path: root/optimiser.hs
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authorTom Smeding <>2018-04-15 00:12:01 +0200
committerTom Smeding <>2018-04-15 00:12:01 +0200
commit873c294497c74e85eae5310cbf19269807c75e6d (patch)
treebc8558a62559b449ff702593cdc40314359ae2db /optimiser.hs
parent6489f93d146d7b6a381fc2815158240d26b5febc (diff)
Build with stack
Diffstat (limited to 'optimiser.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/optimiser.hs b/optimiser.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3163c33..0000000
--- a/optimiser.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-module Optimiser(optimise) where
-import Data.List
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
--- import Debug.Trace
-import AST
-type Optimisation = [Instruction] -> [Instruction]
-optimisations :: [Optimisation]
-optimisations =
- [collectSimilar, nullOps, collectAdds, propagateKnowns, firstSets, propagateSlides, uselessEnd, specialLoops, normaliseOrder]
-composedOpts :: Optimisation
-composedOpts = foldl1 (.) (reverse optimisations)
--- composedOpts = foldl1 (.) (map (traceShowId .) $ reverse optimisations)
--- composedOpts = foldl1 (.) (map ((\r -> traceShow (take 7 r) r) .) $ reverse optimisations)
-optimise :: Program -> Program
-optimise (Program inss) =
- Program $ repeated composedOpts inss
-collectSimilar :: Optimisation
-collectSimilar [] = []
-collectSimilar (IAdd x off1 : IAdd y off2 : rest) | off1 == off2 =
- collectSimilar $ IAdd (x + y) off1 : rest
-collectSimilar (ISlide off1 : ISlide off2 : rest) =
- collectSimilar $ ISlide (off1 + off2) : rest
-collectSimilar (ILoop inss off : rest) = ILoop (collectSimilar inss) off : collectSimilar rest
-collectSimilar (ins : rest) = ins : collectSimilar rest
-nullOps :: Optimisation
-nullOps [] = []
-nullOps (IAdd 0 _ : rest) = nullOps rest
-nullOps (ICopy _ _ 0 : rest) = nullOps rest
-nullOps (ISlide 0 : rest) = nullOps rest
-nullOps (ILoop inss off : rest) = ILoop (nullOps inss) off : nullOps rest
-nullOps (ins : rest) = ins : nullOps rest
-collectAdds :: Optimisation
-collectAdds [] = []
-collectAdds (ICopy from1 to1 m1 : ICopy from2 to2 m2 : rest)
- | from1 == from2, m1 == m2 = ICopy from1 to1 m1 : collectAdds (ICopy to1 to2 1 : rest)
-collectAdds inss =
- let adds = map (\(IAdd v o) -> (v, o)) $ takeWhile isIAdd inss
- dests = nub $ map snd adds
- collected = [(sum $ map fst $ filter ((== d) . snd) adds, d) | d <- dests]
- rest = drop (length adds) inss
- rest' = case rest of
- [] -> []
- (i:is) -> i : collectAdds is
- in map (uncurry IAdd) collected ++ rest'
-propagateKnowns :: Optimisation
-propagateKnowns [] = []
-propagateKnowns allinss@(ins : _) | isISet ins || isIStart ins =
- let defaultZero = isIStart ins
- go :: [Instruction] -> Map.Map Offset Byte -> ([Instruction], Map.Map Offset Byte)
- go (IStart : rest) mp = go rest mp
- go (ISet val off : rest) mp = go rest $ Map.insert off val mp
- go inss@(IAdd val off : rest) mp = case Map.lookup off mp of
- Nothing -> (inss, mp)
- Just origval -> go rest $ Map.insert off (origval + val) mp
- go inss@(ICopy from to mult : rest) mp =
- if defaultZero
- then let fromval = maybe 0 id $ Map.lookup from mp
- toval = maybe 0 id $ Map.lookup to mp
- in go rest $ Map.insert to (toval + mult * fromval) mp
- else case (Map.lookup from mp, Map.lookup to mp) of
- (Nothing, _) -> (inss, mp)
- (_, Nothing) -> (inss, mp)
- (Just fromval, Just toval) ->
- go rest $ Map.insert to (toval + mult * fromval) mp
- go inss mp = (inss, mp)
- compareSetAdd :: Instruction -> Instruction -> Ordering
- compareSetAdd (ISet _ _) (IAdd _ _) = LT
- compareSetAdd (IAdd _ _) (ISet _ _) = GT
