diff options
authorTom Smeding <tom@tomsmeding.com>2021-06-24 23:14:54 +0200
committerTom Smeding <tom@tomsmeding.com>2021-06-24 23:14:54 +0200
commit0fefe4822c65bde81ec4c0da1b5b32a9b411ca79 (patch)
12 files changed, 844 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c33954f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/AD.hs b/AD.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76fefe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AD.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+module AD (
+ Dual,
+ dual,
+ ad,
+) where
+import Data.Bifunctor
+import Data.Type.Equality
+import AST
+import qualified Language as L
+import Sink
+-- | Dual-number version of a type. Pairs up every Double with a tangent copy.
+type family Dual a where
+ Dual () = ()
+ Dual Int = Int
+ Dual Bool = Bool
+ Dual Double = (Double, Double)
+ Dual (a, b) = (Dual a, Dual b)
+ Dual (Array sh a) = Array sh (Dual a)
+ Dual (a -> b) = Dual a -> Dual b
+data DEnv env env' where
+ ETop :: DEnv env env
+ ECons :: Type a -> DEnv env env' -> DEnv (a ': env) (Dual a ': env')
+-- | Convert a type to its 'Dual' variant.
+dual :: Type a -> Type (Dual a)
+dual (TFun a b) = TFun (dual a) (dual b)
+dual TInt = TInt
+dual TBool = TBool
+dual TDouble = TPair TDouble TDouble
+dual (TArray sht t) = TArray sht (dual t)
+dual TNil = TNil
+dual (TPair a b) = TPair (dual a) (dual b)
+-- | Forward AD.
+-- Since @'Dual' (a -> b) = 'Dual' a -> 'Dual' b@, calling 'ad' on a
+-- function-typed expression gives the most useful results.
+ad :: Exp env a -> Exp env (Dual a)
+ad = ad' ETop
+ad' :: DEnv env env' -> Exp env a -> Exp env' (Dual a)
+ad' env = \case
+ App e1 e2 -> App (ad' env e1) (ad' env e2)
+ Lam t e -> Lam (dual t) (ad' (ECons t env) e)
+ Var t i ->
+ case convIdx env i of
+ Left freei -> App (duale t) (Var t freei)
+ Right duali -> Var (dual t) duali
+ Let e1 e2 -> Let (ad' env e1) (ad' (ECons (typeof e1) env) e2)
+ Lit l -> App (duale (literalType l)) (Lit l)
+ Cond e1 e2 e3 -> Cond (ad' env e1) (ad' env e2) (ad' env e3)
+ Const CAddI -> Const CAddI
+ Const CSubI -> Const CSubI
+ Const CMulI -> Const CMulI
+ Const CDivI -> Const CDivI
+ Const CAddF ->
+ let v = Var (TPair (TPair TDouble TDouble) (TPair TDouble TDouble)) Zero
+ in Lam (TPair (TPair TDouble TDouble) (TPair TDouble TDouble))
+ (Pair (App (Const CAddF) (Pair (Fst (Fst v)) (Fst (Snd v))))
+ (App (Const CAddF) (Pair (Snd (Fst v)) (Snd (Snd v)))))
+ Const CSubF ->
+ let v = Var (TPair (TPair TDouble TDouble) (TPair TDouble TDouble)) Zero
+ in Lam (TPair (TPair TDouble TDouble) (TPair TDouble TDouble))
+ (Pair (App (Const CSubF) (Pair (Fst (Fst v)) (Fst (Snd v))))
+ (App (Const CSubF) (Pair (Snd (Fst v)) (Snd (Snd v)))))
+ Const CMulF ->
+ let v = Var (TPair (TPair TDouble TDouble) (TPair TDouble TDouble)) Zero
+ in Lam (TPair (TPair TDouble TDouble) (TPair TDouble TDouble))
+ (Pair (App (Const CMulF) (Pair (Fst (Fst v)) (Fst (Snd v))))
+ (App (Const CAddF) (Pair
+ (App (Const CMulF) (Pair (Fst (Fst v)) (Snd (Snd v))))
+ (App (Const CMulF) (Pair (Fst (Snd v)) (Snd (Fst v)))))))
+ Const _ -> undefined
+ Pair e1 e2 -> Pair (ad' env e1) (ad' env e2)
+ Fst e -> Fst (ad' env e)
+ Snd e -> Snd (ad' env e)
+ Build sht e1 e2
+ | Refl <- prfDualSht sht
+ -> Build sht (ad' env e1) (ad' env e2)
+ Ifold sht e1 e2 e3
+ | Refl <- prfDualSht sht
+ -> Ifold sht (ad' env e1) (ad' env e2) (ad' env e3)
+ Index e1 e2
+ | TArray sht _ <- typeof e1
+ , Refl <- prfDualSht sht
+ -> Index (ad' env e1) (ad' env e2)
+ Shape e
+ | TArray sht _ <- typeof e
+ , Refl <- prfDualSht sht
+ -> Shape (ad' env e)
+convIdx :: DEnv env env' -> Idx env a -> Either (Idx env' a) (Idx env' (Dual a))
+convIdx ETop i = Left i
+convIdx (ECons _ _) Zero = Right Zero
+convIdx (ECons _ env) (Succ i) = bimap Succ Succ (convIdx env i)
+duale :: Type a -> Exp env (a -> Dual a)
