diff options
authortomsmeding <tom.smeding@gmail.com>2017-08-19 11:05:43 +0200
committertomsmeding <tom.smeding@gmail.com>2017-08-19 11:05:43 +0200
commit694ec05bcad01fd27606aace73b49cdade16945e (patch)
-rw-r--r--graph.pngbin0 -> 166622 bytes
28 files changed, 2894 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f220a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/AST.hs b/AST.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e80830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AST.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+module AST where
+import Data.List
+import Defs
+import Pretty
+data Program = Program [DVar] [DFunc]
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data DVar = DVar Type Name Expression
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data DFunc = DFunc (Maybe Type) Name [(Type, Name)] Block
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Type
+ = TInt | TChar | TArr Type (Maybe Size)
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Block = Block [Statement]
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Statement
+ = SDecl Type Name Expression
+ | SAs AsExpression Expression
+ | SIf Expression Block Block
+ | SWhile Expression Block
+ | SReturn (Maybe Expression)
+ | SExpr Expression
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data AsExpression
+ = AEVar Name (Maybe Type)
+ | AESubscript AsExpression Expression (Maybe Type)
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Expression
+ = EBin BinaryOp Expression Expression (Maybe Type)
+ | EUn UnaryOp Expression (Maybe Type)
+ | ELit Literal (Maybe Type)
+ | ESubscript Expression Expression (Maybe Type)
+ | ECast Type Expression
+ | ENew Type Expression
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data BinaryOp
+ = BOAdd | BOSub | BOMul | BODiv | BOMod | BOPow
+ | BOAnd | BOOr
+ | BOEq | BONeq | BOGt | BOLt | BOGeq | BOLeq
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data UnaryOp
+ = UONot | UONeg
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Literal
+ = LInt Integer
+ | LChar Char
+ | LVar Name
+ | LCall Name [Expression]
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+sizeof :: Type -> Size
+sizeof TInt = 8
+sizeof TChar = 1
+sizeof (TArr _ _) = 8
+instance Pretty Program where
+ prettyI i (Program vars funcs) =
+ concatMap (++ ("\n" ++ indent i)) $
+ map (prettyI i) vars ++ map (prettyI i) funcs
+ where
+ indent n = replicate (2*n) ' '
+instance Pretty DVar where
+ prettyI i (DVar t n e) =
+ prettyI i t ++ " " ++ n ++ " := " ++ prettyI i e ++ ";"
+instance Pretty DFunc where
+ prettyI i (DFunc mt n al b) =
+ "func" ++ maybe "" ((' ' :) . prettyI i) mt ++ " " ++ n ++ "(" ++
+ intercalate ","
+ (map (\(at,an) -> prettyI i at ++ " " ++ an) al) ++
+ ") " ++ prettyI i b
+instance Pretty Type where
+ prettyI _ TInt = "int"
+ prettyI _ TChar = "char"
+ prettyI _ (TArr t Nothing) = pretty t ++ "[]"
+ prettyI _ (TArr t (Just sz)) = pretty t ++ "[" ++ show sz ++ "]"
+instance Pretty Block where
+ prettyI _ (Block []) = "{}"
+ prettyI i (Block l) =
+ "{" ++
+ concatMap (("\n" ++ indent (i+1)) ++) (map (prettyI (i+1)) l) ++
+ "\n" ++ indent i ++ "}"
+ where
+ indent n = replicate (2*n) ' '
+instance Pretty Statement where
+ prettyI i (SDecl t n e) =
+ prettyI i t ++ " " ++ n ++ " := " ++ prettyI i e ++ ";"
+ prettyI i (SAs target e) =
+ prettyI i target ++ " = " ++ prettyI i e ++ ";"
+ prettyI i (SIf c b1 b2) =
+ "if " ++ prettyI i c ++ " " ++ prettyI i b1 ++ " else " ++ prettyI i b2
+ prettyI i (SWhile c b) =
+ "while " ++ prettyI i c ++ " " ++ prettyI i b
+ prettyI _ (SReturn Nothing) =
+ "return;"
+ prettyI i (SReturn (Just e)) =
+ "return " ++ prettyI i e ++ ";"
+ prettyI i (SExpr e) = prettyI i e ++ ";"
+instance Pretty Expression where
+ prettyI i (EBin bo a b (Just t)) =
+ "(" ++ prettyI i (EBin bo a b Nothing) ++ " :: " ++ prettyI i t ++ ")"
+ prettyI i (EBin bo a b Nothing) =
+ "(" ++ prettyI i a ++ ") " ++ prettyI i bo ++
+ " (" ++ prettyI i b ++ ")"
+ prettyI i (EUn uo e (Just t)) =
+ "(" ++ prettyI i (EUn uo e Nothing) ++ " :: " ++ prettyI i t ++ ")"
+ prettyI i (EUn uo e Nothing) =
+ prettyI i uo ++ "(" ++ prettyI i e ++ ")"
+ prettyI i (ELit l (Just t)) =
+ "(" ++ prettyI i (ELit l Nothing) ++ " :: " ++ prettyI i t ++ ")"
+ prettyI i (ELit l Nothing) = prettyI i l
+ prettyI i (ESubscript a b (Just t)) =
+ "(" ++ prettyI i (ESubscript a b Nothing) ++ " :: " ++ prettyI i t ++ ")"
+ prettyI i (ESubscript a b Nothing) = "(" ++ prettyI i a ++ ")[" ++ prettyI i b ++ "]"
+ prettyI i (ECast t e) = prettyI i t ++ "(" ++ prettyI i e ++ ")"
+ prettyI i (ENew t e) = "new " ++ prettyI i t ++ "[" ++ prettyI i e ++ "]"
+instance Pretty AsExpression where
+ prettyI i (AEVar n (Just t)) =
+ "(" ++ prettyI i (AEVar n Nothing) ++ " :: " ++ prettyI i t ++ ")"
+ prettyI _ (AEVar n Nothing) = n
+ prettyI i (AESubscript ae e (Just t)) =
+ "(" ++ prettyI i (AESubscript ae e Nothing) ++ " :: " ++ prettyI i t ++ ")"
+ prettyI i (AESubscript ae e Nothing) = prettyI i ae ++ "[" ++ prettyI i e ++ "]"
+instance Pretty BinaryOp where
+ prettyI _ BOAdd = "+"
+ prettyI _ BOSub = "-"
+ prettyI _ BOMul = "*"
+ prettyI _ BODiv = "/"
+ prettyI _ BOPow = "**"
+ prettyI _ BOMod = "%"
+ prettyI _ BOAnd = "&&"
+ prettyI _ BOOr = "||"
+ prettyI _ BOEq = "=="
+ prettyI _ BONeq = "!="
+ prettyI _ BOGt = ">"
+ prettyI _ BOLt = "<"
+ prettyI _ BOGeq = ">="
+ prettyI _ BOLeq = "<="
+instance Pretty UnaryOp where
+ prettyI _ UONot = "!"
