path: root/src/Data/Array/Nested/Shaped.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Data/Array/Nested/Shaped.hs')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Data/Array/Nested/Shaped.hs b/src/Data/Array/Nested/Shaped.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..934433e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Data/Array/Nested/Shaped.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-}
+module Data.Array.Nested.Shaped where
+import Prelude hiding (mappend)
+import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
+import Control.Monad.ST
+import Data.Bifunctor (first)
+import Data.Coerce (coerce)
+import Data.Kind (Type)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
+import Data.Proxy
+import Data.Type.Equality
+import Data.Vector.Storable qualified as VS
+import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
+import GHC.Float qualified (log1p, expm1, log1pexp, log1mexp)
+import GHC.TypeLits
+import Data.Array.Mixed (XArray)
+import Data.Array.Mixed qualified as X
+import Data.Array.Mixed.Internal.Arith
+import Data.Array.Mixed.Lemmas
+import Data.Array.Mixed.Permutation
+import Data.Array.Mixed.Shape
+import Data.Array.Mixed.Types
+import Data.Array.Nested.Lemmas
+import Data.Array.Nested.Mixed
+import Data.Array.Nested.Shape
+-- | A shape-typed array: the full shape of the array (the sizes of its
+-- dimensions) is represented on the type level as a list of 'Nat's. Note that
+-- these are "GHC.TypeLits" naturals, because we do not need induction over
+-- them and we want very large arrays to be possible.
+-- Like for 'Ranked', the valid elements are described by the 'Elt' type class,
+-- and 'Shaped' itself is again an instance of 'Elt' as well.
+-- 'Shaped' is a newtype around a 'Mixed' of 'Just's.
+type Shaped :: [Nat] -> Type -> Type
+newtype Shaped sh a = Shaped (Mixed (MapJust sh) a)
+deriving instance Show (Mixed (MapJust sh) a) => Show (Shaped sh a)
+deriving instance Eq (Mixed (MapJust sh) a) => Eq (Shaped sh a)
+deriving instance Ord (Mixed '[] a) => Ord (Shaped '[] a)
+deriving instance NFData (Mixed (MapJust sh) a) => NFData (Shaped sh a)
+-- just unwrap the newtype and defer to the general instance for nested arrays
+newtype instance Mixed sh (Shaped sh' a) = M_Shaped (Mixed sh (Mixed (MapJust sh') a))
+deriving instance Show (Mixed sh (Mixed (MapJust sh') a)) => Show (Mixed sh (Shaped sh' a))
+newtype instance MixedVecs s sh (Shaped sh' a) = MV_Shaped (MixedVecs s sh (Mixed (MapJust sh' ) a))
+instance Elt a => Elt (Shaped sh a) where
+ mshape (M_Shaped arr) = mshape arr
+ mindex (M_Shaped arr) i = Shaped (mindex arr i)
+ mindexPartial :: forall sh1 sh2. Mixed (sh1 ++ sh2) (Shaped sh a) -> IIxX sh1 -> Mixed sh2 (Shaped sh a)
+ mindexPartial (M_Shaped arr) i =
+ coerce @(Mixed sh2 (Mixed (MapJust sh) a)) @(Mixed sh2 (Shaped sh a)) $
+ mindexPartial arr i
+ mscalar (Shaped x) = M_Shaped (M_Nest ZSX x)
+ mfromListOuter :: forall sh'. NonEmpty (Mixed sh' (Shaped sh a)) -> Mixed (Nothing : sh') (Shaped sh a)
+ mfromListOuter l = M_Shaped (mfromListOuter (coerce l))
+ mtoListOuter :: forall n sh'. Mixed (n : sh') (Shaped sh a) -> [Mixed sh' (Shaped sh a)]
+ mtoListOuter (M_Shaped arr)
+ = coerce @[Mixed sh' (Mixed (MapJust sh) a)] @[Mixed sh' (Shaped sh a)] (mtoListOuter arr)
+ mlift :: forall sh1 sh2.
+ StaticShX sh2
+ -> (forall sh' b. Storable b => StaticShX sh' -> XArray (sh1 ++ sh') b -> XArray (sh2 ++ sh') b)
+ -> Mixed sh1 (Shaped sh a) -> Mixed sh2 (Shaped sh a)
+ mlift ssh2 f (M_Shaped arr) =
+ coerce @(Mixed sh2 (Mixed (MapJust sh) a)) @(Mixed sh2 (Shaped sh a)) $
+ mlift ssh2 f arr
+ mlift2 :: forall sh1 sh2 sh3.