+duale topty = Lam topty (go topty)
+ where
+ go :: forall a env. Type a -> Exp (a ': env) (Dual a)
+ go ty = case ty of
+ TInt -> ref
+ TBool -> ref
+ TDouble -> Pair ref (Lit (LDouble 0))
+ TArray _ t -> L.map (Lam t (go t)) ref
+ TNil -> Lit LNil
+ TPair t1 t2 -> Pair (Let (Fst ref) (go t1)) (Let (Snd ref) (go t2))
+ TFun t1 t2 -> Lam (dual t1)
+ (App (duale t2)
+ (App (sinkExp1 ref)
+ (App (unduale t1)
+ (Var (dual t1) Zero))))
+ where
+ ref :: Exp (a ': env) a
+ ref = Var ty Zero
+unduale :: Type a -> Exp env (Dual a -> a)
+unduale topty = Lam (dual topty) (go topty)
+ where
+ go :: forall a env. Type a -> Exp (Dual a ': env) a
+ go ty = case ty of
+ TInt -> ref
+ TBool -> ref
+ TDouble -> Fst ref
+ TArray _ t -> L.map (Lam (dual t) (go t)) ref
+ TNil -> Lit LNil
+ TPair t1 t2 -> Pair (Let (Fst ref) (go t1)) (Let (Snd ref) (go t2))
+ TFun t1 t2 -> Lam t1
+ (App (unduale t2)
+ (App (sinkExp1 ref)
+ (App (duale t1)
+ (Var t1 Zero))))
+ where
+ ref :: Exp (Dual a ': env) (Dual a)
+ ref = Var (dual ty) Zero
+prfDualSht :: ShapeType sh -> sh :~: Dual sh
+prfDualSht STZ = Refl
+prfDualSht (STC sht)
+ | Refl <- prfDualSht sht
+ = Refl
diff --git a/AST.hs b/AST.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e9c69c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AST.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+module AST where
+import Data.GADT.Compare
+import Data.Type.Equality
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Data.Vector (Vector)
+data Exp env a where
+ App :: Exp env (a -> b) -> Exp env a -> Exp env b
+ Lam :: Type t -> Exp (t ': env) a -> Exp env (t -> a)
+ Var :: Type a -> Idx env a -> Exp env a
+ Let :: Exp env t -> Exp (t ': env) a -> Exp env a
+ Lit :: Literal a -> Exp env a
+ Cond :: Exp env Bool -> Exp env a -> Exp env a -> Exp env a
+ Const :: Constant a -> Exp env a
+ Pair :: Exp env a -> Exp env b -> Exp env (a, b)
+ Fst :: Exp env (a, b) -> Exp env a
+ Snd :: Exp env (a, b) -> Exp env b
+ Build :: ShapeType sh -> Exp env sh -> Exp env (sh -> a) -> Exp env (Array sh a)
+ Ifold :: ShapeType sh -> Exp env ((s, sh) -> s) -> Exp env s -> Exp env sh -> Exp env s
+ Index :: Exp env (Array sh a) -> Exp env sh -> Exp env a
+ Shape :: Exp env (Array sh a) -> Exp env sh
+data Constant a where
+ CAddI :: Constant ((Int, Int) -> Int)
+ CSubI :: Constant ((Int, Int) -> Int)
+ CMulI :: Constant ((Int, Int) -> Int)
+ CDivI :: Constant ((Int, Int) -> Int)
+ CAddF :: Constant ((Double, Double) -> Double)
+ CSubF :: Constant ((Double, Double) -> Double)
+ CMulF :: Constant ((Double, Double) -> Double)
+ CDivF :: Constant ((Double, Double) -> Double)
+ CLog :: Constant (Double -> Double)
+ CExp :: Constant (Double -> Double)
+ CtoF :: Constant (Int -> Double)
+ CRound :: Constant (Double -> Int)
+ CLtI :: Constant ((Int, Int) -> Bool)
+ CLtF :: Constant ((Double, Double) -> Bool)
+ CEq :: Type a -> Constant ((a, a) -> Bool)
+ CAnd :: Constant ((Bool, Bool) -> Bool)
+ COr :: Constant ((Bool, Bool) -> Bool)
+ CNot :: Constant (Bool -> Bool)
+data Type a where
+ TInt :: Type Int
+ TBool :: Type Bool
+ TDouble :: Type Double
+ TArray :: ShapeType sh -> Type a -> Type (Array sh a)
+ TNil :: Type ()
+ TPair :: Type a -> Type b -> Type (a, b)
+ TFun :: Type a -> Type b -> Type (a -> b)
+data Idx env a where
+ Zero :: Idx (a ': env) a
+ Succ :: Idx env a -> Idx (t ': env) a
+data Literal a where
+ LInt :: Int -> Literal Int
+ LBool :: Bool -> Literal Bool
+ LDouble :: Double -> Literal Double
+ LArray :: Array sh a -> Literal (Array sh a)
+ LShape :: Shape sh -> Literal sh
+ LNil :: Literal ()
+ LPair :: Literal a -> Literal b -> Literal (a, b)
+data Shape sh where
+ Z :: Shape ()
+ (:.) :: Int -> Shape sh -> Shape (Int, sh)
+data ShapeType sh where
+ STZ :: ShapeType ()
+ STC :: ShapeType sh -> ShapeType (Int, sh)
