diff options
authortomsmeding <tom.smeding@gmail.com>2017-08-28 14:34:24 +0200
committertomsmeding <tom.smeding@gmail.com>2017-08-28 14:34:24 +0200
commit3d5d85e00f2a81efb62bb17f8e5db63fe5a49a61 (patch)
parentc129641b18156b463cd12318ba956c85a9017e39 (diff)
Optimisations (and array shift)
Array points at data, not size stack alignment cross-platform liblang fast strlen
6 files changed, 245 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/BuildIR.hs b/BuildIR.hs
index 5b12dc2..9eb4d62 100644
--- a/BuildIR.hs
+++ b/BuildIR.hs
@@ -338,20 +338,20 @@ convertExpression (ESubscript arr sub t) nextnext = do
subref <- convertExpression sub bl3
switchBlock bl3
offref <- genTemp (refSize subref)
- off8ref <- genTemp (refSize subref)
elemptr <- genTemp (refSize arrref)
+ arrszptr <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
arrsz <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
errbl <- gets errorBlock
- addIns $ ILoad arrsz arrref
+ addIns $ IAri ASub arrszptr arrref (Constant (refSize arrref) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
+ addIns $ ILoad arrsz arrszptr
bl4 <- newBlockNoSwitch
setTerm $ IJcc CUGeq subref arrsz errbl bl4
switchBlock bl4
addIns $ IAri AMul offref subref (Constant (refSize subref) (fromIntegral elemsz))
- addIns $ IAri AAdd off8ref offref (Constant (refSize subref) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
- addIns $ IAri AAdd elemptr arrref off8ref
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd elemptr arrref offref
ref <- genTemp elemsz
addIns $ ILoad ref elemptr
setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
@@ -375,13 +375,15 @@ convertExpression (ENew t sze) nextnext = do
bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
szref <- convertExpression sze bl2
switchBlock bl2
+ ref' <- genTemp (sizeof $ TArr t Nothing)
ref <- genTemp (sizeof $ TArr t Nothing)
argref' <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
argref <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
addIns $ IAri AMul argref' szref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral $ sizeof t))
addIns $ IAri AAdd argref argref' (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
- addIns $ ICallr ref "_builtin_malloc" [argref]
- addIns $ IStore ref szref
+ addIns $ ICallr ref' "_builtin_malloc" [argref]
+ addIns $ IStore ref' szref
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd ref ref' (Constant (refSize ref') (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
return ref
@@ -400,20 +402,20 @@ convertAsExpression (AESubscript ae2 expr mrt) valueref nextnext = do
bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
subref <- convertExpression expr bl2
switchBlock bl2
- offref' <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
offref <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
elemptr <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
+ arrszptr <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
arrsz <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
errbl <- gets errorBlock
- addIns $ ILoad arrsz ae2ref
+ addIns $ IAri ASub arrszptr ae2ref (Constant (refSize ae2ref) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
+ addIns $ ILoad arrsz arrszptr
bl3 <- newBlockNoSwitch
setTerm $ IJcc CUGeq subref arrsz errbl bl3
switchBlock bl3
- addIns $ IAri AMul offref' subref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral elemsz))
- addIns $ IAri AAdd offref offref' (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
+ addIns $ IAri AMul offref subref (Constant (refSize subref) (fromIntegral elemsz))
addIns $ IAri AAdd elemptr ae2ref offref
addIns $ IStore elemptr valueref
setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
@@ -434,20 +436,20 @@ convertAsExpression (AESubscript ae2 expr mrt) valueref nextnext = do
bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
eref <- convertExpression expr' bl2
switchBlock bl2
- offref' <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
offref <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
elemptr <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
+ arrszptr <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
arrsz <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
errbl <- gets errorBlock
- addIns $ ILoad arrsz ref
+ addIns $ IAri ASub arrszptr ref (Constant (refSize ref) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
+ addIns $ ILoad arrsz arrszptr
bl3 <- newBlockNoSwitch
setTerm $ IJcc CUGeq eref arrsz errbl bl3
switchBlock bl3
- addIns $ IAri AMul offref' eref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral elemsz))
- addIns $ IAri AAdd offref offref' (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
+ addIns $ IAri AMul offref eref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral elemsz))
addIns $ IAri AAdd elemptr ref offref
dstref <- genTemp elemsz
addIns $ ILoad dstref elemptr
diff --git a/CodeGen.hs b/CodeGen.hs
index 8eee371..bf3e477 100644
--- a/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/CodeGen.hs
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ codegen (IRProgram vars funcs) = do
x64 <- execCGMonad $ mapM_ codegenFunc funcs
-- traceShowM x64
X64.verify x64
+ -- traceM $ X64.stringify x64
varcg <- liftM unlines $ mapM codegenVar vars
x64opt <- x64Optimise x64
return $ "extern putc, putint, getc, exit, _builtin_malloc, _builtin_outofbounds\n" ++
@@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ codegenFunc (IRFunc _ name al bbs sid) = do
traceM $ "ALLOCATION: " ++ show allocation
let nsaves = length usedregs
+ alignoff = if odd nsaves then 8 else 0
allocationXref = flip Map.mapWithKey allocation $ \ref alloc -> case alloc of
AllocReg reg -> XReg (fromIntegral $ refSize ref) reg
AllocMem -> XMem (fromIntegral $ refSize ref)
@@ -117,7 +119,8 @@ codegenFunc (IRFunc _ name al bbs sid) = do
allocmap = foldl inserter allocationXref (zip al [0::Int ..])
