diff options
authorTom Smeding <tom.smeding@gmail.com>2019-04-24 21:57:27 +0200
committerTom Smeding <tom.smeding@gmail.com>2019-04-24 21:57:27 +0200
commite83d85eb08a370f3943294f21a4c27cd3b12ad09 (patch)
parent8a3653d8f30f7d0f79556f464ea781472a931b2e (diff)
Start working on a type checkertypes
7 files changed, 135 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haskell/AST.hs b/src/Haskell/AST.hs
index f8b5c72..54d19d3 100644
--- a/src/Haskell/AST.hs
+++ b/src/Haskell/AST.hs
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ data Toplevel = TopDef Def
data Def = Def Name Expr
deriving (Show, Eq)
-data Expr = App Expr [Expr]
- | Ref Name
- | Num Integer
- | Tup [Expr]
- | Lam [Name] Expr
- | Case Expr [(Pat, Expr)]
+data Expr = App Expr [Expr] (Maybe Type)
+ | Ref Name (Maybe Type)
+ | Num Integer (Maybe Type)
+ | Tup [Expr] (Maybe Type)
+ | Lam [Name] Expr (Maybe Type)
+ | Case Expr [(Pat, Expr)] (Maybe Type)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Pat = PatAny
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ instance Pretty Def where
pretty (Def n e) = Node (n ++ " =") [pretty e]
instance Pretty Expr where
- pretty (App e as) = Bracket "(" ")" "" (map pretty (e:as))
- pretty (Ref n) = Leaf n
- pretty (Num n) = Leaf (show n)
- pretty (Tup es) = Bracket "(" ")" "," (map pretty es)
- pretty (Lam as e) = Bracket "(" ")" "" [Node ("\\" ++ intercalate " " as ++ " ->") [pretty e]]
- pretty (Case e arms) = Bracket "(" ")" "" [Node ("case " ++ pprintOneline e ++ " of") [Bracket "{" "}" ";" (map go arms)]]
+ pretty (App e as _) = Bracket "(" ")" "" (map pretty (e:as))
+ pretty (Ref n _) = Leaf n
+ pretty (Num n _) = Leaf (show n)
+ pretty (Tup es _) = Bracket "(" ")" "," (map pretty es)
+ pretty (Lam as e _) = Bracket "(" ")" "" [Node ("\\" ++ intercalate " " as ++ " ->") [pretty e]]
+ pretty (Case e arms _) = Bracket "(" ")" "" [Node ("case " ++ pprintOneline e ++ " of") [Bracket "{" "}" ";" (map go arms)]]
where go (p, e') = Node (pprintOneline p ++ " ->") [pretty e']
instance Pretty Pat where
@@ -122,12 +122,36 @@ instance AllRefs Def where
allRefs (Def _ e) = allRefs e
instance AllRefs Expr where
- allRefs (App e es) = nub $ concatMap allRefs (e : es)
- allRefs (Ref n) = [n]
- allRefs (Num _) = []
- allRefs (Tup es) = nub $ concatMap allRefs es
- allRefs (Lam ns e) = allRefs e \\ ns
- allRefs (Case e pairs) = nub $ allRefs e ++ concatMap (allRefs . snd) pairs
+ allRefs (App e es _) = nub $ concatMap allRefs (e : es)
+ allRefs (Ref n _) = [n]
+ allRefs (Num _ _) = []
+ allRefs (Tup es _) = nub $ concatMap allRefs es
+ allRefs (Lam ns e _) = allRefs e \\ ns
+ allRefs (Case e pairs _) = nub $ allRefs e ++ concatMap (allRefs . snd) pairs
instance AllRefs Inst where
allRefs (Inst _ _ ds) = nub $ concatMap allRefs ds
+typeOf :: Expr -> Type
+typeOf (App _ _ (Just ty)) = ty
+typeOf (Ref _ (Just ty)) = ty
+typeOf (Num _ (Just ty)) = ty
+typeOf (Tup _ (Just ty)) = ty
+typeOf (Lam _ _ (Just ty)) = ty
+typeOf (Case _ _ (Just ty)) = ty
+typeOf e = error $ "Unresolved type in typeOf in expression: " ++ show e
+typeApply :: Type -> Type -> Maybe Type