+data Array sh a where
+ Array :: Shape sh -> Type a -> Vector a -> Array sh a
+deriving instance Show (Exp env a)
+deriving instance Show (Constant a)
+deriving instance Show (Type a)
+deriving instance Show (Idx env a)
+deriving instance Show (Literal a)
+deriving instance Show (Shape a)
+deriving instance Show (ShapeType a)
+instance Show (Array sh a) where
+ showsPrec p (Array sh t v) =
+ showParen (p > 10) $
+ showString "Array "
+ . showsPrec 11 sh
+ . showsPrec 11 t
+ . (case typeHasShow t of
+ Just Has -> showsPrec 11 v
+ Nothing -> showString ("[_ * " ++ show (V.length v) ++ "]"))
+deriving instance Eq (Type a)
+deriving instance Eq (Shape sh)
+deriving instance Eq (ShapeType sh)
+deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Array sh a)
+instance GEq (Exp env) where
+ geq (App a b) (App a' b') | Just Refl <- geq a a', Just Refl <- geq b b' = Just Refl
+ geq App{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (Lam t e) (Lam t' e') | Just Refl <- geq t t', Just Refl <- geq e e' = Just Refl
+ geq Lam{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (Var t i) (Var t' i') | Just Refl <- geq t t', Just Refl <- geq i i' = Just Refl
+ geq Var{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (Let a b) (Let a' b') | Just Refl <- geq a a', Just Refl <- geq b b' = Just Refl
+ geq Let{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (Lit l) (Lit l') | Just Refl <- geq l l' = Just Refl
+ geq Lit{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (Cond a b c) (Cond a' b' c') | Just Refl <- geq a a', Just Refl <- geq b b', Just Refl <- geq c c' = Just Refl
+ geq Cond{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (Const c) (Const c') | Just Refl <- geq c c' = Just Refl
+ geq Const{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (Pair a b) (Pair a' b') | Just Refl <- geq a a', Just Refl <- geq b b' = Just Refl
+ geq Pair{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (Fst a) (Fst a') | Just Refl <- geq a a' = Just Refl
+ geq Fst{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (Snd a) (Snd a') | Just Refl <- geq a a' = Just Refl
+ geq Snd{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (Build t a b) (Build t' a' b') | Just Refl <- geq t t', Just Refl <- geq a a', Just Refl <- geq b b' = Just Refl
+ geq Build{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (Ifold t a b c) (Ifold t' a' b' c') | Just Refl <- geq t t', Just Refl <- geq a a', Just Refl <- geq b b' , Just Refl <- geq c c'
+ = Just Refl
+ geq Ifold{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (Index a b) (Index a' b') | Just Refl <- geq a a', Just Refl <- geq b b' = Just Refl
+ geq Index{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (Shape a) (Shape a') | Just Refl <- geq a a' = Just Refl
+ geq Shape{} _ = Nothing
+instance GEq Constant where
+ geq CAddI CAddI = Just Refl ; geq CAddI _ = Nothing
+ geq CSubI CSubI = Just Refl ; geq CSubI _ = Nothing
+ geq CMulI CMulI = Just Refl ; geq CMulI _ = Nothing
+ geq CDivI CDivI = Just Refl ; geq CDivI _ = Nothing
+ geq CAddF CAddF = Just Refl ; geq CAddF _ = Nothing
+ geq CSubF CSubF = Just Refl ; geq CSubF _ = Nothing
+ geq CMulF CMulF = Just Refl ; geq CMulF _ = Nothing
+ geq CDivF CDivF = Just Refl ; geq CDivF _ = Nothing
+ geq CLog CLog = Just Refl ; geq CLog _ = Nothing
+ geq CExp CExp = Just Refl ; geq CExp _ = Nothing
+ geq CtoF CtoF = Just Refl ; geq CtoF _ = Nothing
+ geq CRound CRound = Just Refl ; geq CRound _ = Nothing
+ geq CLtI CLtI = Just Refl ; geq CLtI _ = Nothing
+ geq CLtF CLtF = Just Refl ; geq CLtF _ = Nothing
+ geq (CEq t) (CEq t') | Just Refl <- geq t t' = Just Refl ; geq CEq{} _ = Nothing
+ geq CAnd CAnd = Just Refl ; geq CAnd _ = Nothing
+ geq COr COr = Just Refl ; geq COr _ = Nothing
+ geq CNot CNot = Just Refl ; geq CNot _ = Nothing
+instance GEq Type where