inserter m ((t, n), i) =
- let offset = fromIntegral spillsz + 8 * nsaves + 8 {- rbp -} + 8 {- ret addr -} + 8 * i
+ let offset = fromIntegral spillsz + alignoff + 8 * nsaves +
+ 8 {- rbp -} + 8 {- ret addr -} + 8 * i
in Map.insert (Argument (sizeof t) n)
(XMem (fromIntegral $ sizeof t)
(Just RSP) (0, RAX) Nothing
@@ -128,6 +131,7 @@ codegenFunc (IRFunc _ name al bbs sid) = do
addIns $ PUSH (xref $ XReg 8 RBP)
addIns $ MOV (xref $ XReg 8 RBP) (xref $ XReg 8 RSP)
forM_ usedregs $ \reg -> addIns $ PUSH (xref $ XReg 8 reg)
+ when (odd $ length usedregs) $ addIns $ SUB (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm 8)
when (spillsz /= 0) $ addIns $ SUB (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm $ fromIntegral spillsz)
setRegsToRestore usedregs
setSpillSize spillsz
@@ -291,6 +295,7 @@ codegenIns m (IAri at d s1 s2) = case arithTypeToCondCode at of
s1m = mkxref s1 m
s2m = mkxref s2 m
codegenIns m (ICall n rs) = do
+ when (odd $ length rs) $ addIns $ SUB (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm 8)
forM_ (zip (reverse rs) [1::Int ..]) $ \(r, i) ->
let sz = fromIntegral $ refSize r
src = (mkxref r m)
@@ -304,6 +309,7 @@ codegenIns m (ICall n rs) = do
when (length rs > 0) $ addIns $ SUB (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm (fromIntegral $ 8 * length rs))
addIns $ CALL n
when (length rs > 0) $ addIns $ ADD (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm (fromIntegral $ 8 * length rs))
+ when (odd $ length rs) $ addIns $ ADD (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm 8)
codegenIns m (ICallr d n rs) = do
codegenIns m (ICall n rs)
addIns $ mkmov (mkxref d m) (XReg (fromIntegral $ refSize d) RAX)
@@ -380,6 +386,7 @@ codegenTerm _ IRet = do
spillsz <- gets spillSize
when (spillsz /= 0) $ addIns $ ADD (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm $ fromIntegral spillsz)
usedregs <- gets regsToRestore
+ when (odd $ length usedregs) $ addIns $ ADD (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm 8)
forM_ (reverse usedregs) $ \reg -> addIns $ POP (xref $ XReg 8 reg)
addIns $ mkmov (XReg 8 RSP) (XReg 8 RBP)
addIns $ POP (xref $ XReg 8 RBP)
@@ -389,6 +396,7 @@ codegenTerm m (IRetr r) = do
spillsz <- gets spillSize
when (spillsz /= 0) $ addIns $ ADD (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm $ fromIntegral spillsz)
usedregs <- gets regsToRestore
+ when (odd $ length usedregs) $ addIns $ ADD (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm 8)
forM_ (reverse usedregs) $ \reg -> addIns $ POP (xref $ XReg 8 reg)
addIns $ mkmov (XReg 8 RSP) (XReg 8 RBP)
addIns $ POP (xref $ XReg 8 RBP)
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index fb557e8..b8c50e6 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import Debug.Trace
import BuildIR
import CodeGen
import Defs
-import InternStrings
import Optimiser
import Pretty
import ProgramParser
@@ -34,7 +33,6 @@ performCompile source = do
let eres = return source
>>= parseProgram <?> "Parse error"
>>= typeCheck <?> "Type error"
- -- >>= internStrings <?> "Error interning strings"
>>= buildIR <?> "IR building error"
>>= optimise <?> "Error while optimising"
>>= return . traceShowId
diff --git a/X64.hs b/X64.hs
index b71012a..26c35dd 100644
--- a/X64.hs
+++ b/X64.hs