+ prettyI _ UONeg = "-"
+instance Pretty Literal where
+ prettyI _ (LInt n) = show n
+ prettyI _ (LChar c) = show c
+ prettyI _ (LVar n) = n
+ prettyI i (LCall n al) =
+ n ++ "(" ++ intercalate ", " (map (prettyI i) al) ++ ")"
diff --git a/BuildIR.hs b/BuildIR.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28cbf5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuildIR.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module BuildIR(buildIR) where
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Maybe
+import AST
+import Defs
+import Intermediate
+import Pretty
+import TypeRules
+type Scope = Map.Map Name (Ref, Type)
+data BuildState = BuildState
+ { nextId :: Id,
+ scopeStack :: [Scope],
+ currentBlock :: Id,
+ blockMap :: Map.Map Id BB }
+initBuildState :: BuildState
+initBuildState = BuildState
+ { nextId = 0,
+ scopeStack = [],
+ currentBlock = undefined,
+ blockMap = Map.empty }
+newtype BuildM a = BuildM {unBuildM :: StateT BuildState (Except String) a}
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState BuildState, MonadError String)
+genId :: BuildM Id
+genId = state $ \s -> (nextId s, s {nextId = nextId s + 1})
+genTemp :: Size -> BuildM Ref
+genTemp sz = liftM (Temp sz) genId
+newBlock :: BuildM Id
+newBlock = do
+ i <- genId
+ let block = BB i [] ITermNone
+ modify $ \s -> s {currentBlock = i, blockMap = Map.insert i block (blockMap s)}
+ return i
+newBlockNoSwitch :: BuildM Id
+newBlockNoSwitch = do
+ i <- genId
+ let block = BB i [] ITermNone
+ modify $ \s -> s {blockMap = Map.insert i block (blockMap s)}
+ return i
+addIns :: IRIns -> BuildM ()
+addIns ins =
+ modify $ \s -> s {
+ blockMap = Map.adjust bbAddIns (currentBlock s) (blockMap s)}
+ where
+ bbAddIns :: BB -> BB
+ bbAddIns (BB bid inss term) = BB bid (inss ++ [ins]) term
+setTerm :: IRTerm -> BuildM ()
+setTerm term =
+ modify $ \s -> s {
+ blockMap = Map.adjust bbSetTerm (currentBlock s) (blockMap s)}
+ where
+ bbSetTerm :: BB -> BB
+ bbSetTerm (BB bid inss oldterm) = case oldterm of
+ ITermNone -> BB bid inss term
+ _ -> error "setTerm: oldterm /= ITermNone"
+clearBlockMap :: BuildM ()
+clearBlockMap = modify $ \s -> s {currentBlock = undefined, blockMap = Map.empty}
+getAllBlocks :: BuildM [BB]
+getAllBlocks = liftM Map.elems (gets blockMap)
+switchBlock :: Id -> BuildM ()
+switchBlock bid = modify $ \s -> s {currentBlock = bid}
+withScope :: BuildM a -> BuildM a
+withScope act = do
+ modify $ \s -> s {scopeStack = Map.empty : scopeStack s}
+ res <- act
+ modify $ \s -> s {scopeStack = tail (scopeStack s)}
+ return res
+modifyScope :: (Scope -> Scope) -> BuildM ()
+modifyScope f =
+ modify $ \s -> s {scopeStack = f (head (scopeStack s)) : tail (scopeStack s)}
+scopeInsert :: Name -> Ref -> Type -> BuildM ()
+scopeInsert n ref t = modifyScope $ Map.insert n (ref, t)
+findVar :: Name -> BuildM (Maybe (Int, (Ref, Type)))
+findVar n = do
+ stk <- gets scopeStack
+ let results = map (Map.lookup n) stk
+ return $ fmap (\idx -> (idx, fromJust (results !! idx))) $
+ findIndex isJust results
+buildIR :: Program -> Error IRProgram
+buildIR (Program vars funcs) =
+ runExcept $ evalStateT (unBuildM result) initBuildState
+ where
+ goDFunc :: DFunc -> BuildM IRFunc
+ goDFunc (DFunc rt n al bl) = do
+ clearBlockMap
+ firstid <- newBlock
+ lastid <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ withScope $ do
+ forM_ al $ \(at, an) -> scopeInsert an (Argument (sizeof at) an) at
+ convertBlock bl lastid
+ switchBlock lastid
+ setTerm IRet
+ bblist <- getAllBlocks
+ return $ IRFunc rt n al bblist firstid
+ result :: BuildM IRProgram
+ result = do
+ withScope $ do
+ mapM_ (\(DVar t n _) -> scopeInsert n (Global (sizeof t) n) t) vars
+ IRProgram vars <$> mapM goDFunc funcs
+convertBlock :: Block -> Id -> BuildM ()
+convertBlock (Block sts) nextnext = do
+ withScope $ forM_ sts $ \st -> do
+ endid <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ convertStatement st endid
+ switchBlock endid
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+convertStatement :: Statement -> Id -> BuildM ()
+convertStatement (SDecl t n e) nextnext = do
+ endid <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ ref <- convertExpression e endid
+ varref <- genTemp (sizeof t)
+ scopeInsert n varref t
+ switchBlock endid
+ addIns $ IMov varref ref
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+convertStatement (SAs ae e) nextnext = do
+ bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ eref <- convertExpression e bl2
+ switchBlock bl2
+ convertAsExpression ae eref nextnext
+convertStatement (SIf c b1 b2) nextnext = do
+ cend <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ blThen <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ blElse <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ cref <- convertExpression c cend
+ switchBlock cend
+ setTerm $ IJcc CNeq cref (Constant (refSize cref) 0) blThen blElse
+ switchBlock blThen
+ convertBlock b1 nextnext
+ switchBlock blElse
+ convertBlock b2 nextnext
+convertStatement (SWhile c b) nextnext = do
+ cond <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ setTerm $ IJmp cond
+ cend <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ body <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ bodyend <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ switchBlock cond
+ cref <- convertExpression c cend
+ switchBlock cend
+ setTerm $ IJcc CNeq cref (Constant (refSize cref) 0) body nextnext
+ switchBlock body
+ convertBlock b bodyend
+ switchBlock bodyend
+ setTerm $ IJmp cond
+convertStatement (SReturn Nothing) _ = do
+ setTerm IRet
+convertStatement (SReturn (Just e)) _ = do
+ bl <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ ref <- convertExpression e bl
+ switchBlock bl
+ setTerm $ IRetr ref
+convertStatement (SExpr e) nextnext = do
+ void $ convertExpression e nextnext
+convertExpression :: Expression -> Id -> BuildM Ref
+convertExpression (ELit (LInt n) _) nextnext = do
+ ref <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
+ addIns $ IMov ref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromInteger n))
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return ref
+convertExpression (ELit (LChar c) _) nextnext = do
+ ref <- genTemp (sizeof TChar)
+ addIns $ IMov ref (Constant (sizeof TChar) (fromIntegral $ ord c))
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return ref
+convertExpression (ELit (LVar n) _) nextnext = do
+ mres <- findVar n
+ case mres of
+ Just (_, (r, t)) -> do
+ ref <- genTemp (sizeof t)
+ addIns $ IMov ref r
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return ref
+ Nothing -> throwError $ "Undefined variable '" ++ n ++ "' referenced"
+convertExpression (ELit (LCall n al) mrt) nextnext = do
+ refs <- withScope $ forM al $ \arg -> do
+ endid <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ r <- convertExpression arg endid
+ switchBlock endid
+ return r
+ destref <- case mrt of
+ Nothing -> do
+ addIns $ ICall n refs
+ return $ Temp 0 (-1)
+ Just typ -> do
+ r <- genTemp (sizeof typ)
+ addIns $ ICallr r n refs
+ return r
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return destref
+convertExpression (EBin BOAnd e1 e2 _) nextnext = do
+ destref <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
+ bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ blTryR <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ bl3 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ blNope <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ blYes <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ ref1 <- convertExpression e1 bl2
+ switchBlock bl2
+ setTerm $ IJcc CNeq ref1 (Constant (refSize ref1) 0) blTryR blNope
+ switchBlock blTryR
+ ref2 <- convertExpression e2 bl3
+ switchBlock bl3
+ setTerm $ IJcc CNeq ref2 (Constant (refSize ref2) 0) blYes blNope
+ switchBlock blYes
+ addIns $ IMov destref (Constant (refSize destref) 1)
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ switchBlock blNope
+ addIns $ IMov destref (Constant (refSize destref) 0)
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return destref
+convertExpression (EBin bo e1 e2 _) nextnext = do
+ bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ ref1 <- convertExpression e1 bl2
+ switchBlock bl2
+ bl3 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ ref2 <- convertExpression e2 bl3
+ switchBlock bl3