+ StaticShX sh3
+ -> (forall sh' b. Storable b => StaticShX sh' -> XArray (sh1 ++ sh') b -> XArray (sh2 ++ sh') b -> XArray (sh3 ++ sh') b)
+ -> Mixed sh1 (Shaped sh a) -> Mixed sh2 (Shaped sh a) -> Mixed sh3 (Shaped sh a)
+ mlift2 ssh3 f (M_Shaped arr1) (M_Shaped arr2) =
+ coerce @(Mixed sh3 (Mixed (MapJust sh) a)) @(Mixed sh3 (Shaped sh a)) $
+ mlift2 ssh3 f arr1 arr2
+ mcast ssh1 sh2 psh' (M_Shaped arr) = M_Shaped (mcast ssh1 sh2 psh' arr)
+ mtranspose perm (M_Shaped arr) = M_Shaped (mtranspose perm arr)
+ type ShapeTree (Shaped sh a) = (ShS sh, ShapeTree a)
+ mshapeTree (Shaped arr) = first shCvtXS' (mshapeTree arr)
+ mshapeTreeEq _ (sh1, t1) (sh2, t2) = sh1 == sh2 && mshapeTreeEq (Proxy @a) t1 t2
+ mshapeTreeEmpty _ (sh, t) = shsSize sh == 0 && mshapeTreeEmpty (Proxy @a) t
+ mshowShapeTree _ (sh, t) = "(" ++ show sh ++ ", " ++ mshowShapeTree (Proxy @a) t ++ ")"
+ mvecsWrite :: forall sh' s. IShX sh' -> IIxX sh' -> Shaped sh a -> MixedVecs s sh' (Shaped sh a) -> ST s ()
+ mvecsWrite sh idx (Shaped arr) vecs =
+ mvecsWrite sh idx arr
+ (coerce @(MixedVecs s sh' (Shaped sh a)) @(MixedVecs s sh' (Mixed (MapJust sh) a))
+ vecs)
+ mvecsWritePartial :: forall sh1 sh2 s.
+ IShX (sh1 ++ sh2) -> IIxX sh1 -> Mixed sh2 (Shaped sh a)
+ -> MixedVecs s (sh1 ++ sh2) (Shaped sh a)
+ -> ST s ()
+ mvecsWritePartial sh idx arr vecs =
+ mvecsWritePartial sh idx
+ (coerce @(Mixed sh2 (Shaped sh a))
+ @(Mixed sh2 (Mixed (MapJust sh) a))
+ arr)
+ (coerce @(MixedVecs s (sh1 ++ sh2) (Shaped sh a))
+ @(MixedVecs s (sh1 ++ sh2) (Mixed (MapJust sh) a))
+ vecs)
+ mvecsFreeze :: forall sh' s. IShX sh' -> MixedVecs s sh' (Shaped sh a) -> ST s (Mixed sh' (Shaped sh a))
+ mvecsFreeze sh vecs =
+ coerce @(Mixed sh' (Mixed (MapJust sh) a))
+ @(Mixed sh' (Shaped sh a))
+ <$> mvecsFreeze sh
+ (coerce @(MixedVecs s sh' (Shaped sh a))
+ @(MixedVecs s sh' (Mixed (MapJust sh) a))
+ vecs)
+instance (KnownShS sh, KnownElt a) => KnownElt (Shaped sh a) where
+ memptyArray :: forall sh'. IShX sh' -> Mixed sh' (Shaped sh a)
+ memptyArray i
+ | Dict <- lemKnownMapJust (Proxy @sh)
+ = coerce @(Mixed sh' (Mixed (MapJust sh) a)) @(Mixed sh' (Shaped sh a)) $
+ memptyArray i
+ mvecsUnsafeNew idx (Shaped arr)
+ | Dict <- lemKnownMapJust (Proxy @sh)
+ = MV_Shaped <$> mvecsUnsafeNew idx arr
+ mvecsNewEmpty _
+ | Dict <- lemKnownMapJust (Proxy @sh)
+ = MV_Shaped <$> mvecsNewEmpty (Proxy @(Mixed (MapJust sh) a))
+arithPromoteShaped :: forall sh a. PrimElt a
+ => (forall shx. Mixed shx a -> Mixed shx a)
+ -> Shaped sh a -> Shaped sh a
+arithPromoteShaped = coerce
+arithPromoteShaped2 :: forall sh a. PrimElt a
+ => (forall shx. Mixed shx a -> Mixed shx a -> Mixed shx a)
+ -> Shaped sh a -> Shaped sh a -> Shaped sh a
+arithPromoteShaped2 = coerce
+instance (NumElt a, PrimElt a) => Num (Shaped sh a) where
