path: root/vendor/irc-client/Network/IRC/Client/Events.hs
diff options
authorTom Smeding <tom@tomsmeding.com>2023-10-15 21:41:13 +0200
committerTom Smeding <tom@tomsmeding.com>2023-10-15 21:41:13 +0200
commit5976161a7649cca7cd56d4335316179031a364ab (patch)
treea60a581f85267bbd6b2b09882b69c87ea219f255 /vendor/irc-client/Network/IRC/Client/Events.hs
parenta81f43ed91e15c9c57e65f04dd46f988cfb68f7b (diff)
Vendor in irc-clientHEADmaster
Also: - Make irc-client decode incoming UTF8 leniently - Remove some redundant imports - Switch to GHC 9.4.7
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/irc-client/Network/IRC/Client/Events.hs')
1 files changed, 328 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/irc-client/Network/IRC/Client/Events.hs b/vendor/irc-client/Network/IRC/Client/Events.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c55e055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/irc-client/Network/IRC/Client/Events.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : Network.IRC.Client.Events
+-- Copyright : (c) 2017 Michael Walker
+-- License : MIT
+-- Maintainer : Michael Walker <mike@barrucadu.co.uk>
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- Portability : CPP, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes
+-- Events and event handlers. When a message is received from the
+-- server, all matching handlers are executed sequentially in the
+-- order that they appear in the 'handlers' list.
+module Network.IRC.Client.Events
+ ( -- * Handlers
+ EventHandler(..)
+ , matchCTCP
+ , matchNumeric
+ , matchType
+ , matchWhen
+ -- * Default handlers
+ , defaultEventHandlers
+ , defaultOnConnect
+ , defaultOnDisconnect
+ -- ** Individual handlers
+ , pingHandler
+ , kickHandler
+ , ctcpPingHandler
+ , ctcpVersionHandler
+ , ctcpTimeHandler
+ , welcomeNick
+ , joinOnWelcome
+ , joinHandler
+ , nickMangler
+ -- * Re-exported
+ , Event(..)
+ , Message(..)
+ , Source(..)
+ , module Network.IRC.Conduit.Lens
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
+import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, modifyTVar, readTVar)
+import Control.Monad.Catch (SomeException, fromException,
+ throwM)
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
+import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Text (Text, breakOn, takeEnd, toUpper)
+import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
+import Data.Time.Format (formatTime)
+import Network.IRC.Conduit (Event(..), Message(..),
+ Source(..))
+import Network.IRC.Conduit.Lens
+import Network.IRC.CTCP (fromCTCP)
+#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
+import Data.Time.Format (defaultTimeLocale)
+import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Network.IRC.Client.Internal
+import Network.IRC.Client.Lens
+import Network.IRC.Client.Utils
+-- Handlers
+-- | Match the verb of a CTCP, ignoring case, and returning the arguments.
+-- > matchCTCP "ping" ":foo PRIVMSG #bar :\001PING\001" ==> Just []
+-- > matchCTCP "PING" ":foo PRIVMSG #bar :\001PING\001" ==> Just []
+-- > matchCTCP "ACTION" ":foo PRIVMSG #bar :\001ACTION dances\001" ==> Just ["dances"]
+matchCTCP :: Text -> Event Text -> Maybe [Text]
+matchCTCP verb ev = case _message ev of
+ Privmsg _ (Left ctcpbs) ->
+ let (v, args) = fromCTCP ctcpbs
+ in if toUpper verb == toUpper v
+ then Just args
+ else Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- | Match a numeric server message. Numeric messages are sent in
+-- response to most things, such as connecting to the server, or
+-- joining a channel.
+-- Numerics in the range 001 to 099 are informative messages, numerics
+-- in the range 200 to 399 are responses to commands. Some common
+-- numerics are:
+-- - 001 (RPL_WELCOME), sent after successfully connecting.
+-- - 331 (RPL_NOTOPIC), sent after joining a channel if it has no
+-- topic.
+-- - 332 (RPL_TOPIC), sent after joining a channel if it has a
+-- topic.
+-- - 432 (ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME), sent after trying to change to an
+-- invalid nick.
+-- - 433 (ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE), sent after trying to change to a nick
+-- already in use.