+ ref <- genTemp (sizeof $ fromJust $ retTypeBO bo (fromJust $ typeof e1) (fromJust $ typeof e2))
+ case bo of
+ BOAdd -> addIns $ IAri AAdd ref1 ref2
+ BOSub -> addIns $ IAri ASub ref1 ref2
+ BOMul -> addIns $ IAri AMul ref1 ref2
+ BODiv -> addIns $ IAri ADiv ref1 ref2
+ BOMod -> addIns $ IAri AMod ref1 ref2
+ BOEq -> addIns $ IAri AEq ref1 ref2
+ BONeq -> addIns $ IAri ANeq ref1 ref2
+ BOGt -> addIns $ IAri AGt ref1 ref2
+ BOLt -> addIns $ IAri ALt ref1 ref2
+ BOGeq -> addIns $ IAri AGeq ref1 ref2
+ BOLeq -> addIns $ IAri ALeq ref1 ref2
+ BOPow -> error $ "Pow operator not implemented"
+ BOAnd -> undefined
+ BOOr -> undefined
+ addIns $ IMov ref ref1
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return ref
+convertExpression (EUn UONot e mt) nextnext =
+ convertExpression (EBin BOEq e (ELit (LInt 0) (typeof e)) mt) nextnext
+convertExpression (EUn UONeg e mt) nextnext =
+ convertExpression (EBin BOSub (ELit (LInt 0) (typeof e)) e mt) nextnext
+convertExpression (ESubscript arr sub t) nextnext = do
+ let elemsz = sizeof $ fromJust t
+ bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ arrref <- convertExpression arr bl2
+ switchBlock bl2
+ bl3 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ subref <- convertExpression sub bl3
+ switchBlock bl3
+ addIns $ IAri AMul subref (Constant (refSize subref) (fromIntegral elemsz))
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd subref (Constant (refSize subref) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd arrref subref
+ ref <- genTemp elemsz
+ addIns $ ILoad ref arrref
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return ref
+convertExpression (ECast dt e) nextnext = do
+ let typ = case typeof e of
+ Nothing -> error $ "Cast subject " ++ show e ++ " has Nothing type"
+ Just t -> t
+ when (not $ isIntegralType typ && isIntegralType dt) $
+ error $ "convertExpression: unimplemented cast from " ++ pretty typ ++ " to " ++ pretty dt
+ ref <- genTemp (sizeof dt)
+ bl <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ eref <- convertExpression e bl
+ switchBlock bl
+ addIns $ IResize ref eref
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return ref
+convertExpression (ENew t sze) nextnext = do
+ when (not $ isBasicType t) $
+ throwError $ "Array element type in 'new' expression is not a basic type (" ++ pretty t ++ ")"
+ bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ szref <- convertExpression sze bl2
+ switchBlock bl2
+ ref <- genTemp (sizeof $ TArr t Nothing)
+ addIns $ IAri AMul szref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral $ sizeof t))
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd szref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
+ addIns $ ICallr ref "_builtin_malloc" [szref]
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return ref
+convertAsExpression :: AsExpression -> Ref -> Id -> BuildM ()
+convertAsExpression (AEVar n _) valueref nextnext = do
+ mres <- findVar n
+ vref <- case mres of
+ Just (_, (r, _)) -> return r
+ Nothing -> throwError $ "Undefined variable '" ++ n ++ "'" ++
+ " used in assignment expression"
+ addIns $ IMov vref valueref
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+convertAsExpression (AESubscript ae2 expr mrt) valueref nextnext = do
+ let elemsz = sizeof $ fromJust mrt
+ ae2ref <- goLoad ae2
+ bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ offref <- convertExpression expr bl2
+ switchBlock bl2
+ -- TODO: do bounds checking
+ addIns $ IAri AMul offref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral elemsz))
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd offref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd ae2ref offref
+ addIns $ IStore ae2ref valueref
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ where
+ goLoad :: AsExpression -> BuildM Ref
+ goLoad (AEVar n _) = do
+ mres <- findVar n
+ (vref, t) <- case mres of
+ Just (_, (r, t)) -> return (r, t)
+ Nothing -> throwError $ "Undefined variable '" ++ n ++ "'" ++
+ " used in assignment expression"
+ ref <- genTemp (sizeof t)
+ addIns $ IMov ref vref
+ return ref
+ goLoad (AESubscript ae expr' _) = do
+ let elemsz = sizeof $ fromJust $ typeof ae
+ ref <- goLoad ae
+ bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ eref <- convertExpression expr' bl2
+ switchBlock bl2
+ -- TODO: do bounds checking
+ addIns $ IAri AMul eref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral elemsz))
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd eref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd ref eref
+ dstref <- genTemp elemsz
+ addIns $ ILoad dstref ref
+ return dstref
diff --git a/CodeGen.hs b/CodeGen.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4c9439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CodeGen.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TupleSections, QuasiQuotes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module CodeGen(codegen) where
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Text.Heredoc
+import Debug.Trace
+import AST
+import Defs
+import Intermediate
+import qualified LifetimeAnalysis as LA
+import RegAlloc
+import Utils
+import X64 (Register(..), CondCode(..), XRef(..), Ins(..), xref)
+import qualified X64 as X64
+data CGState = CGState
+ { nextId :: Int,
+ regsToRestore :: [Register],
+ spillSize :: Size,
+ x64Result :: X64.Asm }
+newtype CGMonad a = CGMonad { unCGMonad :: StateT CGState (Except String) a }
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState CGState, MonadError String)
+initState :: CGState
+initState = CGState {nextId = 1, regsToRestore = [], spillSize = 0, x64Result = X64.Asm []}
+execCGMonad :: CGMonad a -> Error X64.Asm
+execCGMonad = fmap x64Result . runExcept . flip execStateT initState . unCGMonad
+addIns :: X64.Ins -> CGMonad ()
+addIns ins = modify $ \s ->
+ let (X64.Asm funcs) = x64Result s
+ (pre, (lab, inss)) = (init funcs, last funcs)
+ in s {x64Result = X64.Asm $ pre ++ [(lab, inss ++ [ins])]}
+newLabel :: String -> CGMonad ()
+newLabel lab = modify $ \s ->
+ let (X64.Asm funcs) = x64Result s
+ in s {x64Result = X64.Asm $ funcs ++ [(lab, [])]}
+-- genId :: CGMonad Int
+-- genId = state $ \s -> (nextId s, s {nextId = nextId s + 1})
+setRegsToRestore :: [Register] -> CGMonad ()
+setRegsToRestore regs = modify $ \s -> s {regsToRestore = regs}
+setSpillSize :: Size -> CGMonad ()
+setSpillSize sz = modify $ \s -> s {spillSize = sz}
+codegen :: IRProgram -> Error String
+codegen (IRProgram vars funcs) = do
+ x64 <- execCGMonad $ mapM_ codegenFunc funcs
+ -- traceShowM x64
+ X64.verify x64
+ varcg <- liftM unlines $ mapM codegenVar vars
+ return $ [there|prologue.asm|] ++ "\n" ++ X64.stringify x64 ++
+ "\nsection .data\n" ++ (if length vars > 0 then varcg else "db 0 ; keep dyld happy\n")
+codegenVar :: DVar -> Error String
+codegenVar (DVar TInt n (ELit (LInt i) (Just TInt))) = Right $ n ++ ": dq " ++ show i
+codegenVar _ = Left "Unsupported global variable declaration"
+type AllocMap = Map.Map Ref XRef
+codegenFunc :: IRFunc -> CGMonad ()
+codegenFunc (IRFunc _ name al bbs sid) = do
+ let temprefsperbb = collectTempRefs bbs
+ alltemprefs = uniq $ sort $ map LA.unAccess $ concat $ concat $ map fst temprefsperbb
+ lifespans = map (\r -> (findLifeSpan r, r)) alltemprefs
+ where findLifeSpan ref =
+ fromJust $ findFirstLast id $ concat $ LA.lifetimeAnalysis ref temprefsperbb
+ aliascandidates = findAliasCandidates bbs :: [(Ref, Ref)]
+ gpRegs = [R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15]
+ allocation = regalloc lifespans gpRegs aliascandidates :: Map.Map Ref (Allocation Register)
+ spillrefs = map fst $ filter (isAllocMem . snd) $ Map.toList allocation
+ (spilloffsets, spillsz) = initLast $ scanl (+) 0 $ map refSize spillrefs
+ spilloffsetmap = Map.fromList $ zip spillrefs spilloffsets
+ usedregs = uniq $ sort $ catMaybes $ flip map (Map.toList allocation) $ \(_, a) -> case a of
+ AllocReg reg -> Just reg
+ AllocMem -> Nothing
+ traceShowM temprefsperbb
+ traceShowM lifespans
+ -- traceM $ "ALLOCATION: " ++ show allocation
+ let nsaves = length usedregs
+ allocationXref = flip Map.mapWithKey allocation $ \ref alloc -> case alloc of
+ AllocReg reg -> XReg (fromIntegral $ refSize ref) reg
+ AllocMem -> XMem (fromIntegral $ refSize ref)
+ (Just RSP) (0, RAX) Nothing
+ (fromIntegral $ spilloffsetmap ! ref)
+ allocmap = foldl inserter allocationXref (zip al [0::Int ..])