+ geq TInt TInt = Just Refl ; geq TInt _ = Nothing
+ geq TBool TBool = Just Refl ; geq TBool _ = Nothing
+ geq TDouble TDouble = Just Refl ; geq TDouble _ = Nothing
+ geq (TArray sht t) (TArray sht' t') | Just Refl <- geq sht sht', Just Refl <- geq t t' = Just Refl ; geq TArray{} _ = Nothing
+ geq TNil TNil = Just Refl ; geq TNil _ = Nothing
+ geq (TPair a b) (TPair a' b') | Just Refl <- geq a a', Just Refl <- geq b b' = Just Refl ; geq TPair{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (TFun a b) (TFun a' b') | Just Refl <- geq a a', Just Refl <- geq b b' = Just Refl ; geq TFun{} _ = Nothing
+instance GEq (Idx env) where
+ geq Zero Zero = Just Refl
+ geq (Succ i) (Succ i') | Just Refl <- geq i i' = Just Refl
+ geq _ _ = Nothing
+instance GEq Literal where
+ geq (LInt a) (LInt a') | a == a' = Just Refl ; geq LInt{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (LBool a) (LBool a') | a == a' = Just Refl ; geq LBool{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (LDouble a) (LDouble a') | a == a' = Just Refl ; geq LDouble{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (LArray (Array sht t v)) (LArray (Array sht' t' v'))
+ | Just Refl <- geq sht sht'
+ , Just Refl <- geq t t'
+ = case typeHasEq t of
+ Just Has | v == v' -> Just Refl
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+ Nothing -> error "GEq Literal: Literal array of incomparable values"
+ geq LArray{} _ = Nothing
+ geq (LShape a) (LShape a') | Just Refl <- geq a a' = Just Refl ; geq LShape{} _ = Nothing
+ geq LNil LNil = Just Refl ; geq LNil _ = Nothing
+ geq (LPair a b) (LPair a' b') | Just Refl <- geq a a', Just Refl <- geq b b' = Just Refl ; geq LPair{} _ = Nothing
+instance GEq Shape where
+ geq Z Z = Just Refl
+ geq (n :. sh) (n' :. sh') | n == n', Just Refl <- geq sh sh' = Just Refl
+ geq _ _ = Nothing
+instance GEq ShapeType where
+ geq STZ STZ = Just Refl
+ geq (STC sht) (STC sht') | Just Refl <- geq sht sht' = Just Refl
+ geq _ _ = Nothing
+shapeType :: Shape sh -> ShapeType sh
+shapeType Z = STZ
+shapeType (_ :. sh) = STC (shapeType sh)
+shapeType' :: Shape sh -> Type sh
+shapeType' Z = TNil
+shapeType' (_ :. sh) = TPair TInt (shapeType' sh)
+shapeTypeType :: ShapeType sh -> Type sh
+shapeTypeType STZ = TNil
+shapeTypeType (STC sht) = TPair TInt (shapeTypeType sht)
+literalType :: Literal a -> Type a
+literalType LInt{} = TInt
+literalType LBool{} = TBool
+literalType LDouble{} = TDouble
+literalType (LArray (Array sh t _)) = TArray (shapeType sh) t
+literalType (LShape sh) = shapeType' sh
+literalType LNil{} = TNil
+literalType (LPair a b) = TPair (literalType a) (literalType b)
+constType :: Constant a -> Type a
+constType CAddI = TFun (TPair TInt TInt) TInt
+constType CSubI = TFun (TPair TInt TInt) TInt
+constType CMulI = TFun (TPair TInt TInt) TInt
+constType CDivI = TFun (TPair TInt TInt) TInt
+constType CAddF = TFun (TPair TDouble TDouble) TDouble
+constType CSubF = TFun (TPair TDouble TDouble) TDouble
+constType CMulF = TFun (TPair TDouble TDouble) TDouble
+constType CDivF = TFun (TPair TDouble TDouble) TDouble
+constType CLog = TFun TDouble TDouble
+constType CExp = TFun TDouble TDouble
+constType CtoF = TFun TInt TDouble
+constType CRound = TFun TDouble TInt
+constType CLtI = TFun (TPair TInt TInt) TBool
+constType CLtF = TFun (TPair TDouble TDouble) TBool
+constType (CEq t) = TFun (TPair t t) TBool
+constType CAnd = TFun (TPair TBool TBool) TBool
+constType COr = TFun (TPair TBool TBool) TBool
+constType CNot = TFun TBool TBool
+typeof :: Exp env a -> Type a
+typeof (App e _) = let TFun _ t = typeof e in t
+typeof (Lam t e) = TFun t (typeof e)
+typeof (Var t _) = t
+typeof (Let _ e) = typeof e
+typeof (Lit l) = literalType l
+typeof (Cond _ e _) = typeof e
+typeof (Const c) = constType c
+typeof (Pair e1 e2) = TPair (typeof e1) (typeof e2)