+ (+) = arithPromoteShaped2 (+)
+ (-) = arithPromoteShaped2 (-)
+ (*) = arithPromoteShaped2 (*)
+ negate = arithPromoteShaped negate
+ abs = arithPromoteShaped abs
+ signum = arithPromoteShaped signum
+ fromInteger _ = error "Data.Array.Nested.fromIntegral: No singletons available, use explicit sreplicateScal"
+instance (FloatElt a, NumElt a, PrimElt a) => Fractional (Shaped sh a) where
+ fromRational _ = error "Data.Array.Nested.fromRational: No singletons available, use explicit sreplicateScal"
+ recip = arithPromoteShaped recip
+ (/) = arithPromoteShaped2 (/)
+instance (FloatElt a, NumElt a, PrimElt a) => Floating (Shaped sh a) where
+ pi = error "Data.Array.Nested.pi: No singletons available, use explicit sreplicateScal"
+ exp = arithPromoteShaped exp
+ log = arithPromoteShaped log
+ sqrt = arithPromoteShaped sqrt
+ (**) = arithPromoteShaped2 (**)
+ logBase = arithPromoteShaped2 logBase
+ sin = arithPromoteShaped sin
+ cos = arithPromoteShaped cos
+ tan = arithPromoteShaped tan
+ asin = arithPromoteShaped asin
+ acos = arithPromoteShaped acos
+ atan = arithPromoteShaped atan
+ sinh = arithPromoteShaped sinh
+ cosh = arithPromoteShaped cosh
+ tanh = arithPromoteShaped tanh
+ asinh = arithPromoteShaped asinh
+ acosh = arithPromoteShaped acosh
+ atanh = arithPromoteShaped atanh
+ log1p = arithPromoteShaped GHC.Float.log1p
+ expm1 = arithPromoteShaped GHC.Float.expm1
+ log1pexp = arithPromoteShaped GHC.Float.log1pexp
+ log1mexp = arithPromoteShaped GHC.Float.log1mexp
+sshape :: forall sh a. Elt a => Shaped sh a -> ShS sh
+sshape (Shaped arr) = shCvtXS' (mshape arr)
+sindex :: Elt a => Shaped sh a -> IIxS sh -> a
+sindex (Shaped arr) idx = mindex arr (ixCvtSX idx)
+shsTakeIx :: Proxy sh' -> ShS (sh ++ sh') -> IIxS sh -> ShS sh
+shsTakeIx _ _ ZIS = ZSS
+shsTakeIx p sh (_ :.$ idx) = case sh of n :$$ sh' -> n :$$ shsTakeIx p sh' idx
+sindexPartial :: forall sh1 sh2 a. Elt a => Shaped (sh1 ++ sh2) a -> IIxS sh1 -> Shaped sh2 a
+sindexPartial sarr@(Shaped arr) idx =
+ Shaped (mindexPartial @a @(MapJust sh1) @(MapJust sh2)
+ (castWith (subst2 (lemMapJustApp (shsTakeIx (Proxy @sh2) (sshape sarr) idx) (Proxy @sh2))) arr)
+ (ixCvtSX idx))
+-- | __WARNING__: All values returned from the function must have equal shape.
+-- See the documentation of 'mgenerate' for more details.
+sgenerate :: forall sh a. KnownElt a => ShS sh -> (IIxS sh -> a) -> Shaped sh a
+sgenerate sh f = Shaped (mgenerate (shCvtSX sh) (f . ixCvtXS sh))
+-- | See the documentation of 'mlift'.
+slift :: forall sh1 sh2 a. Elt a
+ => ShS sh2
+ -> (forall sh' b. Storable b => StaticShX sh' -> XArray (MapJust sh1 ++ sh') b -> XArray (MapJust sh2 ++ sh') b)
+ -> Shaped sh1 a -> Shaped sh2 a
+slift sh2 f (Shaped arr) = Shaped (mlift (ssxFromShape (shCvtSX sh2)) f arr)
+-- | See the documentation of 'mlift'.