+typeApply (TyFun t1 t2) t3
+ | t1 == t3 = Just t2
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+typeApply _ _ = Nothing
+recurse :: (Pat -> Pat) -> (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
+recurse _ f (App e as ty) = App (f e) (map f as) ty
+recurse _ _ (Ref n ty) = Ref n ty
+recurse _ _ (Num k ty) = Num k ty
+recurse _ f (Tup es ty) = Tup (map f es) ty
+recurse _ f (Lam ns e ty) = Lam ns (f e) ty
+recurse fp f (Case e as ty) = Case (f e) (map (\(p, e') -> (fp p, f e')) as) ty
diff --git a/src/Haskell/Env.hs b/src/Haskell/Env.hs
index aca2367..636f298 100644
--- a/src/Haskell/Env.hs
+++ b/src/Haskell/Env.hs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ data Env = Env { eDefs :: Map.Map Name Expr }
instance Pretty Env where
pretty (Env defs) =
- Node "" [Node (n ++ " =") [pretty e] | (n, e) <- Map.assocs defs]
+ Node "" [Node (n ++ " =") [pretty e, pretty (typeOf e)] | (n, e) <- Map.assocs defs]
emptyEnv :: Env
emptyEnv = Env Map.empty
diff --git a/src/Haskell/Parser.hs b/src/Haskell/Parser.hs
index 41216d5..0536fde 100644
--- a/src/Haskell/Parser.hs
+++ b/src/Haskell/Parser.hs
@@ -29,35 +29,35 @@ pDef = do
symbolO ";"
case args of
[] -> return $ Def n ex
- _ -> return $ Def n (Lam args ex)
+ _ -> return $ Def n (Lam args ex Nothing)
pExpr :: Parser Expr
pExpr = pLam <|> pCase <|> pApp
- pSimpleExpr = choice [Num <$> pNum
- ,Ref <$> pVariable
+ pSimpleExpr = choice [Num <$> pNum <*> return Nothing
+ ,Ref <$> pVariable <*> return Nothing
,parens (pExpr `sepBy` symbolO ",") >>= \case
[ex] -> return ex
- exs -> return $ Tup exs]
+ exs -> return $ Tup exs Nothing]
pLam = do
symbolO "\\"
args <- many1 pNameV
symbolO "->"
body <- pExpr
- return $ Lam args body
+ return $ Lam args body Nothing
pApp = many1 pSimpleExpr >>= \case
[] -> undefined
[e] -> return e
- (e:es) -> return $ App e es
+ (e:es) -> return $ App e es Nothing
pCase = do
symbolW "case"
e <- pExpr
symbolW "of"
arms <- braces (pCaseArm `sepBy` symbolO ";")
- return $ Case e arms
+ return $ Case e arms Nothing
pCaseArm = do
pat <- pLargePat
diff --git a/src/Haskell/Rewrite.hs b/src/Haskell/Rewrite.hs
index bcec6f7..9812231 100644
--- a/src/Haskell/Rewrite.hs
+++ b/src/Haskell/Rewrite.hs
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ import Util
rewrite :: Name -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
rewrite name repl = \case
- App e as -> App (rewrite name repl e) (map (rewrite name repl) as)
- Ref n -> if n == name then repl else Ref n
- Num k -> Num k
- Tup es -> Tup (map (rewrite name repl) es)
- Lam ns e -> if name `elem` ns then Lam ns e else Lam ns (rewrite name repl e)
- Case e as -> Case (rewrite name repl e) (map caseArm as)
+ App e as ty -> App (rewrite name repl e) (map (rewrite name repl) as) ty
+ Ref n ty -> if n == name then repl else Ref n ty
+ Num k ty -> Num k ty
+ Tup es ty -> Tup (map (rewrite name repl) es) ty
+ Lam ns e ty -> if name `elem` ns then Lam ns e ty else Lam ns (rewrite name repl e) ty
+ Case e as ty -> Case (rewrite name repl e) (map caseArm as) ty
caseArm (p, e') =