@@ -184,26 +184,31 @@ instance Stringifiable XRef where
stringify (XMem _ _ (mult, _) _ _) | not (mult `elem` [0,1,2,4,8]) =
error $ "Register multiplier has invalid value " ++ show mult ++ " in XMem"
- stringify (XMem sz mr pair lab off) =
- let res = intercalate "+" (catMaybes [goR1 mr, goPair pair, goLab lab]) ++ goOff off
- in szword sz ++ " " ++ if null res then "[0]" else "[" ++ res ++ "]"
+ stringify x@(XMem sz _ _ _ _) = szword sz ++ " " ++ stringify_only_xmem_brackets x
szword 1 = "byte"
szword 2 = "word"
szword 4 = "dword"
szword 8 = "qword"
szword _ = undefined
- goR1 Nothing = Nothing
- goR1 (Just r) = Just $ stringify (XReg 8 r)
- goPair (0, _) = Nothing
- goPair (mult, r) = Just $ show mult ++ "*" ++ stringify (XReg 8 r)
- goLab = id
- goOff o | o > 0 = '+' : show o
- | o < 0 = show o
- | otherwise = ""
stringify (XImm imm) = show imm
+stringify_only_xmem_brackets :: XRef -> String
+stringify_only_xmem_brackets (XMem _ mr pair lab off) =
+ let res = intercalate "+" (catMaybes [goR1 mr, goPair pair, goLab lab]) ++ goOff off
+ in if null res then "[0]" else "[" ++ res ++ "]"
+ where
+ goR1 Nothing = Nothing
+ goR1 (Just r) = Just $ stringify (XReg 8 r)
+ goPair (0, _) = Nothing
+ goPair (mult, r) = Just $ show mult ++ "*" ++ stringify (XReg 8 r)
+ goLab = id
+ goOff o | o > 0 = '+' : show o
+ | o < 0 = show o
+ | otherwise = ""
+stringify_only_xmem_brackets _ = undefined
instance Stringifiable Reg where stringify (Reg x) = stringify x
instance Stringifiable Mem where stringify (Mem x) = stringify x
instance Stringifiable Imm where stringify (Imm x) = stringify x
@@ -235,7 +240,7 @@ instance Stringifiable CondCode where
instance Stringifiable Ins where
stringify (MOV a b) = "mov " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
stringify (MOVi a b) = "mov " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
- stringify (LEA a b) = "lea " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ stringify (LEA a (Mem b)) = "lea " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify_only_xmem_brackets b
stringify (MOVSX a b@(RegMem bx)) = case compare (xrefGetSize bx) 4 of
EQ -> "movsxd " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
LT -> "movsx " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
diff --git a/X64Optimiser.hs b/X64Optimiser.hs
index fa5d113..195389f 100644
--- a/X64Optimiser.hs
+++ b/X64Optimiser.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module X64Optimiser(x64Optimise) where
import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
import Defs
import X64
@@ -9,7 +10,10 @@ import X64
x64Optimise :: Asm -> Error Asm
x64Optimise asm =
return $
- funcopt optCoalesceInstructions $
+ funcopt optSimpleInstructions $
+ funcopt optDoubleAdd $
+ funcopt optMergeRSP $
+ funcopt optMergeRSP $ -- #HACK (sometimes needed to eliminate all rsp arithmetic)
optUnnecessaryJumps $
funcopt optSimpleInstructions $
@@ -35,10 +39,12 @@ optSimpleInstructions (name, inss) = (name, concat $ map goI inss)
goI (MOVi (Reg (XReg 8 r)) (Imm (XImm 0))) = [XOR (RegMem (XReg 4 r)) (RegMemImm (XReg 4 r))]
goI (MOVi (Reg a) (Imm (XImm 0))) = [XOR (RegMem a) (RegMemImm a)]
goI (MOVSX (Reg a) (RegMem b)) | a == b = []
+ goI (ADD _ (RegMemImm (XImm 0))) = []
+ goI (SUB _ (RegMemImm (XImm 0))) = []
goI ins = [ins]