+-- - 436 (ERR_NICKCOLLISION), sent after trying to change to a nick
+-- in use on another server.
+-- See Section 5 of @<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2812#section-5
+-- RFC 2812>@ for a complete list.
+-- > matchNumeric 001 "001 :Welcome to irc.example.com" ==> True
+-- > matchNumeric 332 "332 :#haskell: We like Haskell" ==> True
+matchNumeric :: Int -> Event a -> Maybe [a]
+matchNumeric num ev = case _message ev of
+ Numeric n args | num == n -> Just args
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- | Match events of the given type. Refer to
+-- "Network.IRC.Conduit.Lens#Message" for the list of 'Prism''s.
+-- > matchType _Privmsg ":foo PRIVMSG #bar :hello world" ==> Just ("#bar", Right "hello world")
+-- > matchType _Quit ":foo QUIT :goodbye world" ==> Just (Just "goodbye world")
+matchType :: Prism' (Message a) b -> Event a -> Maybe b
+matchType k = preview k . _message
+-- | Match a predicate against an event.
+-- > matchWhen (const True) ":foo PRIVMSG #bar :hello world" ==> Just ":foo PRIVMSG :hello world"
+matchWhen :: (Event a -> Bool) -> Event a -> Maybe (Message a)
+matchWhen p ev | p ev = Just (_message ev)
+matchWhen _ _ = Nothing
+-- Default handlers
+-- | The default event handlers, the following are included:
+-- - respond to server @PING@ messages with a @PONG@;
+-- - respond to CTCP @PING@ requests;
+-- - respond to CTCP @VERSION@ requests with the version string;
+-- - respond to CTCP @TIME@ requests with the system time;
+-- - update the nick upon receiving the welcome message, in case the
+-- server modifies it;
+-- - mangle the nick if the server reports a collision;
+-- - update the channel list on @JOIN@ and @KICK@.
+defaultEventHandlers :: [EventHandler s]
+defaultEventHandlers =
+ [ pingHandler
+ , kickHandler
+ , ctcpPingHandler
+ , ctcpTimeHandler
+ , ctcpVersionHandler
+ , welcomeNick
+ , joinOnWelcome
+ , joinHandler
+ , nickMangler
+ ]
+-- | The default connect handler: set the nick.
+defaultOnConnect :: IRC s ()
+defaultOnConnect = do
+ iconf <- snapshot instanceConfig =<< getIRCState
+ send . Nick $ get nick iconf
+-- | The default disconnect handler
+-- - If the client disconnected due to a 'Timeout' exception, reconnect.
+-- - If the client disconnected due to another exception, rethrow it.
+-- - If the client disconnected without an exception, halt.
+defaultOnDisconnect :: Maybe SomeException -> IRC s ()
+defaultOnDisconnect (Just exc) = case fromException exc of
+ Just Timeout -> reconnect
+ Nothing -> throwM exc
+defaultOnDisconnect Nothing = pure ()
+-- Individual handlers
+-- | Respond to server @PING@ messages with a @PONG@.
+pingHandler :: EventHandler s
+pingHandler = EventHandler (matchType _Ping) $ \_ (s1, s2) ->
+ send . Pong $ fromMaybe s1 s2
+-- | Respond to CTCP @PING@ requests.
+ctcpPingHandler :: EventHandler s
+ctcpPingHandler = EventHandler (matchCTCP "PING") $ \src args -> case src of
+ User n -> send $ ctcpReply n "PING" args
+ _ -> pure ()
+-- | Respond to CTCP @VERSION@ requests with the version string.
+ctcpVersionHandler :: EventHandler s
+ctcpVersionHandler = EventHandler (matchCTCP "VERSION") $ \src _ -> case src of
+ User n -> do
+ ver <- get version <$> (snapshot instanceConfig =<< getIRCState)
+ send $ ctcpReply n "VERSION" [ver]
+ _ -> pure ()
+-- | Respond to CTCP @TIME@ requests with the system time.
+ctcpTimeHandler :: EventHandler s
+ctcpTimeHandler = EventHandler (matchCTCP "TIME") $ \src _ -> case src of
+ User n -> do
+ now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ send $ ctcpReply n "TIME" [T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%c" now]
+ _ -> pure ()
+-- | Update the nick upon welcome (numeric reply 001), as it may not
+-- be what we requested (eg, in the case of a nick too long).