if name `elem` boundVars p then (p, e') else (p, rewrite name repl e')
@@ -32,18 +32,21 @@ boundVars (PatCon n ps) = nub $ [n] ++ concatMap boundVars ps
boundVars (PatTup ps) = nub $ concatMap boundVars ps
betared :: Expr -> Expr
-betared (App (Lam (n:as) bd) (arg:args)) =
- App (Lam as (rewrite n arg bd)) args
+betared (App (Lam (n:as) bd lty) (arg:args) ty) =
+ App (Lam as
+ (rewrite n arg bd)
+ (Just $ fromJust $ typeApply (fromJust lty) (typeOf arg)))
+ args ty
betared e = recurse id betared e
etared :: Expr -> Expr
-etared (Lam (n:as) (App e es@(_:_)))
- | last es == Ref n =
- Lam as (App e (init es))
+etared (Lam (n:as) (App e es@(_:_) aty) ty)
+ | Ref n' _ <- last es, n == n' =
+ Lam as (App e (init es) aty) ty
etared e = recurse id etared e
casered :: Bool -> Expr -> Expr
-casered ambig orig@(Case subj arms) =
+casered ambig orig@(Case subj arms _) =
case catMaybes [(,rhs) <$> unify p subj | (p, rhs) <- arms] of
[] -> recurse id (casered ambig) orig
((mp, rhs):rest) ->
@@ -55,12 +58,12 @@ casered ambig orig@(Case subj arms) =
casered ambig e = recurse id (casered ambig) e
etacase :: Expr -> Expr
-etacase (Case subj arms) | all (uncurry eqPE) arms = subj
+etacase (Case subj arms _) | all (uncurry eqPE) arms = subj
etacase e = recurse id etacase e
casecase :: Expr -> Expr
-casecase (Case (Case subj arms1) arms2) =
- Case subj [(p, Case e arms2) | (p, e) <- arms1]
+casecase (Case (Case subj arms1 _) arms2 ty) =
+ Case subj [(p, Case e arms2 ty) | (p, e) <- arms1] ty
casecase e = recurse id casecase e
autoSimp :: Expr -> Expr
@@ -73,15 +76,16 @@ eqPE pat expr = case unify pat expr of
Nothing -> False
Just mp -> all (uncurry isIdmap) (Map.assocs mp)
- isIdmap n = (== Ref n)
+ isIdmap n (Ref n' _) = n == n'
+ isIdmap _ _ = False
unify :: Pat -> Expr -> Maybe (Map.Map Name Expr)
unify PatAny _ = Just Map.empty
unify (PatVar n) e = Just (Map.singleton n e)
-unify (PatCon n ps) (App n' es)
- | n' == Ref n, length ps == length es =
+unify (PatCon n ps) (App (Ref n' _) es _)
+ | n == n', length ps == length es =
foldM (\m (p, e) -> unify p e >>= reconcile m) Map.empty (zip ps es)
-unify (PatTup ps) (Tup es)
+unify (PatTup ps) (Tup es _)
| length ps == length es =
foldM (\m (p, e) -> unify p e >>= reconcile m) Map.empty (zip ps es)
unify _ _ = Nothing
@@ -94,14 +98,6 @@ reconcile m1 m2 = foldM func m1 (Map.assocs m2)
| otherwise -> Nothing
normalise :: Expr -> Expr
-normalise (App e []) = normalise e
-normalise (Lam [] e) = normalise e
+normalise (App e [] _) = normalise e
+normalise (Lam [] e _) = normalise e
normalise e = recurse id normalise e
-recurse :: (Pat -> Pat) -> (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
-recurse _ f (App e as) = App (f e) (map f as)
-recurse _ _ (Ref n) = Ref n
-recurse _ _ (Num k) = Num k
-recurse _ f (Tup es) = Tup (map f es)
-recurse _ f (Lam ns e) = Lam ns (f e)
-recurse fp f (Case e as) = Case (f e) (map (\(p, e') -> (fp p, f e')) as)
diff --git a/src/Haskell/TypeCheck.hs b/src/Haskell/TypeCheck.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52e26b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Haskell/TypeCheck.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+module Haskell.TypeCheck (typeCheck) where