+ where
+ inserter m ((t, n), i) =
+ let offset = fromIntegral spillsz + 8 * nsaves + 8 {- rbp -} + 8 {- ret addr -} + 8 * i
+ in Map.insert (Argument (sizeof t) n)
+ (XMem (fromIntegral $ sizeof t)
+ (Just RSP) (0, RAX) Nothing
+ (fromIntegral offset))
+ m
+ newLabel name
+ addIns $ PUSH (xref $ XReg 8 RBP)
+ addIns $ MOV (xref $ XReg 8 RBP) (xref $ XReg 8 RSP)
+ forM_ usedregs $ \reg -> addIns $ PUSH (xref $ XReg 8 reg)
+ when (spillsz /= 0) $ addIns $ SUB (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm $ fromIntegral spillsz)
+ setRegsToRestore usedregs
+ setSpillSize spillsz
+ let ([startbb], rest) = partition (\(BB i _ _) -> i == sid) bbs
+ codegenBB allocmap startbb
+ mapM_ (codegenBB allocmap) rest
+findAliasCandidates :: [BB] -> [(Ref, Ref)]
+findAliasCandidates = concatMap (\(BB _ inss _) -> concatMap goI inss)
+ where
+ goI :: IRIns -> [(Ref, Ref)]
+ goI (IMov d s) = [(d, s)]
+ goI _ = []
+findFirstLast :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe (Int, Int)
+findFirstLast f l = go Nothing 0 l
+ where
+ go :: Maybe (Int, Int) -> Int -> [a] -> Maybe (Int, Int)
+ go mr _ [] = mr
+ go mr i (x:xs)
+ | f x = go (note mr i) (i+1) xs
+ | otherwise = go mr (i+1) xs
+ note :: Maybe (Int, Int) -> Int -> Maybe (Int, Int)
+ note Nothing i = Just (i, i)
+ note (Just (a, _)) i = Just (a, i)
+isAllocMem :: Allocation a -> Bool
+isAllocMem AllocMem = True
+isAllocMem _ = False
+initLast :: [a] -> ([a], a)
+initLast [] = undefined
+initLast [x] = ([], x)
+initLast (x:xs) = let (acc, l) = initLast xs in (x : acc, l)
+codegenBB :: AllocMap -> BB -> CGMonad ()
+codegenBB allocmap (BB bid inss term) = do
+ newLabel $ ".bb" ++ show bid
+ mapM_ (codegenIns allocmap) inss
+ codegenTerm allocmap term
+mkxref :: Ref -> AllocMap -> XRef
+mkxref (Constant _ v) _ = XImm v
+mkxref (Global sz n) _ = XMem (fromIntegral sz) Nothing (0, RAX) (Just n) 0
+mkxref r m = fromJust $ Map.lookup r m
+mkmov :: XRef -> XRef -> X64.Ins
+mkmov a@(XReg _ _) b@(XReg _ _) = MOV (xref a) (xref b)
+mkmov a@(XReg _ _) b@(XMem _ _ _ _ _) = MOV (xref a) (xref b)
+mkmov a@(XReg _ _) b@(XImm _) = MOVi64 (xref a) (xref b)
+mkmov a@(XMem _ _ _ _ _) b@(XReg _ _) = MOV (xref a) (xref b)
+mkmov a@(XMem _ _ _ _ _) b@(XImm v) | v < 2 ^ (32 :: Int) = MOVi (xref a) (xref b)
+mkmov a b = error $ "Invalid mkmov: " ++ show a ++ "; " ++ show b
+mkcmp :: XRef -> XRef -> X64.Ins
+mkcmp a b@(XImm _) = CMPi (xref a) (xref b)
+mkcmp a b = CMP (xref a) (xref b)
+codegenIns :: AllocMap -> IRIns -> CGMonad ()
+codegenIns m (IMov d s)
+ | dm == sm = return ()
+ | X64.isXMem dm && X64.isXMem sm = do
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg (fromIntegral $ refSize s) RAX) sm
+ addIns $ mkmov dm (XReg (fromIntegral $ refSize d) RAX)
+ | otherwise = addIns $ mkmov dm sm
+ where dm = mkxref d m
+ sm = mkxref s m
+codegenIns m (IStore d s) = do
+ sourcexref <- if X64.isXMem sm
+ then do
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg sz RBX) sm
+ return $ XReg sz RBX
+ else return sm
+ destxref <- case dm of
+ XReg _ r -> return $ XMem sz (Just r) (0, RAX) Nothing 0
+ x@(XMem xsz _ _ _ _) -> do
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg xsz RAX) x
+ return $ XMem sz (Just RAX) (0, RAX) Nothing 0
+ XImm _ -> throwError $ "IStore to [immediate] not expected"
+ addIns $ mkmov destxref sourcexref
+ where dm = mkxref d m
+ sm = mkxref s m
+ sz = fromIntegral $ refSize s
+codegenIns m (ILoad d s) = do
+ sourcexref <- case sm of
+ XReg _ r -> return $ XMem sz (Just r) (0, RAX) Nothing 0
+ x@(XMem xsz _ _ _ _) -> do
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg xsz RAX) x
+ return $ XMem sz (Just RAX) (0, RAX) Nothing 0
+ XImm _ -> throwError $ "ILoad from [immediate] not expected"
+ if X64.isXMem dm
+ then do
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg sz RAX) sourcexref
+ addIns $ mkmov dm (XReg sz RAX)
+ else do
+ addIns $ mkmov dm sourcexref
+ where dm = mkxref d m
+ sm = mkxref s m
+ sz = fromIntegral $ refSize d
+codegenIns m (IAri AMul d s) = do
+ let sz = fromIntegral $ refSize d
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg sz RAX) (mkxref d m)
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg sz RBX) (mkxref s m)
+ addIns $ IMULDA (xref $ XReg sz RBX)
+ addIns $ mkmov (mkxref d m) (XReg sz RAX)
+codegenIns m (IAri ADiv d s) = do
+ let sz = fromIntegral $ refSize d
+ addIns $ XOR (xref $ XReg 4 RDX) (xref $ XReg 4 RDX)
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg sz RAX) (mkxref d m)
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg sz RBX) (mkxref s m)
+ addIns $ IDIVDA (xref $ XReg sz RBX)
+ addIns $ mkmov (mkxref d m) (XReg sz RAX)
+codegenIns m (IAri AMod d s) = do
+ let sz = fromIntegral $ refSize d
+ addIns $ XOR (xref $ XReg 4 RDX) (xref $ XReg 4 RDX)
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg sz RAX) (mkxref d m)
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg sz RBX) (mkxref s m)
+ addIns $ IDIVDA (xref $ XReg sz RBX)
+ addIns $ mkmov (mkxref d m) (XReg sz RDX)
+codegenIns m (IAri at d s) = case arithTypeToCondCode at of
+ Just cc -> do
+ arg2 <- if X64.isXMem dm && X64.isXMem sm
+ then do
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg (fromIntegral $ refSize s) RAX) sm
+ return $ XReg (fromIntegral $ refSize s) RAX
+ else return sm
+ addIns $ mkcmp dm arg2
+ addIns $ MOVi (xref dm) (xref $ XImm 0)
+ addIns $ SETCC cc (xref $ X64.xrefSetSize 1 dm)
+ Nothing -> do
+ arg2 <- if X64.isXMem dm && X64.isXMem sm
+ then do
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg (fromIntegral $ refSize s) RAX) sm
+ return $ XReg (fromIntegral $ refSize s) RAX
+ else return sm
+ addIns $ fromJust (arithTypeToIns at) dm arg2
+ where dm = mkxref d m
+ sm = mkxref s m
+codegenIns m (ICall n rs) = do
+ forM_ (zip (reverse rs) [1::Int ..]) $ \(r, i) ->
+ let sz = fromIntegral $ refSize r
+ src = (mkxref r m)
+ dst = (XMem sz (Just RSP) (0, RAX) Nothing (fromIntegral $ (-8) * i))
+ in if X64.isXMem (mkxref r m)
+ then do
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg sz RAX) src
+ addIns $ mkmov dst (XReg sz RAX)
+ else do
+ addIns $ mkmov dst src
+ when (length rs > 0) $ addIns $ SUB (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm (fromIntegral $ 8 * length rs))
+ addIns $ CALL n
+ when (length rs > 0) $ addIns $ ADD (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm (fromIntegral $ 8 * length rs))
+codegenIns m (ICallr d n rs) = do
+ codegenIns m (ICall n rs)
+ addIns $ mkmov (mkxref d m) (XReg (fromIntegral $ refSize d) RAX)
+codegenIns m fullins@(IResize d s) = do
+ let dsz = fromIntegral $ refSize d
+ ssz = fromIntegral $ refSize s
+ dm = mkxref d m
+ sm = mkxref s m
+ when (X64.isXImm sm) $
+ throwError $ "Resized value is an immediate in " ++ show fullins ++
+ "; (dm = " ++ show dm ++ "; sm = " ++ show sm ++ ")"
+ case compare dsz ssz of
+ EQ -> codegenIns m (IMov d s)
+ GT -> if X64.isXMem dm
+ then do
+ addIns $ MOVSX (xref $ XReg dsz RAX) (xref sm)
+ addIns $ mkmov dm (XReg dsz RAX)
+ else do
+ addIns $ MOVSX (xref dm) (xref sm)
+ LT -> if X64.isXMem dm && X64.isXMem sm
+ then do
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg dsz RAX) (X64.xrefSetSize dsz sm)
+ addIns $ mkmov dm (XReg dsz RAX)
+ else do
+ addIns $ mkmov dm (X64.xrefSetSize dsz sm)
+codegenIns _ INop = return ()
+arithTypeToCondCode :: ArithType -> Maybe X64.CondCode
+arithTypeToCondCode AEq = Just CCE
+arithTypeToCondCode ANeq = Just CCNE
+arithTypeToCondCode AGt = Just CCG
+arithTypeToCondCode ALt = Just CCL