+typeof (Fst e) = let TPair t _ = typeof e in t
+typeof (Snd e) = let TPair _ t = typeof e in t
+typeof (Build sht _ e) = let TFun _ t = typeof e in TArray sht t
+typeof (Ifold _ _ e _) = typeof e
+typeof (Index e _) = let TArray _ t = typeof e in t
+typeof (Shape e) = let TArray sht _ = typeof e in shapeTypeType sht
+data Has c a where
+ Has :: c a => Has c a
+typeHasShow :: Type a -> Maybe (Has Show a)
+typeHasShow TInt = Just Has
+typeHasShow TBool = Just Has
+typeHasShow TDouble = Just Has
+typeHasShow TArray{} = Just Has
+typeHasShow TNil = Just Has
+typeHasShow (TPair a b)
+ | Just Has <- typeHasShow a
+ , Just Has <- typeHasShow b
+ = Just Has
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+typeHasShow TFun{} = Nothing
+typeHasEq :: Type a -> Maybe (Has Eq a)
+typeHasEq TInt = Just Has
+typeHasEq TBool = Just Has
+typeHasEq TDouble = Just Has
+typeHasEq (TArray _ t)
+ | Just Has <- typeHasEq t
+ = Just Has
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+typeHasEq TNil = Just Has
+typeHasEq (TPair a b)
+ | Just Has <- typeHasEq a
+ , Just Has <- typeHasEq b
+ = Just Has
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+typeHasEq TFun{} = Nothing
diff --git a/Examples.hs b/Examples.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d9cda7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module Examples where
+import AST
+import qualified Language as L
+sumSq :: Exp env (Array (Int, ()) Double -> Double)
+sumSq = Lam (TArray (STC STZ) TDouble)
+ (L.sum (App mapSq (Var (TArray (STC STZ) TDouble) Zero)))
+mapSq :: Exp env (Array (Int, ()) Double -> Array (Int, ()) Double)
+mapSq =
+ Lam (TArray (STC STZ) TDouble)
+ (L.map (Lam TDouble
+ (App (Const CMulF)
+ (Pair (Var TDouble Zero) (Var TDouble Zero))))
+ (Var (TArray (STC STZ) TDouble) Zero))
+mapSqIota :: Exp env (Array (Int, ()) Double)
+mapSqIota =
+ L.map (Lam TDouble
+ (App (Const CMulF)
+ (Pair (Var TDouble Zero) (Var TDouble Zero))))
+ (Build (STC STZ)
+ (Pair (Lit (LInt 5)) (Lit LNil))
+ (Lam (TPair TInt TNil)
+ (App (Const CtoF)
+ (Fst (Var (TPair TInt TNil) Zero)))))
diff --git a/Gradient.hs b/Gradient.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57ee904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gradient.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+module Gradient where
+import AD
+import AST
+import qualified Language as L
+import Sink
+gradient :: Exp env (Array sh Double -> Double) -> Exp env (Array sh Double -> Array sh Double)
+gradient func =
+ let TFun tarr@(TArray sht _) _ = typeof func
+ idxt = shapeTypeType sht
+ func' = ad func
+ in Lam tarr
+ (Build sht
+ (Shape (Var tarr Zero))
+ (Lam idxt
+ (Snd (App (sinkExp2 func')
+ (L.zip (Var tarr (Succ Zero))
+ (L.oneHot sht
+ (Shape (Var tarr (Succ Zero)))
+ (Var idxt Zero)))))))
diff --git a/Language.hs b/Language.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e16cf7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Language.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+{-| This module is intended to be imported qualified, perhaps as @L@. -}
+module Language where
+import AST
+import Sink
+map :: Exp env (a -> b) -> Exp env (Array sh a) -> Exp env (Array sh b)
+map f e =
+ let ty@(TArray sht _) = typeof e
+ sht' = shapeTypeType sht
+ in Let e
+ (Build sht (Shape (Var ty Zero))
+ (Lam sht'
+ (App (sinkExp2 f)
+ (Index (Var ty (Succ Zero))
+ (Var sht' Zero)))))
+sum :: Exp env (Array (Int, ()) Double) -> Exp env Double
+sum e =
+ let ty@(TArray sht _) = typeof e
+ in Let e
+ (Ifold sht
+ (Lam (TPair TDouble (TPair TInt TNil))
+ (App (Const CAddF) (Pair
+ (Fst (Var (TPair TDouble (TPair TInt TNil)) Zero))
+ (Index (Var ty (Succ Zero)) (Snd (Var (TPair TDouble (TPair TInt TNil)) Zero))))))
+ (Lit (LDouble 0))
+ (Shape (Var ty Zero)))
+-- | The two input arrays are assumed to be the same size.