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Haskell.AST
+typeCheck :: (Eq a, TypeCheck a) => a -> Either String a
+typeCheck initVal = go initVal Map.empty
+ where
+ go value mapping = do
+ value2 <- annotate mapping value
+ if value2 == value then return value else go value2 mapping
+class TypeCheck a where
+ annotate :: Map.Map String Type -> a -> Either String a
+instance TypeCheck AST where
+ annotate mapping (AST tops) = AST <$> mapM (annotate mapping) tops
+instance TypeCheck Toplevel where
+ annotate mapping (TopDef x) = TopDef <$> annotate mapping x
+ annotate _ (TopDecl x) = return $ TopDecl x
+ annotate _ (TopData x) = return $ TopData x
+ annotate _ (TopClass x) = return $ TopClass x
+ annotate mapping (TopInst x) = TopInst <$> annotate mapping x
+instance TypeCheck Def where
+ annotate mapping (Def name expr) = Def name <$> annotate mapping expr
+instance TypeCheck Inst where
+ annotate mapping (Inst name ty defs) = Inst name ty <$> mapM (annotate mapping) defs
+-- TODO: Just passing mappings around is not sufficient; the typechecking
+-- needs to be done on the whole environment at once, and dynamically
+-- updating the mapping as it goes. In fact, I'd probably do better just
+-- looking up how the simplest possible implementation of Hindley-Miller
+-- goes, stripping away most classes, and then implementing that.
+instance TypeCheck Expr where
+ annotate mapping (App func' [] _) = annotate mapping func'
+ annotate mapping (App func' [arg'] _) = do
+ func <- annotate mapping func'
+ arg <- annotate mapping arg'
+ case typeApply (typeOf func) (typeOf arg) of
+ Just ty -> return $ App func [arg] (Just ty)
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Cannot apply argument of type " ++ show (typeOf arg) ++
+ " to function of type " ++ show (typeOf func)
+ annotate mapping (App func' (arg':args') _) =
+ combineApps <$> annotate mapping (App (App func' [arg'] Nothing) args' Nothing)
+ -- annotate mapping (Ref )
+combineApps :: Expr -> Expr
+combineApps (App (App f as1 _) as2 ty) = combineApps (App f (as1 ++ as2) ty)
+combineApps e = recurse id combineApps e
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index a6d80b3..1b1f17a 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ import Haskell.AST
import Haskell.Env
import Haskell.Env.Cmd
import Haskell.Env.Context
-import Haskell.Rewrite
import Haskell.Parser
+import Haskell.Rewrite
+import Haskell.TypeCheck
import Pretty
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
@@ -221,7 +222,8 @@ main = do
_ -> die "Usage: verify-hs <file.hs>"
source <- readFile fname
- ast <- tryEither' (parseAST fname source)
+ ast' <- tryEither' (parseAST fname source)
+ ast <- tryEither' (typeCheck ast')
-- print ast
env0 <- tryEither (envFromAST ast)
-- print env0
diff --git a/verify-hs.cabal b/verify-hs.cabal
index 68dec3d..08c69fb 100644
--- a/verify-hs.cabal
+++ b/verify-hs.cabal
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ executable verify-hs
+ Haskell.TypeCheck