+welcomeNick :: EventHandler s
+welcomeNick = EventHandler (matchNumeric 001) $ \_ args -> case args of
+ (srvNick:_) -> do
+ tvarI <- get instanceConfig <$> getIRCState
+ liftIO . atomically $
+ modifyTVar tvarI (set nick srvNick)
+ [] -> pure ()
+-- | Join default channels upon welcome (numeric reply 001). If sent earlier,
+-- the server might reject the JOIN attempts.
+joinOnWelcome :: EventHandler s
+joinOnWelcome = EventHandler (matchNumeric 001) $ \_ _ -> do
+ iconf <- snapshot instanceConfig =<< getIRCState
+ mapM_ (send . Join) $ get channels iconf
+-- | Mangle the nick if there's a collision (numeric replies 432, 433,
+-- and 436) when we set it
+nickMangler :: EventHandler s
+nickMangler = EventHandler (\ev -> matcher 432 fresh ev <|> matcher 433 mangle ev <|> matcher 436 mangle ev) $ \_ -> uncurry go
+ where
+ matcher num f ev = case _message ev of
+ Numeric n args | num == n -> Just (f, args)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ go f (_:srvNick:_) = do
+ theNick <- get nick <$> (snapshot instanceConfig =<< getIRCState)
+ -- If the length of our nick and the server's idea of our nick
+ -- differ, it was truncated - so calculate the allowable length.
+ let nicklen = if T.length srvNick /= T.length theNick
+ then Just $ T.length srvNick
+ else Nothing
+ setNick . trunc nicklen $ f srvNick
+ go _ _ = return ()
+ fresh n = if T.length n' == 0 then "f" else n'
+ where n' = T.filter isAlphaNum n
+ mangle n = (n <> "1") `fromMaybe` charsubst n
+ -- Truncate a nick, if there is a known length limit.
+ trunc len txt = maybe txt (`takeEnd` txt) len
+ -- List of substring substitutions. It's important that these
+ -- don't contain any loops!
+ charsubst = transform [ ("i", "1")
+ , ("I", "1")
+ , ("l", "1")
+ , ("L", "1")
+ , ("o", "0")
+ , ("O", "0")
+ , ("A", "4")
+ , ("0", "1")
+ , ("1", "2")
+ , ("2", "3")
+ , ("3", "4")
+ , ("4", "5")
+ , ("5", "6")
+ , ("6", "7")
+ , ("7", "8")
+ , ("8", "9")
+ , ("9", "-")
+ ]
+ -- Attempt to transform some text by the substitutions.
+ transform ((from, to):trs) txt = case breakOn' from txt of
+ Just (before, after) -> Just $ before <> to <> after
+ _ -> transform trs txt
+ transform [] _ = Nothing
+-- | Upon joining a channel (numeric reply 331 or 332), add it to the
+-- list (if not already present).
+joinHandler :: EventHandler s
+joinHandler = EventHandler (\ev -> matchNumeric 331 ev <|> matchNumeric 332 ev) $ \_ args -> case args of
+ (c:_) -> do
+ tvarI <- get instanceConfig <$> getIRCState
+ liftIO . atomically $
+ modifyTVar tvarI $ \iconf ->
+ (if c `elem` get channels iconf
+ then modify channels (c:)
+ else id) iconf
+ _ -> pure ()
+-- | Update the channel list upon being kicked.
+kickHandler :: EventHandler s
+kickHandler = EventHandler (matchType _Kick) $ \src (n, _, _) -> do
+ tvarI <- get instanceConfig <$> getIRCState
+ liftIO . atomically $ do
+ theNick <- get nick <$> readTVar tvarI
+ case src of
+ Channel c _
+ | n == theNick -> delChan tvarI c
+ | otherwise -> pure ()
+ _ -> pure ()
+-- Utils
+-- | Break some text on the first occurrence of a substring, removing
+-- the substring from the second portion.
+breakOn' :: Text -> Text -> Maybe (Text, Text)
+breakOn' delim txt = if T.length after >= T.length delim
+ then Just (before, T.drop (T.length delim) after)
+ else Nothing
+ where
+ (before, after) = breakOn delim txt