+arithTypeToCondCode AGeq = Just CCGE
+arithTypeToCondCode ALeq = Just CCLE
+arithTypeToCondCode _ = Nothing
+cmpTypeToCondCode :: CmpType -> X64.CondCode
+cmpTypeToCondCode CEq = CCE
+cmpTypeToCondCode CNeq = CCNE
+cmpTypeToCondCode CGt = CCG
+cmpTypeToCondCode CLt = CCL
+cmpTypeToCondCode CGeq = CCGE
+cmpTypeToCondCode CLeq = CCLE
+arithTypeToIns :: ArithType -> Maybe (XRef -> XRef -> X64.Ins)
+arithTypeToIns AAdd = Just $ \a b -> ADD (xref a) (xref b)
+arithTypeToIns ASub = Just $ \a b -> SUB (xref a) (xref b)
+arithTypeToIns AAnd = Just $ \a b -> AND (xref a) (xref b)
+arithTypeToIns AOr = Just $ \a b -> OR (xref a) (xref b)
+arithTypeToIns AXor = Just $ \a b -> XOR (xref a) (xref b)
+arithTypeToIns _ = Nothing
+codegenTerm :: AllocMap -> IRTerm -> CGMonad ()
+codegenTerm m (IJcc ct a b t e) = do
+ addIns $ mkcmp (mkxref a m) (mkxref b m)
+ addIns $ JCC (cmpTypeToCondCode ct) (".bb" ++ show t)
+ addIns $ JMP (".bb" ++ show e)
+codegenTerm _ (IJmp i) = addIns $ JMP (".bb" ++ show i)
+codegenTerm _ IRet = do
+ spillsz <- gets spillSize
+ when (spillsz /= 0) $ addIns $ ADD (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm $ fromIntegral spillsz)
+ usedregs <- gets regsToRestore
+ forM_ (reverse usedregs) $ \reg -> addIns $ POP (xref $ XReg 8 reg)
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg 8 RSP) (XReg 8 RBP)
+ addIns $ POP (xref $ XReg 8 RBP)
+ addIns RET
+codegenTerm m (IRetr r) = do
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg (fromIntegral $ refSize r) RAX) (mkxref r m)
+ spillsz <- gets spillSize
+ when (spillsz /= 0) $ addIns $ ADD (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm $ fromIntegral spillsz)
+ usedregs <- gets regsToRestore
+ forM_ (reverse usedregs) $ \reg -> addIns $ POP (xref $ XReg 8 reg)
+ addIns $ mkmov (XReg 8 RSP) (XReg 8 RBP)
+ addIns $ POP (xref $ XReg 8 RBP)
+ addIns RET
+codegenTerm _ ITermNone = undefined
+collectTempRefs :: [BB] -> [([[LA.Access Ref]], [Int])]
+collectTempRefs bbs =
+ flip map bbs $ \(BB _ inss term) ->
+ let refs = map (filter (isTemp . LA.unAccess)) $ concatMap listRefsIns inss ++ listRefsTerm term
+ nexts = map (\i -> fromJust $ findIndex (\(BB j _ _) -> j == i) bbs) $ listNextIds term
+ in (refs, nexts)
+ where
+ listRefsIns :: IRIns -> [[LA.Access Ref]]
+ listRefsIns (IMov a b) = [[LA.Read b], [LA.Write a]]
+ listRefsIns (IStore a b) = [[LA.Read a, LA.Read b]]
+ listRefsIns (ILoad a b) = [[LA.Read b], [LA.Write a]]
+ listRefsIns (IAri _ a b) = [[LA.Write a, LA.Read b]]
+ listRefsIns (ICall _ l) = [map LA.Read l]
+ listRefsIns (ICallr a _ l) = [LA.Write a : map LA.Read l]
+ listRefsIns (IResize a b) = [[LA.Read b], [LA.Write a]]
+ listRefsIns INop = [[]]
+ listRefsTerm :: IRTerm -> [[LA.Access Ref]]
+ listRefsTerm (IJcc _ a b _ _) = [[LA.Read a, LA.Read b]]
+ listRefsTerm (IJmp _) = [[]]
+ listRefsTerm IRet = [[]]
+ listRefsTerm (IRetr a) = [[LA.Read a]]
+ listRefsTerm ITermNone = undefined
+ listNextIds :: IRTerm -> [Id]
+ listNextIds (IJcc _ _ _ a b) = [a, b]
+ listNextIds (IJmp a) = [a]
+ listNextIds IRet = []
+ listNextIds (IRetr _) = []
+ listNextIds ITermNone = undefined
+ isTemp :: Ref -> Bool
+ isTemp (Temp _ _) = True
+ isTemp _ = False
diff --git a/Defs.hs b/Defs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4203a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Defs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module Defs where
+import Data.Int
+type Name = String
+type Id = Int
+type Size = Integer
+type Value = Int64
+type Error = Either String
diff --git a/Intermediate.hs b/Intermediate.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f3a9f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Intermediate.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+module Intermediate where
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.List
+import AST
+import Defs
+import Pretty
+data BB = BB Id [IRIns] IRTerm
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Ref = Temp Size Int | Argument Size Name | Global Size Name | Constant Size Value
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+data IRProgram = IRProgram [DVar] [IRFunc]
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data IRFunc = IRFunc (Maybe Type) Name [(Type, Name)] [BB] Id
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data IRIns
+ = IMov Ref Ref
+ | IStore Ref Ref
+ | ILoad Ref Ref
+ | IAri ArithType Ref Ref
+ | ICall Name [Ref]
+ | ICallr Ref Name [Ref]
+ | IResize Ref Ref
+ | INop
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data IRTerm
+ = IJcc CmpType Ref Ref Id Id -- Id Id == if-yes if-no
+ | IJmp Id
+ | IRet
+ | IRetr Ref
+ | ITermNone
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data ArithType
+ = AAdd | ASub | AMul | ADiv | AMod
+ | AAnd | AOr | AXor
+ | AEq | ANeq | AGt | ALt | AGeq | ALeq
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data CmpType
+ = CEq | CNeq | CGt | CLt | CGeq | CLeq
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+refSize :: Ref -> Size
+refSize (Temp sz _) = sz
+refSize (Argument sz _) = sz
+refSize (Global sz _) = sz
+refSize (Constant sz _) = sz
+instance Pretty BB where
+ prettyI i (BB bid inss term) =
+ "{{{(" ++ show bid ++ ")\n" ++ indent (i+1) ++
+ intercalate ("\n" ++ indent (i+1)) (map pretty inss) ++
+ (if null inss then "" else "\n" ++ indent (i+1)) ++
+ pretty term ++
+ "\n" ++ indent i ++ "}}}"
+ where
+ indent n = replicate (2*n) ' '
+instance Pretty Ref where
+ prettyI _ (Temp sz k) = "t" ++ show k ++ pretty_sizeSuffix sz
+ prettyI _ (Argument sz n) = "a" ++ n ++ pretty_sizeSuffix sz
+ prettyI _ (Global sz n) = "g" ++ n ++ pretty_sizeSuffix sz
+ prettyI _ (Constant sz n) = show n ++ pretty_sizeSuffix sz
+pretty_sizeSuffix :: Size -> String
+pretty_sizeSuffix 1 = "B"
+pretty_sizeSuffix 2 = "W"
+pretty_sizeSuffix 4 = "D"
+pretty_sizeSuffix 8 = "Q"
+pretty_sizeSuffix sz = "<" ++ show sz ++ ">"
+instance Pretty IRProgram where
+ prettyI i (IRProgram vars funcs) =
+ intercalate ("\n" ++ indent i) (map (prettyI i) vars) ++
+ "\n" ++ indent i ++
+ intercalate ("\n" ++ indent i) (map (prettyI (i+1)) funcs) ++
+ "\n"
+ where
+ indent n = replicate (2*n) ' '
+instance Pretty IRFunc where
+ prettyI i (IRFunc mt n al bbs sid) =
+ "irfunc" ++ maybe "" ((' ' :) . prettyI i) mt ++ " " ++ n ++ "(" ++
+ intercalate ","
+ (map (\(at,an) -> prettyI i at ++ " " ++ an) al) ++
+ ")\n" ++ indent i ++
+ intercalate ("\n" ++ indent i) (map (prettyI i) sorted)
+ where
+ indent n' = replicate (2*n') ' '
+ sorted = uncurry (++) $ partition (\(BB bid _ _) -> bid == sid) bbs
+instance Pretty IRIns where
+ prettyI _ (IMov d s) = "mov " ++ pretty d ++ " <- " ++ pretty s
+ prettyI _ (IStore d s) = "store *" ++ pretty d ++ " <- " ++ pretty s
+ prettyI _ (ILoad d s) = "load " ++ pretty d ++ " <- *" ++ pretty s
+ prettyI _ (IAri at d s) =
+ pretty at ++ " " ++ pretty d ++ ", " ++ pretty s
+ prettyI _ (ICall n al) =
+ "call " ++ n ++ " (" ++ intercalate ", " (map pretty al) ++ ")"
+ prettyI _ (ICallr d n al) =
+ "call " ++ pretty d ++ " <- " ++ n ++ " (" ++ intercalate ", " (map pretty al) ++ ")"
+ prettyI _ (IResize d s) = "resize " ++ pretty d ++ " <- " ++ pretty s
+ prettyI _ INop = "nop"
+instance Pretty IRTerm where
+ prettyI _ (IJcc ct s1 s2 did1 did2) =
+ pretty ct ++ " " ++ pretty s1 ++ ", " ++ pretty s2 ++ " -> " ++ show did1 ++ " | " ++ show did2
+ prettyI _ (IJmp did) = "jmp " ++ show did
+ prettyI _ IRet = "ret"
+ prettyI _ (IRetr ref) = "retr " ++ pretty ref
+ prettyI _ ITermNone = "?NONE?"