-optCoalesceInstructions :: Func -> Func
-optCoalesceInstructions (name, inss) = (name, go inss)
+optMergeRSP :: Func -> Func
+optMergeRSP (name, inss) = (name, go inss)
go :: [Ins] -> [Ins]
go [] = []
@@ -76,3 +82,54 @@ optCoalesceInstructions (name, inss) = (name, go inss)
XMem _ _ (_, RSP) _ _ -> Nothing
x@(XReg _ _) -> Just x
x@(XMem _ _ _ _ _) -> Just x
+optDoubleAdd :: Func -> Func
+optDoubleAdd (name, inss) = (name, go inss)
+ where
+ go :: [Ins] -> [Ins]
+ go [] = []
+ go (add@(ADD (RegMem xreg@(XReg _ xregReg)) (RegMemImm (XImm _))) : rest) =
+ let midx = flip findIndex rest $ \ins -> case ins of
+ ADD (RegMem xreg2@(XReg _ _)) (RegMemImm (XImm _)) | xreg == xreg2 -> True
+ SUB (RegMem xreg2@(XReg _ _)) (RegMemImm (XImm _)) | xreg == xreg2 -> True
+ _ -> False
+ in case midx of
+ Nothing -> add : go rest
+ Just idx -> if all (canSkip xregReg) (take idx rest)
+ then go $ merge add (rest !! idx) : take idx rest ++ drop (idx + 1) rest
+ else add : go rest
+ go (ins : rest) = ins : go rest
+ canSkip :: Register -> Ins -> Bool
+ canSkip _ (CALL _) = False
+ canSkip _ (JMP _) = False
+ canSkip _ (JCC _ _) = False
+ canSkip _ RET = False
+ canSkip reg ins =
+ isJust $ xrefMapM (\y -> if y `containsReg` reg then Nothing else Just y) ins
+ containsReg :: XRef -> Register -> Bool
+ containsReg (XReg _ r) reg | r == reg = True
+ containsReg (XMem _ (Just r) _ _ _) reg | r == reg = True
+ containsReg (XMem _ _ (s, r) _ _) reg | s /= 0 && r == reg = True
+ containsReg _ _ = False
+ merge :: Ins -> Ins -> Ins
+ merge ins1 ins2 =
+ let e1 = effectOf ins1
+ e2 = effectOf ins2
+ dst1 = destOf ins1
+ dst2 = destOf ins2
+ in if dst1 == dst2
+ then ADD (RegMem dst1) (RegMemImm $ XImm $ e1 + e2)
+ else undefined
+ effectOf :: Ins -> Offset
+ effectOf (ADD _ (RegMemImm (XImm i))) = i
+ effectOf (SUB _ (RegMemImm (XImm i))) = -i
+ effectOf _ = undefined
+ destOf :: Ins -> XRef
+ destOf (ADD (RegMem d) _) = d
+ destOf (SUB (RegMem d) _) = d
+ destOf _ = undefined
diff --git a/liblang.asm b/liblang.asm
index 3ae345d..9cd905c 100644
--- a/liblang.asm
+++ b/liblang.asm
@@ -1,16 +1,77 @@
-SYS_EXIT equ 0x2000001 ;code
-SYS_FORK equ 0x2000002 ;--
-SYS_READ equ 0x2000003 ;fd, buf, len
-SYS_WRITE equ 0x2000004 ;fd, buf, len
-SYS_MMAP equ 0x20000C5 ;addr, len, prot, flags, fd, offset
+; TAKEN FROM https://github.com/davidad/asm_concurrency/blob/master/os_dependent_stuff.asm
+; syscalls
+%ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf64
+; http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v3.13.5/arch/x86/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl
+ %define SYS_READ 0
+ %define SYS_OPEN 2
+ %define SYS_WRITE 1
+ %define SYS_MMAP 9
+ %define SYS_FTRUNCATE 77
+ %define SYS_PWRITE 18
+ %define SYS_FORK 57
+ %define SYS_WAITID 247
+ %define SYS_EXIT 60
+%elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,macho64
+; http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-1456.1.26/bsd/kern/syscalls.master
+ %define SYS_READ 0x2000003
+ %define SYS_OPEN 0x2000005
+ %define SYS_WRITE 0x2000004
+ %define SYS_MMAP 0x20000C5
+ %define SYS_FTRUNCATE 0x20000C9
+ %define SYS_PWRITE 0x200009A
+ %define SYS_FORK 0x2000002
+ %define SYS_WAITID 0x20000AD
+ %define SYS_EXIT 0x2000001