+slift2 :: forall sh1 sh2 sh3 a. Elt a
+ => ShS sh3
+ -> (forall sh' b. Storable b => StaticShX sh' -> XArray (MapJust sh1 ++ sh') b -> XArray (MapJust sh2 ++ sh') b -> XArray (MapJust sh3 ++ sh') b)
+ -> Shaped sh1 a -> Shaped sh2 a -> Shaped sh3 a
+slift2 sh3 f (Shaped arr1) (Shaped arr2) = Shaped (mlift2 (ssxFromShape (shCvtSX sh3)) f arr1 arr2)
+ssumOuter1P :: forall sh n a. (Storable a, NumElt a)
+ => Shaped (n : sh) (Primitive a) -> Shaped sh (Primitive a)
+ssumOuter1P (Shaped arr) = Shaped (msumOuter1P arr)
+ssumOuter1 :: forall sh n a. (NumElt a, PrimElt a)
+ => Shaped (n : sh) a -> Shaped sh a
+ssumOuter1 = sfromPrimitive . ssumOuter1P . stoPrimitive
+stranspose :: forall is sh a. (IsPermutation is, Rank is <= Rank sh, Elt a)
+ => Perm is -> Shaped sh a -> Shaped (PermutePrefix is sh) a
+stranspose perm sarr@(Shaped arr)
+ | Refl <- lemRankMapJust (sshape sarr)
+ , Refl <- lemMapJustTakeLen perm (sshape sarr)
+ , Refl <- lemMapJustDropLen perm (sshape sarr)
+ , Refl <- lemMapJustPermute perm (shsTakeLen perm (sshape sarr))
+ , Refl <- lemMapJustApp (shsPermute perm (shsTakeLen perm (sshape sarr))) (Proxy @(DropLen is sh))
+ = Shaped (mtranspose perm arr)
+sappend :: Elt a => Shaped (n : sh) a -> Shaped (m : sh) a -> Shaped (n + m : sh) a
+sappend = coerce mappend
+sscalar :: Elt a => a -> Shaped '[] a
+sscalar x = Shaped (mscalar x)
+sfromVectorP :: Storable a => ShS sh -> VS.Vector a -> Shaped sh (Primitive a)
+sfromVectorP sh v = Shaped (mfromVectorP (shCvtSX sh) v)
+sfromVector :: PrimElt a => ShS sh -> VS.Vector a -> Shaped sh a
+sfromVector sh v = sfromPrimitive (sfromVectorP sh v)
+stoVectorP :: Storable a => Shaped sh (Primitive a) -> VS.Vector a
+stoVectorP = coerce mtoVectorP
+stoVector :: PrimElt a => Shaped sh a -> VS.Vector a
+stoVector = coerce mtoVector
+sfromListOuter :: Elt a => SNat n -> NonEmpty (Shaped sh a) -> Shaped (n : sh) a
+sfromListOuter sn l = Shaped (mcast (SUnknown () :!% ZKX) (SKnown sn :$% ZSX) Proxy $ mfromListOuter (coerce l))
+sfromList1 :: Elt a => SNat n -> NonEmpty a -> Shaped '[n] a
+sfromList1 sn = Shaped . mcast (SUnknown () :!% ZKX) (SKnown sn :$% ZSX) Proxy . mfromList1
+sfromList1Prim :: (PrimElt a, Elt a) => SNat n -> [a] -> Shaped '[n] a
+sfromList1Prim sn = Shaped . mcast (SUnknown () :!% ZKX) (SKnown sn :$% ZSX) Proxy . mfromList1Prim
+stoListOuter :: Elt a => Shaped (n : sh) a -> [Shaped sh a]
+stoListOuter (Shaped arr) = coerce (mtoListOuter arr)
+stoList1 :: Elt a => Shaped '[n] a -> [a]
+stoList1 = map sunScalar . stoListOuter
+sfromListPrim :: forall n a. PrimElt a => SNat n -> [a] -> Shaped '[n] a
+sfromListPrim sn l
+ | Refl <- lemAppNil @'[Just n]
+ = let ssh = SUnknown () :!% ZKX
+ xarr = X.cast ssh (SKnown sn :$% ZSX) ZKX (X.fromList1 ssh l)
+ in Shaped $ fromPrimitive $ M_Primitive (X.shape (SKnown sn :!% ZKX) xarr) xarr
+sfromListPrimLinear :: PrimElt a => ShS sh -> [a] -> Shaped sh a
+sfromListPrimLinear sh l =
+ let M_Primitive _ xarr = toPrimitive (mfromListPrim l)
+ in Shaped $ fromPrimitive $ M_Primitive (shCvtSX sh) (X.reshape (SUnknown () :!% ZKX) (shCvtSX sh) xarr)