+instance Pretty ArithType where
+ prettyI _ AAdd = "add"
+ prettyI _ ASub = "sub"
+ prettyI _ AMul = "mul"
+ prettyI _ ADiv = "div"
+ prettyI _ AMod = "mod"
+ prettyI _ AAnd = "and"
+ prettyI _ AOr = "or"
+ prettyI _ AXor = "xor"
+ prettyI _ AEq = "eq"
+ prettyI _ ANeq = "neq"
+ prettyI _ AGt = "gt"
+ prettyI _ ALt = "lt"
+ prettyI _ AGeq = "geq"
+ prettyI _ ALeq = "leq"
+instance Pretty CmpType where
+ prettyI _ CEq = "jeq"
+ prettyI _ CNeq = "jne"
+ prettyI _ CGt = "jg"
+ prettyI _ CLt = "jl"
+ prettyI _ CGeq = "jge"
+ prettyI _ CLeq = "jle"
+evaluateArith :: ArithType -> Value -> Value -> Value
+evaluateArith at a b = case at of
+ AAdd -> a + b
+ ASub -> a - b
+ AMul -> a * b
+ ADiv -> if b == 0 then error "Division by zero detected" else a `div` b
+ AMod -> if b == 0 then error "Modulo by zero detected" else a `mod` b
+ AAnd -> a .&. b
+ AOr -> a .|. b
+ AXor -> a `xor` b
+ AEq -> if a == b then 1 else 0
+ ANeq -> if a /= b then 1 else 0
+ AGt -> if a > b then 1 else 0
+ ALt -> if a < b then 1 else 0
+ AGeq -> if a >= b then 1 else 0
+ ALeq -> if a <= b then 1 else 0
+evaluateCmp :: CmpType -> Value -> Value -> Bool
+evaluateCmp ct a b = case ct of
+ CEq -> a == b
+ CNeq -> a /= b
+ CGt -> a > b
+ CLt -> a < b
+ CGeq -> a >= b
+ CLeq -> a <= b
diff --git a/LifetimeAnalysis.hs b/LifetimeAnalysis.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a590862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LifetimeAnalysis.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+module LifetimeAnalysis(lifetimeAnalysis, Access(..), unAccess) where
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+data Access a = Write a | Read a
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+unAccess :: Access a -> a
+unAccess (Write x) = x
+unAccess (Read x) = x
+type BB a = ([[Access a]], [Int])
+lifetimeAnalysis :: Eq a => a -> [BB a] -> [[Bool]]
+lifetimeAnalysis target bbs =
+ foldOr2 $ map (\p -> markAliveFrom bbs target p (emptyMark bbs)) occurrences
+ where
+ occurrences :: [(Int, Int)]
+ occurrences = do
+ (i, bb) <- zip [0..] bbs
+ (j, ins) <- zip [0..] (fst bb)
+ if ins `contains` Write target || ins `contains` Read target
+ then [(i, j)]
+ else []
+emptyMark :: [BB a] -> [[Bool]]
+emptyMark bbs = flip map bbs $ \(inss, _) -> map (const False) inss
+-- Assumes `target` is known to be alive at `pos`.
+markAliveFrom :: Eq a => [BB a] -> a -> (Int, Int) -> [[Bool]] -> [[Bool]]
+markAliveFrom bbs target pos topmark = setAt2 (maybe topmark id $ goNoCheck pos topmark) pos True
+ where
+ goNoCheck :: (Int, Int) -> [[Bool]] -> Maybe [[Bool]]
+ goNoCheck (i, j) mark =
+ let suc = flip filter (successors bbs (i, j)) $ \(i', j') ->
+ not $ mark !! i' !! j'
+ markset = setAt2 mark (i, j) True
+ in case catMaybes [go s markset | s <- suc] of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ l -> Just $ foldOr2 l
+ go :: (Int, Int) -> [[Bool]] -> Maybe [[Bool]]
+ go (i, j) mark
+ | fst (bbs !! i) !! j `contains` Write target = Nothing
+ | fst (bbs !! i) !! j `contains` Read target = Just $ setAt2 mark (i, j) True
+ | otherwise = goNoCheck (i, j) mark
+successors :: [BB a] -> (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
+successors bbs (i, j) =
+ let (inss, nexts) = bbs !! i
+ in if j < length inss - 1
+ then [(i, j + 1)]
+ else [(n, 0) | n <- nexts]
+contains :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Bool
+contains l v = isJust $ find (== v) l
+modifyAt2 :: [[a]] -> (Int, Int) -> (a -> a) -> [[a]]
+modifyAt2 l (i, j) f = modifyAt l i $ \li -> modifyAt li j f
+modifyAt :: [a] -> Int -> (a -> a) -> [a]
+modifyAt l i f = let (pre, v : post) = splitAt i l in pre ++ f v : post
+setAt2 :: [[a]] -> (Int, Int) -> a -> [[a]]
+setAt2 l p v = modifyAt2 l p (const v)
+foldOr2 :: [[[Bool]]] -> [[Bool]]
+foldOr2 = foldl1 (\m1 m2 -> map (map (uncurry (||)) . uncurry zip) (zip m1 m2))
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1307c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+module Main where
+import System.Exit
+import System.IO
+import System.Process
+import Debug.Trace
+import BuildIR
+import CodeGen
+import Defs
+import Optimiser
+import Pretty
+import ProgramParser
+import TypeCheck
+import Verify
+infix 2 <?>
+(<?>) :: (a -> Error b) -> String -> a -> Error b
+f <?> pre = \a -> case f a of
+ Left e -> Left $ pre ++ ": " ++ e
+ Right x -> Right x
+tracePrettyId :: Pretty a => a -> a
+tracePrettyId x = trace (pretty x) x
+eitherToIO :: Either String a -> IO a
+eitherToIO = either die return
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ source <- getContents
+ let eres = return source
+ >>= parseProgram <?> "Parse error"
+ -- >>= return . traceShowId
+ >>= typeCheck <?> "Type error"
+ >>= buildIR <?> "IR building error"
+ -- >>= return . tracePrettyId
+ >>= optimise <?> "Error while optimising"
+ >>= verify <?> "Verify error"
+ >>= return . tracePrettyId
+ >>= codegen <?> "Codegen error"
+ asm <- eitherToIO eres
+ -- hPutStr stderr asm
+ writeFile "z_output.asm" asm
+ hPutStrLn stderr "Assembling with yasm..."
+ callCommand "yasm -w+all -fmacho64 z_output.asm -o z_output.o"
+ hPutStrLn stderr "Linking with ld..."