-global start, putc, putint, getc, exit, _builtin_malloc, _builtin_outofbounds
+; mmap() and mprotect() flags
+%ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf64
+; http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v3.13.5/include/uapi/asm-generic/mman-common.h
+ %define MAP_SHARED 0x01
+ %define MAP_PRIVATE 0x02
+ %define MAP_FIXED 0x10
+ %define MAP_ANON 0x20
+ %define PROT_NONE 0x0
+ %define PROT_READ 0x1
+ %define PROT_WRITE 0x2
+ %define PROT_EXEC 0x4
+ %define PROT_SEM 0x8
+ %define PROT_GROWSDOWN 0x01000000
+ %define PROT_GROWSUP 0x02000000
+%elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,macho64
+; http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-2050.18.24/bsd/sys/mman.h
+ %define MAP_SHARED 0x001
+ %define MAP_PRIVATE 0x002
+ %define MAP_FIXED 0x010
+ %define MAP_RENAME 0x020
+ %define MAP_NORESERVE 0x040
+ %define MAP_INHERIT 0x080
+ %define MAP_NOEXTEND 0x100
+ %define MAP_SEMAPHORE 0x200
+ %define MAP_NOCACHE 0x400
+ %define MAP_JIT 0x800
+ %define MAP_FILE 0x0000
+ %define MAP_ANON 0x1000
+ %define PROT_NONE 0x0
+ %define PROT_READ 0x1
+ %define PROT_WRITE 0x2
+ %define PROT_EXEC 0x4
+%define STDIN_FILENO 0
+%define STDOUT_FILENO 1
+%define STDERR_FILENO 2
+global start, _start, putc, putint, getc, exit, _builtin_malloc, _builtin_outofbounds
default rel
extern main
section .text
+ and rsp, -16 ; make stack 16-byte aligned
call main
mov rdi, rax
mov eax, SYS_EXIT
@@ -25,7 +86,7 @@ putc:
push rcx
push r11
mov eax, SYS_WRITE
- mov edi, 1
+ mov edi, STDOUT_FILENO
lea rsi, [rsp+56]
mov edx, edi
@@ -91,7 +152,7 @@ getc:
push rcx
push r11
mov eax, SYS_READ
- xor edi, edi
+ mov edi, STDIN_FILENO
mov rsi, rsp
mov edx, 1
@@ -115,6 +176,73 @@ exit:
jmp $
+ push rbx
+ push rcx
+ push rdx
+ push rdi
+ push rsi
+ mov rsi, [rsp+8] ; string data pointer
+ mov rcx, [rsi-8] ; array size
+ xor edx, edx ; string walker
+ cmp rcx, 16
+ jb .short
+ movdqa [rsp], xmm1
+ movdqa [rsp-16], xmm2
+ mov rax, rcx ; now array size
+ lea rbx, [rax-16]
+ pxor xmm2, xmm2
+ movdqu xmm1, [rsi+rdx]
+ pcmpistri xmm1, xmm2, 0x08
+ js .nullfound
+ add rdx, 16
+ cmp rdx, rbx
+ jbe .lp
+ movdqa xmm2, [rsp-16]
+ movdqa xmm1, [rsp]
+ cmp rdx, rax
+ je .nonull
+ mov rcx, rax
+ sub rcx, rdx
+ mov al, [rsi+rdx]
+ inc rdx
+ test al, al
+ loopnz .short
+ jnz .nonull
+ lea rax, [rdx-1]
+ pop rsi
+ pop rdi
+ pop rdx
+ pop rcx
+ pop rbx
+ ret
+ add rdx, rcx
+ mov rax, rdx
+ pop rsi
+ pop rdi
+ pop rdx
+ pop rcx
+ pop rbx
+ ret
+ mov edi, STDERR_FILENO
+ lea rsi, [nonull_msg]
+ mov edx, nonull_msg.len
+ mov eax, SYS_WRITE
+ syscall
+ jmp exit255
push rdi
push rsi
@@ -126,12 +254,13 @@ _builtin_malloc:
push rcx
xor edi, edi
mov rsi, [rsp+72]
- mov edx, 0x03
- mov r10d, 0x1001
+ mov r10d, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE
mov r8d, -1
xor r9d, r9d
mov eax, SYS_MMAP
+ add rax, 8
pop rcx
pop r11
pop r10
@@ -143,11 +272,12 @@ _builtin_malloc:
- mov edi, 2
+ mov edi, STDERR_FILENO
lea rsi, [outofbounds_msg]
mov rdx, outofbounds_msg.len
mov eax, SYS_WRITE
mov edi, 255
mov eax, SYS_EXIT
@@ -157,3 +287,5 @@ _builtin_outofbounds:
section .data
outofbounds_msg: db "Runtime Error: Out-of-bounds array access detected", 10
.len: equ $ - outofbounds_msg
+nonull_msg: db "Runtime Error: No null byte found in string", 10
+.len: equ $ - nonull_msg