+sunScalar :: Elt a => Shaped '[] a -> a
+sunScalar arr = sindex arr ZIS
+srerankP :: forall sh1 sh2 sh a b. (Storable a, Storable b)
+ => ShS sh -> ShS sh2
+ -> (Shaped sh1 (Primitive a) -> Shaped sh2 (Primitive b))
+ -> Shaped (sh ++ sh1) (Primitive a) -> Shaped (sh ++ sh2) (Primitive b)
+srerankP sh sh2 f sarr@(Shaped arr)
+ | Refl <- lemMapJustApp sh (Proxy @sh1)
+ , Refl <- lemMapJustApp sh (Proxy @sh2)
+ = Shaped (mrerankP (ssxFromShape (shxTakeSSX (Proxy @(MapJust sh1)) (shCvtSX (sshape sarr)) (ssxFromShape (shCvtSX sh))))
+ (shCvtSX sh2)
+ (\a -> let Shaped r = f (Shaped a) in r)
+ arr)
+srerank :: forall sh1 sh2 sh a b. (PrimElt a, PrimElt b)
+ => ShS sh -> ShS sh2
+ -> (Shaped sh1 a -> Shaped sh2 b)
+ -> Shaped (sh ++ sh1) a -> Shaped (sh ++ sh2) b
+srerank sh sh2 f (stoPrimitive -> arr) =
+ sfromPrimitive $ srerankP sh sh2 (stoPrimitive . f . sfromPrimitive) arr
+sreplicate :: forall sh sh' a. Elt a => ShS sh -> Shaped sh' a -> Shaped (sh ++ sh') a
+sreplicate sh (Shaped arr)
+ | Refl <- lemMapJustApp sh (Proxy @sh')
+ = Shaped (mreplicate (shCvtSX sh) arr)
+sreplicateScalP :: forall sh a. Storable a => ShS sh -> a -> Shaped sh (Primitive a)
+sreplicateScalP sh x = Shaped (mreplicateScalP (shCvtSX sh) x)
+sreplicateScal :: PrimElt a => ShS sh -> a -> Shaped sh a
+sreplicateScal sh x = sfromPrimitive (sreplicateScalP sh x)
+sslice :: Elt a => SNat i -> SNat n -> Shaped (i + n + k : sh) a -> Shaped (n : sh) a
+sslice i n@SNat arr =
+ let _ :$$ sh = sshape arr
+ in slift (n :$$ sh) (\_ -> X.slice i n) arr
+srev1 :: Elt a => Shaped (n : sh) a -> Shaped (n : sh) a
+srev1 arr = slift (sshape arr) (\_ -> X.rev1) arr
+sreshape :: Elt a => ShS sh' -> Shaped sh a -> Shaped sh' a
+sreshape sh' (Shaped arr) = Shaped (mreshape (shCvtSX sh') arr)
+siota :: (Enum a, PrimElt a) => SNat n -> Shaped '[n] a
+siota sn = Shaped (miota sn)
+sasXArrayPrimP :: Shaped sh (Primitive a) -> (ShS sh, XArray (MapJust sh) a)
+sasXArrayPrimP (Shaped arr) = first shCvtXS' (masXArrayPrimP arr)
+sasXArrayPrim :: PrimElt a => Shaped sh a -> (ShS sh, XArray (MapJust sh) a)
+sasXArrayPrim (Shaped arr) = first shCvtXS' (masXArrayPrim arr)
+sfromXArrayPrimP :: ShS sh -> XArray (MapJust sh) a -> Shaped sh (Primitive a)
+sfromXArrayPrimP sh arr = Shaped (mfromXArrayPrimP (ssxFromShape (shCvtSX sh)) arr)
+sfromXArrayPrim :: PrimElt a => ShS sh -> XArray (MapJust sh) a -> Shaped sh a
+sfromXArrayPrim sh arr = Shaped (mfromXArrayPrim (ssxFromShape (shCvtSX sh)) arr)
+sfromPrimitive :: PrimElt a => Shaped sh (Primitive a) -> Shaped sh a
+sfromPrimitive (Shaped arr) = Shaped (fromPrimitive arr)
+stoPrimitive :: PrimElt a => Shaped sh a -> Shaped sh (Primitive a)
+stoPrimitive (Shaped arr) = Shaped (toPrimitive arr)
+mcastToShaped :: forall sh sh' a. (Elt a, Rank sh ~ Rank sh')
+ => Mixed sh a -> ShS sh' -> Shaped sh' a
+mcastToShaped arr targetsh
+ | Refl <- lemAppNil @sh
+ , Refl <- lemAppNil @(MapJust sh')
+ , Refl <- lemRankMapJust targetsh
+ = Shaped (mcast (ssxFromShape (mshape arr)) (shCvtSX targetsh) (Proxy @'[]) arr)