1b5a85b857 (patch)
tree4d1c00a47c7f3842bcf3dece83d3c00ed3ae459f /modules/changes
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/changes')
2 files changed, 420 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/changes/changes.html b/modules/changes/changes.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cda3da1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/changes/changes.html
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset="utf-8">
+<title>Website change monitor</title>
+"use strict";
+var urls=[];
+function pad(s,n,c){
+ s=s+"";
+ if(!c)c="0";
+ var fill=c,filllen=n-s.length;
+ if(filllen<=0)return s;
+ while(fill.length<filllen)fill+=c;
+ return fill+s;
+function dateformat(date){
+ return date.getFullYear()+"/"+pad(date.getMonth(),2)+"/"+pad(date.getDate(),2)+" "+
+ pad(date.getHours(),2)+":"+pad(date.getMinutes(),2)+":"+pad(date.getSeconds(),2);
+function fetch(method,url,data/*?*/,cb){
+ if(!cb){
+ cb=data;
+ data=undefined;
+ if(!cb)throw new Error("No callback passed to fetch");
+ }
+ var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.onreadystatechange=function(ev){
+ if(xhr.readyState<4)return;
+ cb(xhr.status,xhr.responseText);
+ };
+ xhr.send(data);
+function focusData(data){
+ document.getElementById("timelinecontainer").classList.add("visible");
+ var header=document.getElementById("timelineheader");
+ var tbody=document.getElementById("timelinetbody");
+ if(!header.firstChild)header.appendChild(document.createTextNode(data.url));
+ else header.firstChild.nodeValue=data.url;
+ var l=tbody.children,i;
+ for(i=l.length-1;i>=0;i--)tbody.removeChild(l[i]);
+ var tr,td,s;
+ for(i=data.timeline.length-1;i>=0;i--){
+ tr=document.createElement("tr");
+ if(i<data.timeline.length-1&&data.timeline[i][1]==data.timeline[i+1][1]){
+ tr.classList.add("repeated");
+ }
+ td=document.createElement("td");
+ td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(dateformat(new Date(data.timeline[i][0]))));
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ td=document.createElement("td");
+ s=data.timeline[i][1];
+ if(s==null)s="(error while retrieving page)";
+ td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s));
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ tbody.appendChild(tr);
+ }
+function makeURLtr(url){
+ var tr=document.createElement("tr");
+ var td=document.createElement("td");
+ td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(url));
+ var e=document.createElement("input");
+ e.type="button";
+ e.classList.add("rowdeletebutton");
+ e.value="X";
+ e.setAttribute("title","Delete URL");
+ e.addEventListener("click",function(ev){
+ ev.stopPropagation();
+ fetch("DELETE","/changes/url",url,function(status,body){
+ if(document.getElementById("timelineheader").firstChild.nodeValue==url){
+ document.getElementById("timelinecontainer").classList.remove("visible");
+ }
+ if(status!=200){
+ alert("Error deleting url: ("+status+") "+body);
+ return;
+ }
+ tr.parentNode.removeChild(tr);
+ updateURLs();
+ });
+ });
+ td.appendChild(e);
+ tr.addEventListener("click",function(ev){
+ fetch("GET","/changes/url?url="+encodeURIComponent(url),function(status,body){
+ if(status!=200){
+ alert("Error getting data: ("+status+") "+body);
+ return;
+ }
+ var data;
+ try {
+ data=JSON.parse(body);
+ } catch(e){
+ alert("Server sent invalid data!");
+ console.log("Invalid data:",data);
+ return;
+ }
+ focusData(data);
+ });
+ });
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ return tr;
+function updateURLs(){
+ fetch("GET","/changes/urls",function(status,body){
+ urls=JSON.parse(body);
+ if(!urls){
+ urls=[];
+ alert("Error retrieving URLs!");
+ return;
+ }
+ var tbody=document.getElementById("urlstable").firstElementChild;
+ var l=tbody.children,i,tr,td;
+ for(i=l.length-1;i>=0;i--)tbody.removeChild(l[i]);
+ for(i=0;i<urls.length;i++){
+ tbody.appendChild(makeURLtr(urls[i]));
+ }
+ });
+function addURLbutton(){
+ var e=document.getElementById("urladdinput");
+ var url=e.value;
+ fetch("POST","/changes/url",url,function(status,body){
+ if(status==200){
+ e.value="";
+ } else {
+ alert("URL submission error: ("+status+") "+body);
+ }
+ updateURLs();
+ });
+function addURLkeypress(ev){
+ if(ev.keyCode==10||ev.keyCode==13)addURLbutton();
+function sendRefresh(){
+ fetch("POST","/changes/refresh",function(status,body){});
+ updateURLs();
+ //setInterval(updateURLs,10*1000);
+ font-family:Georgia,Times,serif;
+ font-size:14px;
+ /*font-size:28px;*/
+ /*margin:19px 0 19px 0;*/
+ width:500px;
+ height:130px;
+ border:1px #888 solid;
+ overflow-y:scroll;
+ width:100%;
+ border-collapse:collapse;
+#urlstable tbody, #urlstable tr, #urlstable td{