+ callCommand "ld z_output.o -o z_output"
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ce6d7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+GHCFLAGS = -Wall -Widentities -odir obj -hidir obj
+ifneq ($(PROFILE),)
+ RUNFLAGS += +RTS -xc
+ GHCFLAGS += -prof -fprof-auto
+TARGET = main
+.PHONY: all clean run
+all: $(TARGET)
+ rm -f $(TARGET)
+ rm -rf obj
+run: $(TARGET)
+$(TARGET): $(wildcard *.hs)
+ @mkdir -p obj
+ ghc $(GHCFLAGS) Main.hs -o $@
diff --git a/Optimiser.hs b/Optimiser.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e6227c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Optimiser.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+module Optimiser(optimise) where
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Debug.Trace
+import Defs
+import Intermediate
+import ReplaceRefs
+import Utils
+type Optimisation = IRProgram -> IRProgram
+type FuncOptimisation = IRFunc -> IRFunc
+optimise :: IRProgram -> Error IRProgram
+optimise prog =
+ let master = foldl1 (.) (reverse optimisations) {-. trace "-- OPT PASS --"-}
+ reslist = iterate master prog
+ pairs = zip reslist (tail reslist)
+ in Right $ fst $ fromJust $ find (uncurry (==)) pairs
+ where
+ optimisations = map funcopt $
+ -- [chainJumps, removeUnusedBlocks]
+ [chainJumps, mergeTerminators, looseJumps, removeUnusedBlocks, identityOps,
+ constantPropagate, removeNops, movPush, evaluateInstructions, evaluateTerminators]
+funcopt :: FuncOptimisation -> Optimisation
+funcopt fo (IRProgram vars funcs) = IRProgram vars (map fo funcs)
+chainJumps :: FuncOptimisation
+chainJumps (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+ where
+ bbs' = snd $ last $ takeWhile fst $ iterate (mergeChain . snd) (True, bbs)
+ mergeChain :: [BB] -> (Bool, [BB])
+ mergeChain [] = (False, [])
+ mergeChain bbs2 = case findIndex isSuitable bbs2 of
+ Nothing -> (False, bbs2)
+ Just idx ->
+ let (BB bid1 inss1 (IJmp target), rest) =
+ (bbs2 !! idx, take idx bbs2 ++ drop (idx+1) bbs2)
+ [BB _ inss2 term2] = filter (\(BB bid _ _) -> bid == target) rest
+ merged = BB bid1 (inss1 ++ inss2) term2
+ in (True, merged : rest)
+ where
+ hasJmpTo :: Id -> BB -> Bool
+ hasJmpTo i (BB _ _ (IJmp i')) = i == i'
+ hasJmpTo _ _ = False
+ isSuitable :: BB -> Bool
+ isSuitable (BB _ _ (IJmp target)) = sum (map (fromEnum . hasJmpTo target) bbs2) == 1
+ isSuitable _ = False
+mergeTerminators :: FuncOptimisation
+mergeTerminators (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+ where
+ bbs' = flip map bbs $ \bb@(BB bid inss term) -> case term of
+ IJmp i -> case find ((== i) . fst) singles of
+ Just (_, t) -> BB bid inss t
+ Nothing -> bb
+ _ -> bb
+ singles = map (\(BB i _ t) -> (i, t)) $ filter (\(BB _ inss _) -> null inss) bbs
+looseJumps :: FuncOptimisation
+looseJumps (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+ where
+ bbs' = flip map bbs $ \bb@(BB bid inss term) -> case term of
+ IJmp i -> BB bid inss (IJmp (translate i))
+ IJcc ct r1 r2 i j -> BB bid inss (IJcc ct r1 r2 (translate i) (translate j))
+ _ -> bb
+ translate i = fromMaybe i $ Map.lookup i transmap
+ transmap = Map.fromList $ catMaybes $ flip map bbs $ \bb -> case bb of
+ BB bid [] (IJmp i) -> Just (bid, i)
+ _ -> Nothing
+removeUnusedBlocks :: FuncOptimisation
+removeUnusedBlocks (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+ where
+ bbs' = filter isReachable bbs
+ isReachable :: BB -> Bool
+ isReachable (BB bid _ _)
+ | bid == sid = True
+ | otherwise = isJust $ flip find bbs $ \(BB _ _ term) -> case term of
+ IJcc _ _ _ i1 i2 -> i1 == bid || i2 == bid
+ IJmp i -> i == bid
+ _ -> False
+identityOps :: FuncOptimisation
+identityOps (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al (map go bbs) sid
+ where
+ go :: BB -> BB
+ go (BB bid inss term) = BB bid (catMaybes $ map goI inss) term
+ goI :: IRIns -> Maybe IRIns
+ goI (IAri AAdd _ (Constant _ 0)) = Nothing
+ goI (IAri ASub _ (Constant _ 0)) = Nothing
+ goI (IAri AMul _ (Constant _ 1)) = Nothing
+ goI (IAri ADiv _ (Constant _ 1)) = Nothing
+ goI i = Just i
+constantPropagate :: FuncOptimisation
+constantPropagate (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+ where
+ alltemps = findAllTemps' bbs
+ consttemps = catMaybes $ flip map alltemps $ \ref ->
+ let locs = findMutations' bbs ref
+ loc = head locs
+ ins = insAt bbs loc
+ isIMov (IMov _ _) = True
+ isIMov _ = False
+ in {-trace ("Muts of " ++ show ref ++ ": " ++ show locs ++ ": " ++
+ show (map (insAt bbs) locs)) $-}
+ if length locs == 1 && isIMov ins
+ then Just (loc, ins)
+ else Nothing
+ bbs' = case consttemps of
+ [] -> bbs
+ ((loc, IMov ref value) : _) ->
+ replaceRefsBBList ref value (nopifyInsAt bbs loc)
+ _ -> undefined
+removeNops :: FuncOptimisation
+removeNops (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) =
+ IRFunc rt name al (map go bbs) sid
+ where
+ go (BB bid inss term) = BB bid (filter (not . isNop) inss) term
+ isNop INop = True
+ isNop _ = False
+movPush :: FuncOptimisation
+movPush (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+ where
+ bbs' = map goBB bbs
+ goBB :: BB -> BB
+ goBB (BB bid inss term) = BB bid (go inss) term
+ go :: [IRIns] -> [IRIns]
+ go [] = []
+ go (ins@(IMov d _) : rest) | isJust (find (== d) (findAllRefsInss rest)) = push ins rest
+ go (ins : rest) = ins : go rest
+ push :: IRIns -> [IRIns] -> [IRIns]
+ push mov [] = [mov]
+ push mov@(IMov d s) (ins@(IMov d' s') : rest)
+ | d' == d = if s' == d then push mov rest else push ins rest
+ | otherwise = replaceRefsIns d s ins : push mov rest
+ push mov@(IMov d s) (ins@(IResize d' s') : rest)
+ | d' == d = if s' == d then push mov rest else push ins rest
+ | otherwise = replaceRefsIns d s ins : push mov rest
+ push mov@(IMov d s) (ins@(ILoad d' _) : rest)
+ | d' == d = mov : ins : go rest
+ | otherwise = replaceRefsIns d s ins : push mov rest
+ push mov@(IMov d s) (ins@(IAri at d' s') : rest)
+ | d' == d = case (s, s') of
+ (Constant sza a, Constant szb b)
+ | sza == szb -> push (IMov d (Constant sza $ evaluateArith at a b)) rest
+ | otherwise -> error $ "Inconsistent sizes in " ++ show mov ++ "; " ++ show ins
+ _ -> mov : ins : go rest
+ | otherwise = replaceRefsIns d s ins : push mov rest
+ push mov@(IMov d s) (ins@(ICallr d' _ _) : rest)
+ | d' == d = mov : ins : go rest
+ | otherwise = replaceRefsIns d s ins : push mov rest
+ push mov@(IMov d s) (ins@(IStore _ _) : rest) = replaceRefsIns d s ins : push mov rest
+ push mov@(IMov d s) (ins@(ICall _ _) : rest) = replaceRefsIns d s ins : push mov rest
+ push mov (ins@INop : rest) = ins : push mov rest
+ push _ _ = undefined
+evaluateInstructions :: FuncOptimisation
+evaluateInstructions (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al (map goBB bbs) sid
+ where
+ goBB :: BB -> BB
+ goBB (BB bid inss term) = BB bid (map goI inss) term
+ goI :: IRIns -> IRIns
+ goI (IResize ref (Constant _ v)) = IMov ref $ Constant (refSize ref) $ truncValue (refSize ref) v
+ goI ins = ins
+ truncValue :: Size -> Value -> Value
+ truncValue sz v = fromIntegral $ (fromIntegral v :: Integer) `mod` (2 ^ (8 * sz))
+evaluateTerminators :: FuncOptimisation
+evaluateTerminators (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+ where
+ bbs' = map (\(BB bid inss term) -> BB bid inss (go term)) bbs
+ go :: IRTerm -> IRTerm