- compareSetAdd i1 i2 = compare (offsetOf i1) (offsetOf i2)
- (after, valuemap) = go allinss Map.empty
- sets = sortBy compareSetAdd
- $ Map.foldlWithKey
- (\l off val -> if not defaultZero || val /= 0 then ISet val off : l else l)
- [] valuemap
- in if isIStart ins then IStart : sets ++ propagateKnowns after else sets ++ propagateKnowns after
-propagateKnowns (ILoop inss off : rest) = ILoop (propagateKnowns inss) off : propagateKnowns rest
-propagateKnowns (ins : rest) = ins : propagateKnowns rest
-firstSets :: Optimisation
-firstSets [] = []
-firstSets (IStart : rest) =
- let pre = takeWhile (\ins -> isIAdd ins || isISet ins) rest
- post = drop (length pre) rest
- dests = nub $ map offsetOf pre
- collected = [ISet (accumSetAdd 0 (filter ((== d) . offsetOf) pre)) d | d <- dests]
- in IStart : collected ++ post
-firstSets inss = inss
-propagateSlides :: Optimisation
-propagateSlides [] = []
-propagateSlides (ISlide off : rest) = propagateSlides (incOffsets off rest) ++ [ISlide off]
-propagateSlides (ILoop inss off : rest) = ILoop (propagateSlides inss) off : propagateSlides rest
-propagateSlides (ins : rest) = ins : propagateSlides rest
-uselessEnd :: Optimisation
-uselessEnd [] = []
-uselessEnd inss = reverse $ dropWhile isUseless $ reverse inss
- where
- isUseless :: Instruction -> Bool
- isUseless (IInput _) = False
- isUseless (IOutput _) = False
- isUseless (ILoop lp _) = all isUseless lp
- isUseless _ = True
-specialLoops :: Optimisation
-specialLoops [] = []
-specialLoops (ILoop [IAdd v off2] off1 : rest)
- | off1 /= off2 = ILoop [] off1 : specialLoops rest
- | gcd v 2 == 1 = ISet 0 off1 : specialLoops rest
-specialLoops (ILoop inss off : rest)
- | all isIAdd inss,
- sum (map (\(IAdd v _) -> v) $ filter ((== off) . offsetOf) inss) == -1 =
- let others = map (\(IAdd v o) -> (v, o)) $ filter ((/= off) . offsetOf) inss
- dests = nub $ map snd others
- copies = [ICopy off d (sum $ map fst $ filter ((== d) . snd) others) | d <- dests]
- in copies ++ ISet 0 off : specialLoops rest
-specialLoops (ILoop inss off : rest) = ILoop (specialLoops inss) off : specialLoops rest
-specialLoops (ins : rest) = ins : specialLoops rest
-normaliseOrder :: Optimisation
-normaliseOrder [] = []
-normaliseOrder (ICopy from1 to1 m1 : ICopy from2 to2 m2 : rest)
- | m2 < m1, to1 /= from2, to2 /= from1 = ICopy from2 to2 m2 : normaliseOrder (ICopy from1 to1 m1 : rest)
-normaliseOrder (ILoop inss off : rest) = ILoop (normaliseOrder inss) off : normaliseOrder rest
-normaliseOrder (ins : rest) = ins : normaliseOrder rest
-repeated :: Optimisation -> Optimisation
-repeated opt = \inss -> let inss' = opt inss
- in if inss == inss' then inss else repeated opt inss'
-incOffsets :: Offset -> [Instruction] -> [Instruction]
-incOffsets _ [] = []
-incOffsets inc (IAdd v off : rest) = IAdd v (off + inc) : incOffsets inc rest
-incOffsets inc (ISet v off : rest) = ISet v (off + inc) : incOffsets inc rest
-incOffsets inc (ICopy from to mult : rest) = ICopy (from + inc) (to + inc) mult : incOffsets inc rest
-incOffsets inc (ISlide off : rest) = ISlide off : incOffsets inc rest
-incOffsets inc (ILoop inss off : rest) = ILoop (incOffsets inc inss) (off + inc) : incOffsets inc rest
-incOffsets inc (IInput off : rest) = IInput (off + inc) : incOffsets inc rest
-incOffsets inc (IOutput off : rest) = IOutput (off + inc) : incOffsets inc rest
-incOffsets inc (IStart : rest) = IStart : incOffsets inc rest
-accumSetAdd :: Byte -> [Instruction] -> Byte
-accumSetAdd acc [] = acc
-accumSetAdd _ (ISet v' _ : rest) = accumSetAdd v' rest
-accumSetAdd acc (IAdd v' _ : rest) = accumSetAdd (acc + v') rest
-accumSetAdd _ _ = unreachable
-unreachable :: a
-unreachable = error "Unreachable"