+ width:100%;
+#urlstable tr{
+ cursor:pointer;
+#urlstable tr:hover{
+ background-color:#ddd;
+#urlstable tr:nth-child(2n){
+ background-color:#eee;
+#urlstable td{
+ height:100%;
+ vertical-align:middle;
+ width:300px;
+ color:red;
+ font-family:Monospace;
+ font-weight:bold;
+ float:right;
+ cursor:pointer;
+ padding:0 3px 0 3px;
+ background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);
+ border-radius:2px;
+ border-width:0;
+ border-collapse:collapse;
+#timelinetbl td, #timelinetbl th{
+ border:1px #888 solid;
+ color:#aaa;
+ font-size:10px;
+ display:none;
+ display:block;
+<h1>Website change monitor</h1>
+<input type="button" onclick="sendRefresh();" value="Redownload sites">
+ <div id="urlscontainer">
+ <div id="urlstablecontainer">
+ <table id="urlstable"><tbody></tbody></table>
+ </div>
+ <input type="text" id="urladdinput" onkeypress="addURLkeypress(event);">
+ <input type="button" onclick="addURLbutton();" value="Add URL" title="Add URL to watch list">
+ </div>
+<div id="timelinecontainer">
+ <h2 id="timelineheader"></h2>
+ <table id="timelinetbl">
+ <thead><tr><th>Date</th><th>Hash</th></tr></thead>
+ <tbody id="timelinetbody"></tbody>
+ </table>
diff --git a/modules/changes/changes.js b/modules/changes/changes.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a8c8f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/changes/changes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+"use strict";
+var cmn=require("../$common.js"),
+ persist=require("node-persist"),
+ crypto=require("crypto"),
+ http=require("http"),
+ https=require("https"),
+ URL=require("url");
+var moddir=null;
+ dir:"persist/changes",
+ continuous:false,
+ interval:false
+//urls: map(url => URLobject)
+//url: String
+//URLobject: {url, timeline: [[Date, hash]]}
+var urls=persist.getItemSync("urls");
+ urls={};
+ persist.setItemSync("urls",urls);
+function URLobject(url){
+ if(!(this instanceof URLobject))return new URLobject(url);
+ this.url=url;
+ this.timeline=[];
+function fetch(method,url,data/*?*/,cb){
+ var cbcalled=false;
+ if(!cb){
+ cb=data;
+ data=undefined;
+ if(!cb)throw new Error("No callback passed to fetch");
+ }
+ try {
+ url=URL.parse(url);
+ } catch(e){
+ cb(-1,null);
+ return;
+ }
+ var httpclass;
+ switch(url.protocol){
+ case "http:": httpclass=http; break;
+ case "https:": httpclass=https; break;
+ default:
+ cb(-1,null);
+ return;
+ }
+ url.method=method;
+ var req=httpclass.request(url,function(res){
+ var body="";
+ res.on("data",function(data){
+ body+=data;
+ });
+ res.on("end",function(){
+ if(!cbcalled)cb(res.statusCode,body);
+ cbcalled=true;
+ });
+ res.on("error",function(err){
+ if(!cbcalled)cb(-1,err);
+ cbcalled=true;
+ });
+ });
+ req.on("error",function(err){
+ if(!cbcalled)cb(-1,err);
+ cbcalled=true;
+ });
+ if(data)req.write(data);
+ req.end();
+function refreshURLs(){
+ var hashes={};
+ var i;
+ var url;
+ var timeout=null;
+ for(url in urls){
+ console.log("Fetching <"+url+">");
+ fetch("GET",url,function(url,status,body){
+ console.log("Got <"+url+">; status = "+status);
+ if(status==-1){
+ hashes[url]=[new Date(),null];
+ } else {
+ var hash=crypto.createHash("sha256");
+ hash.update(body);
+ hashes[url]=[new Date(),hash.digest("hex")];
+ }
+ if(!urls[url]){
+ console.log("WARNING: url <"+url+"> from hashes not found in urls!");
+ return;
+ }
+ //var last=urls[url].timeline[urls[url].timeline.length-1];
+ //if(last==undefined||hashes[url][1]==null||hashes[url][1]!=last[1]){
+ urls[url].timeline.push(hashes[url]);
+ //}
+ if(timeout)clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout=setTimeout(function(){
+ persist.setItemSync("urls",urls);
+ console.log("(persisted after refresh)")
+ },2000);
+ }.bind(null,url));
+ }
+ moddir=_moddir;
+ app.all(["/changes","/changes/*"],cmn.authgen());
+ app.get("/changes",function(req,res){
+ res.sendFile(moddir+"/changes.html");
+ });
+ app.get("/changes/urls",function(req,res){
+ var list=[];
+ var url;
+ for(url in urls)list.push(url);
+ res.send(JSON.stringify(list));
+ });
+ app.get("/changes/url",function(req,res){
+ var url=req.query.url;
+ if(!urls[url]){
+ res.status(404);
+ res.send("URL not found in watch list");
+ return;
+ }
+ res.send(JSON.stringify(urls[url]));
+ });
+ var url=req.body;
+ urls[url]=new URLobject(url);
+ persist.setItemSync("urls",urls);
+ // refreshURLs();
+ res.send();
+ });
+ app.delete("/changes/url",function(req,res){
+ var url=req.body;
+ if(!urls[url]){
+ res.status(404);
+ res.send("URL not found in watch list");
+ return;
+ }
+ delete urls[url];
+ persist.setItemSync("urls",urls);
+ res.send();
+ });
+ refreshURLs();
+ res.send();
+ });