BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
exper-hs-numopsBenchmark with haskell num ops via mutable vectorsTom Smeding10 months
exper-invperm-proofTry write correct inverse permutation function (incomplete)Tom Smeding10 months
experiment-with-KnownShapeMake also the sized shaped lists strict due to impurity in horde-adMikolaj Konarski10 months
flesh-out-sized-listsTry to make up for ToINat not being injectiveMikolaj Konarski11 months
invert-castableWIP invertable CastableTom Smeding5 weeks
masterarith: Remove CASE1, add restrictTom Smeding93 min.
peano-snatWIP half-peano SNatsTom Smeding4 weeks
last-with-inatcommit 77ab86ede9...Tom Smeding10 months