+zip :: Exp env (Array sh a) -> Exp env (Array sh b) -> Exp env (Array sh (a, b))
+zip a b =
+ let tarr@(TArray sht _) = typeof a
+ idxt = shapeTypeType sht
+ in Let a
+ (Build sht
+ (Shape (Var tarr Zero))
+ (Lam idxt
+ (Pair (Index (Var tarr (Succ Zero)) (Var idxt Zero))
+ (Index (sinkExp2 b) (Var idxt Zero)))))
+oneHot :: ShapeType sh -> Exp env sh -> Exp env sh -> Exp env (Array sh Double)
+oneHot sht sh idx =
+ let idxt = shapeTypeType sht
+ in Build sht sh
+ (Lam idxt
+ (Cond (App (Const (CEq idxt)) (Pair (Var idxt Zero) (sinkExp1 idx)))
+ (Lit (LDouble 1))
+ (Lit (LDouble 0))))
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0848f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module Main where
+main :: IO ()
+main = return ()
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d71583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# \tilde F
+Re-implementation of the language, AD transformation, and optimisation framework from:
+ Amir Shaikhha, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Dimitrios Vytiniotis, and Simon Peyton
+ Jones. 2019. Efficient Differentiable Programming in a Functional
+ Array-Processing Language. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 3, ICFP, Article 97
+ (August 2019), 30 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3341701
diff --git a/Repl.hs b/Repl.hs
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index 0000000..85fe7be
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+++ b/Repl.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -Wno-unused-imports #-}
+module Repl where
+import AST
+import AD
+import Examples
+import Gradient
+import qualified Language as L
+import Simplify
+import Sink
diff --git a/Simplify.hs b/Simplify.hs
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index 0000000..9ceaef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simplify.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+module Simplify (
+ simplify,
+ simplifyFix,
+) where
+import Data.Bifunctor
+import Data.GADT.Compare
+import qualified Data.Kind as Kind
+import Data.List (find)
+import Data.Type.Equality
+import AST
+import Sink
+data family Info (env :: [Kind.Type]) a
+-- data instance Info env Int = InfoInt
+-- data instance Info env Bool = InfoBool
+-- data instance Info env Double = InfoDouble
+data instance Info env (Array sh t) = InfoArray (Exp env sh)
+-- data instance Info env () = InfoNil
+data instance Info env (a, b) = InfoPair (Info env a) (Info env b)
+-- data instance Info env (a -> b) = InfoFun
+data IEnv env where
+ ITop :: IEnv env
+ ICons :: Type a -> Maybe (Info (a ': env) a) -> IEnv env -> IEnv (a ': env)
+sinkInfo1 :: Type a -> Info env a -> Info (t ': env) a
+sinkInfo1 TArray{} (InfoArray e) = InfoArray (sinkExp1 e)
+sinkInfo1 (TPair t1 t2) (InfoPair a b) = InfoPair (sinkInfo1 t1 a) (sinkInfo1 t2 b)
+sinkInfo1 _ _ = error "Unknown info in sinkInfo1"
+iprj :: IEnv env -> Idx env a -> Maybe (Type a, Info env a)
+iprj ITop _ = Nothing
+iprj (ICons t m _) Zero = (t,) <$> m
+iprj (ICons _ _ env) (Succ i) = (\(t, m) -> (t, sinkInfo1 t m)) <$> iprj env i
+simplifyFix :: Exp env a -> Exp env a
+simplifyFix e =
+ let maxTimes = 4
+ es = take (maxTimes + 1) (iterate simplify e)
+ pairs = zip es (tail es)
+ in case find (\(a,b) -> case geq a b of Just Refl -> True ; _ -> False) pairs of
+ Just (e', _) -> e'
+ Nothing -> error "Simplification doesn't converge!"
+simplify :: Exp env a -> Exp env a
+simplify = fst . simplify' ITop
+simplify' :: IEnv env -> Exp env a -> (Exp env a, Maybe (Info env a))
+simplify' env = \case
+ App a b -> (simplifyApp (fst (simplify' env a)) (fst (simplify' env b)), Nothing)
+ Lam t e -> (Lam t (fst (simplify' (ICons t Nothing env) e)), Nothing)
+ Var t i -> (Var t i, snd <$> iprj env i)
+ Let arg e ->
+ let (arg', info) = simplify' env arg
+ env' = ICons (typeof arg) (sinkInfo1 (typeof arg) <$> info) env
+ in (simplifyLet arg' (fst (simplify' env' e)), Nothing)
+ Lit l -> (Lit l, Nothing)
+ Cond a b c ->
+ (Cond (fst (simplify' env a)) (fst (simplify' env b)) (fst (simplify' env c)), Nothing)
+ Const c -> (Const c, Nothing)
+ Pair a b ->
+ let (a', ia) = simplify' env a
+ (b', ib) = simplify' env b
+ in (Pair a' b', InfoPair <$> ia <*> ib)
+ Fst e -> bimap simplifyFst (fmap (\(InfoPair i _) -> i)) (simplify' env e)
+ Snd e -> bimap simplifySnd (fmap (\(InfoPair _ i) -> i)) (simplify' env e)
+ Build sht a b ->
+ let a' = fst (simplify' env a)
+ in (Build sht a' (fst (simplify' env b)), Just (InfoArray a'))
+ Ifold sht a b c -> (Ifold sht (fst (simplify' env a)) (fst (simplify' env b)) (fst (simplify' env c)), Nothing)
+ Index a b -> (simplifyIndex (fst (simplify' env a)) (fst (simplify' env b)), Nothing)
+ Shape e ->
+ case simplify' env e of
+ (_, Just (InfoArray she)) -> (she, Nothing)
+ (e', _) -> (Shape e', Nothing)
+simplifyApp :: Exp env (a -> b) -> Exp env a -> Exp env b
+simplifyApp (Const CAddI) (Pair (Lit (LInt a)) (Lit (LInt b))) = Lit (LInt (a + b))
+simplifyApp (Const CSubI) (Pair (Lit (LInt a)) (Lit (LInt b))) = Lit (LInt (a - b))
+simplifyApp (Const CMulI) (Pair (Lit (LInt a)) (Lit (LInt b))) = Lit (LInt (a * b))
+simplifyApp (Const CDivI) (Pair (Lit (LInt a)) (Lit (LInt b))) = Lit (LInt (a `div` b))
+simplifyApp (Const CAddF) (Pair (Lit (LDouble a)) (Lit (LDouble b))) = Lit (LDouble (a + b))
+simplifyApp (Const CSubF) (Pair (Lit (LDouble a)) (Lit (LDouble b))) = Lit (LDouble (a - b))
+simplifyApp (Const CMulF) (Pair (Lit (LDouble a)) (Lit (LDouble b))) = Lit (LDouble (a * b))
+simplifyApp (Const CDivF) (Pair (Lit (LDouble a)) (Lit (LDouble b))) = Lit (LDouble (a / b))
+simplifyApp (Const CLog) (Lit (LDouble a)) = Lit (LDouble (log a))
+simplifyApp (Const CExp) (Lit (LDouble a)) = Lit (LDouble (exp a))
+simplifyApp (Const CtoF) (Lit (LInt a)) = Lit (LDouble (fromIntegral a))
+simplifyApp (Const CRound) (Lit (LDouble a)) = Lit (LInt (round a))
+simplifyApp (Const CLtI) (Pair (Lit (LInt a)) (Lit (LInt b))) = Lit (LBool (a < b))
+simplifyApp (Const CLtF) (Pair (Lit (LDouble a)) (Lit (LDouble b))) = Lit (LBool (a < b))
+simplifyApp (Const (CEq _)) (Pair a b)
+ | Just Refl <- geq a b
+ = Lit (LBool True)
+simplifyApp (Const CAnd) (Pair (Lit (LBool a)) (Lit (LBool b))) = Lit (LBool (a && b))
+simplifyApp (Const COr) (Pair (Lit (LBool a)) (Lit (LBool b))) = Lit (LBool (a || b))
+simplifyApp (Const CNot) (Lit (LBool a)) = Lit (LBool (not a))
+simplifyApp (Lam _ e) arg
+ | isDuplicable arg || countOcc Zero e <= 1
+ = simplify (subst arg e)
+simplifyApp (Lam _ e) arg = simplifyLet arg e
+simplifyApp a b = App a b
+simplifyLet :: Exp env a -> Exp (a ': env) b -> Exp env b
+simplifyLet arg e
+ | isDuplicable arg || countOcc Zero e <= 1
+ = simplify (subst arg e)
+simplifyLet (Pair a b) e =
+ simplifyLet a $
+ simplifyLet (sinkExp1 b) $
+ subst' (\t -> \case Zero -> Pair (Var (typeof a) (Succ Zero))
+ (Var (typeof b) Zero)
+ Succ i -> Var t (Succ (Succ i)))
+ e
+simplifyLet (Cond c a b) e
+ | isDuplicable a && isDuplicable b
+ = simplifyLet c $
+ (subst' (\t -> \case Zero -> Cond (Var TBool Zero) (sinkExp1 a) (sinkExp1 b)
+ Succ i -> Var t (Succ i))
+ e)
+simplifyLet a b = Let (simplify a) (simplify b)
+simplifyFst :: Exp env (a, b) -> Exp env a
+simplifyFst (Pair e _) = e
+simplifyFst (Let a e) = simplifyLet a (simplifyFst e)
+simplifyFst e = Fst e
+simplifySnd :: Exp env (a, b) -> Exp env b
+simplifySnd (Pair _ e) = e
+simplifySnd (Let a e) = simplifyLet a (simplifySnd e)
+simplifySnd e = Snd e
+simplifyIndex :: Exp env (Array sh a) -> Exp env sh -> Exp env a
+simplifyIndex (Build _ _ f) e = simplifyApp f e
+simplifyIndex a e = Index a e
+isDuplicable :: Exp env a -> Bool
+isDuplicable (Lam _ e) = isDuplicable e
+isDuplicable (Var _ _) = True
+isDuplicable (Let a e) = isDuplicable a && isDuplicable e
+isDuplicable (Lit (LInt _)) = True
+isDuplicable (Lit (LBool _)) = True
+isDuplicable (Lit (LDouble _)) = True
+isDuplicable (Lit (LShape _)) = True
+isDuplicable (Lit LNil) = True
+isDuplicable (Lit (LPair l1 l2)) = isDuplicable (Lit l1) && isDuplicable (Lit l2)
+isDuplicable (Const _) = True
+isDuplicable (Pair a b) = isDuplicable a && isDuplicable b
+isDuplicable (Fst e) = isDuplicable e
+isDuplicable (Snd e) = isDuplicable e
+isDuplicable _ = False
+countOcc :: Idx env t -> Exp env a -> Int
+countOcc i (App a b) = countOcc i a + countOcc i b
+countOcc i (Lam _ e) = countOcc (Succ i) e
+countOcc i (Var _ j)
+ | Just Refl <- geq i j = 1
+ | otherwise = 0
+countOcc i (Let a b) = countOcc i a + countOcc (Succ i) b
+countOcc _ (Lit _) = 0
+countOcc i (Cond a b c) = countOcc i a + countOcc i b + countOcc i c
+countOcc _ (Const _) = 0
+countOcc i (Pair a b) = countOcc i a + countOcc i b
+countOcc i (Fst e) = countOcc i e
+countOcc i (Snd e) = countOcc i e
+countOcc i (Build _ a b) = countOcc i a + countOcc i b
+countOcc i (Ifold _ a b c) = countOcc i a + countOcc i b + countOcc i c
+countOcc i (Index a b) = countOcc i a + countOcc i b
+countOcc i (Shape e) = countOcc i e
+subst :: Exp env t -> Exp (t ': env) a -> Exp env a
+subst arg e = subst' (\t -> \case Zero -> arg ; Succ i -> Var t i) e
+subst' :: (forall t. Type t -> Idx env t -> Exp env' t) -> Exp env a -> Exp env' a
+subst' f (App a b) = App (subst' f a) (subst' f b)
+subst' f (Lam t e) =
+ Lam t (subst' (\t' -> \case Zero -> Var t' Zero ; Succ i -> sinkExp1 (f t' i)) e)
+subst' f (Var t i) = f t i
+subst' f (Let a b) =
+ Let (subst' f a)
+ (subst' (\t -> \case Zero -> Var t Zero ; Succ i -> sinkExp1 (f t i)) b)
+subst' _ (Lit l) = Lit l
+subst' f (Cond a b c) = Cond (subst' f a) (subst' f b) (subst' f c)
+subst' _ (Const c) = Const c
+subst' f (Pair a b) = Pair (subst' f a) (subst' f b)
+subst' f (Fst e) = Fst (subst' f e)
+subst' f (Snd e) = Snd (subst' f e)
+subst' f (Build sht a b) = Build sht (subst' f a) (subst' f b)
+subst' f (Ifold sht a b c) = Ifold sht (subst' f a) (subst' f b) (subst' f c)
+subst' f (Index a b) = Index (subst' f a) (subst' f b)
+subst' f (Shape e) = Shape (subst' f e)
diff --git a/Sink.hs b/Sink.hs
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index 0000000..1368cb6
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+++ b/Sink.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+module Sink where
+import AST
+newtype env :> env' = Weaken { (>:>) :: forall t'. Idx env t' -> Idx env' t' }
+wId :: env :> env
+wId = Weaken id
+wSucc :: env :> env' -> env :> (a ': env')
+wSucc (Weaken f) = Weaken (Succ . f)
+wSink :: env :> env' -> (a ': env) :> (a ': env')
+wSink w = Weaken (\case Zero -> Zero
+ Succ i -> Succ (w >:> i))
+(.>) :: env2 :> env3 -> env1 :> env2 -> env1 :> env3
+Weaken f .> Weaken g = Weaken (f . g)
+sinkExp :: env :> env' -> Exp env a -> Exp env' a
+sinkExp w = \case
+ App e1 e2 -> App (sinkExp w e1) (sinkExp w e2)
+ Lam t e -> Lam t (sinkExp (wSink w) e)
+ Var t i -> Var t (w >:> i)
+ Let e1 e2 -> Let (sinkExp w e1) (sinkExp (wSink w) e2)
+ Lit l -> Lit l
+ Cond e1 e2 e3 -> Cond (sinkExp w e1) (sinkExp w e2) (sinkExp w e3)
+ Const c -> Const c
+ Pair e1 e2 -> Pair (sinkExp w e1) (sinkExp w e2)
+ Fst e -> Fst (sinkExp w e)
+ Snd e -> Snd (sinkExp w e)
+ Build sht e1 e2 -> Build sht (sinkExp w e1) (sinkExp w e2)
+ Ifold sht e1 e2 e3 -> Ifold sht (sinkExp w e1) (sinkExp w e2) (sinkExp w e3)
+ Index e1 e2 -> Index (sinkExp w e1) (sinkExp w e2)
+ Shape e -> Shape (sinkExp w e)
+sinkExp1 :: Exp env a -> Exp (t ': env) a
+sinkExp1 = sinkExp (wSucc wId)
+sinkExp2 :: Exp env a -> Exp (t1 ': t2 ': env) a
+sinkExp2 = sinkExp (wSucc (wSucc wId))
diff --git a/ftilde.cabal b/ftilde.cabal
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index 0000000..1432547
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+++ b/ftilde.cabal
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+cabal-version: 2.0
+name: ftilde
+synopsis: F tilde (following https://doi.org/10.1145/3341701)
+license: MIT
+author: Tom Smeding
+maintainer: tom@tomsmeding.com
+build-type: Simple
+executable ftilde
+ main-is: Main.hs
+ other-modules:
+ AD
+ Examples
+ Gradient
+ Language
+ Repl
+ Simplify
+ Sink
+ build-depends:
+ base >= 4.13 && < 4.15,
+ vector,
+ some
+ hs-source-dirs: .
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ ghc-options: -Wall -O2 -threaded