+ go term@(IJcc ct (Constant sza a) (Constant szb b) i1 i2)
+ | sza /= szb = error $ "Inconsistent sizes in " ++ show term
+ | evaluateCmp ct a b = IJmp i1
+ | otherwise = IJmp i2
+ go term = term
+insAt :: [BB] -> (Int, Int) -> IRIns
+insAt bbs (i, j) =
+ let (BB _ inss _) = bbs !! i
+ in inss !! j
+nopifyInsAt :: [BB] -> (Int, Int) -> [BB]
+nopifyInsAt bbs (i, j) =
+ let (pre, BB bid inss term : post) = splitAt i bbs
+ (ipre, _ : ipost) = splitAt j inss
+ in pre ++ BB bid (ipre ++ INop : ipost) term : post
+findMutations :: BB -> Ref -> [Int]
+findMutations (BB _ inss _) ref =
+ catMaybes $ flip map (zip inss [0..]) $ \(ins, idx) -> case ins of
+ (IMov r _) | r == ref -> Just idx
+ (IAri _ r _) | r == ref -> Just idx
+ (ICallr r _ _) | r == ref -> Just idx
+ _ -> Nothing
+findMutations' :: [BB] -> Ref -> [(Int, Int)]
+findMutations' bbs ref =
+ [(i, j) | (bb, i) <- zip bbs [0..], j <- findMutations bb ref]
+findAllRefs :: BB -> [Ref]
+findAllRefs (BB _ inss _) = findAllRefsInss inss
+findAllRefsInss :: [IRIns] -> [Ref]
+findAllRefsInss inss = uniq $ sort $ concatMap go inss
+ where
+ go (IMov a b) = [a, b]
+ go (IStore a b) = [a, b]
+ go (ILoad a b) = [a, b]
+ go (IAri _ a b) = [a, b]
+ go (ICall _ al) = al
+ go (ICallr a _ al) = a : al
+ go (IResize a b) = [a, b]
+ go INop = []
+-- findAllRefs' :: [BB] -> [Ref]
+-- findAllRefs' = uniq . sort . concatMap findAllRefs
+findAllTemps :: BB -> [Ref]
+findAllTemps bb = flip filter (findAllRefs bb) $ \ref -> case ref of
+ (Temp _ _) -> True
+ _ -> False
+findAllTemps' :: [BB] -> [Ref]
+findAllTemps' = concatMap findAllTemps
diff --git a/Pretty.hs b/Pretty.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f36d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pretty.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+module Pretty where
+import Data.List
+class Pretty a where
+ pretty :: a -> String
+ pretty = prettyI 0
+ prettyI :: Int -> a -> String
+instance Pretty a => Pretty [a] where
+ prettyI i l = "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map (prettyI i) l) ++ "]"
diff --git a/ProgramParser.hs b/ProgramParser.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cacaf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ProgramParser.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+module ProgramParser(parseProgram) where
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Char
+import Text.Parsec
+import qualified Text.Parsec.Expr as E
+import AST
+import Defs
+type Parser = Parsec String ()
+parseProgram :: String -> Either String Program
+parseProgram s = case parse pProgram "" s of
+ Left err -> Left $ show err
+ Right p -> Right p
+pProgram :: Parser Program
+pProgram = do
+ pWhiteComment
+ decls <- many pDecl
+ eof
+ return $ Program (lefts decls) (rights decls)
+pDecl :: Parser (Either DVar DFunc)
+pDecl = (Right <$> pDFunc) <|> (Left <$> pDVar)
+pDFunc :: Parser DFunc
+pDFunc = do
+ symbol "func"
+ rt <- (Just <$> pType) <|> return Nothing
+ n <- pName
+ symbol "("
+ args <- sepBy pTypeAndName (symbol ",")
+ symbol ")"
+ body <- pBlock
+ return $ DFunc rt n args body
+pDVar :: Parser DVar
+pDVar = do
+ t <- pType
+ n <- pName
+ symbol ":="
+ e <- pExpression
+ symbol ";"
+ return $ DVar t n e
+pTypeAndName :: Parser (Type, Name)
+pTypeAndName = (,) <$> pType <*> pName
+pType :: Parser Type
+pType = do
+ t <- pBasicType
+ (do
+ symbol "["
+ msz <- optionMaybe pInteger
+ symbol "]"
+ return $ TArr t msz) <|> return t
+pBasicType :: Parser Type
+pBasicType = (symbol "int" >> return TInt) <|> (symbol "char" >> return TChar)
+pBlock :: Parser Block
+pBlock = do
+ symbol "{"
+ body <- many pStatement
+ symbol "}"
+ return $ Block body
+pStatement :: Parser Statement
+pStatement = pSIf <|> pSWhile <|> pSReturn <|> pSDecl <|> pSAs <|> pSExpr
+pSDecl :: Parser Statement
+pSDecl = do
+ (t, n) <- try $ do
+ t <- pType
+ n <- pName
+ symbol ":="
+ return (t, n)
+ e <- pExpression
+ symbol ";"
+ return $ SDecl t n e
+pSAs :: Parser Statement
+pSAs = do
+ n <- try $ pAsExpression <* symbol "="
+ e <- pExpression
+ symbol ";"
+ return $ SAs n e
+pSIf :: Parser Statement
+pSIf = do
+ symbol "if"
+ symbol "("
+ cond <- pExpression
+ symbol ")"
+ bl1 <- pBlock
+ bl2 <- try (symbol "else" >> pBlock) <|> return (Block [])
+ return $ SIf cond bl1 bl2
+pSWhile :: Parser Statement
+pSWhile = do
+ symbol "while"
+ symbol "("
+ cond <- pExpression
+ symbol ")"
+ bl <- pBlock
+ return $ SWhile cond bl
+pSReturn :: Parser Statement
+pSReturn = do
+ symbol "return"
+ SReturn <$> ((symbol ";" >> return Nothing) <|>
+ ((Just <$> pExpression) <* symbol ";"))
+pSExpr :: Parser Statement
+pSExpr = do
+ e <- pExpression
+ symbol ";"
+ return $ SExpr e
+pExpression :: Parser Expression
+pExpression = E.buildExpressionParser optable litparser
+ where
+ optable =
+ [[E.Infix (symbol "**" >> return (mkEBin BOPow)) E.AssocRight],
+ [E.Infix (symbol "*" >> return (mkEBin BOMul)) E.AssocLeft,
+ E.Infix (symbol "/" >> return (mkEBin BODiv)) E.AssocLeft,
+ E.Infix (symbol "%" >> return (mkEBin BOMod)) E.AssocLeft],
+ [E.Infix (symbol "+" >> return (mkEBin BOAdd)) E.AssocLeft,
+ E.Infix (symbol "-" >> return (mkEBin BOSub)) E.AssocLeft],
+ [E.Infix (symbol ">=" >> return (mkEBin BOGeq)) E.AssocNone,
+ E.Infix (symbol "<=" >> return (mkEBin BOLeq)) E.AssocNone,
+ E.Infix (symbol ">" >> return (mkEBin BOGt)) E.AssocNone,
+ E.Infix (symbol "<" >> return (mkEBin BOLt)) E.AssocNone,
+ E.Infix (symbol "==" >> return (mkEBin BOEq)) E.AssocNone,
+ E.Infix (symbol "!=" >> return (mkEBin BONeq)) E.AssocNone],
+ [E.Infix (symbol "&&" >> return (mkEBin BOAnd)) E.AssocLeft],
+ [E.Infix (symbol "||" >> return (mkEBin BOOr)) E.AssocLeft]]
+ mkEBin :: BinaryOp -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression
+ mkEBin bo a b = EBin bo a b Nothing
+ mkELit :: Literal -> Expression
+ mkELit l = ELit l Nothing
+ litparser :: Parser Expression
+ litparser = do
+ pops <- many pPrefixOp
+ e <- pParenExpr <|> pENew <|> pCastExpr <|> (mkELit <$> pLiteral)
+ subs <- many $ between (symbol "[") (symbol "]") pExpression
+ let e' = foldl (\ex sub -> ESubscript ex sub Nothing) e subs
+ e'' = foldl (\ex pop -> EUn pop ex Nothing) e' pops
+ return e''
+pAsExpression :: Parser AsExpression
+pAsExpression = do
+ n <- pName
+ subs <- many $ between (symbol "[") (symbol "]") pExpression
+ return $ foldl (\ae expr -> AESubscript ae expr Nothing) (AEVar n Nothing) subs
+pPrefixOp :: Parser UnaryOp
+pPrefixOp = (symbol "!" >> return UONot) <|>
+ (symbol "-" >> return UONeg)
+pParenExpr :: Parser Expression
+pParenExpr = do
+ symbol "("
+ e <- pExpression
+ symbol ")"
+ return e
+pCastExpr :: Parser Expression
+pCastExpr = do
+ t <- try $ pType <* symbol "("
+ e <- pExpression
+ symbol ")"
+ return $ ECast t e
+pENew :: Parser Expression
+pENew = do
+ symbol "new"
+ t <- pBasicType
+ symbol "["
+ e <- pExpression
+ symbol "]"
+ return $ ENew t e
+pLiteral :: Parser Literal
+pLiteral = (LInt <$> pInteger) <|> (LChar <$> pCharLit) <|> pLCall <|> (LVar <$> pName)
+pCharLit :: Parser Char
+pCharLit = do
+ void $ char '\''
+ c <- pStringChar
+ void $ char '\''
+ pWhiteComment
+ return c
+pStringChar :: Parser Char
+pStringChar =
+ (char '\\' >> ((char 'n' >> return '\n') <|>
+ (char 'r' >> return '\r') <|>
+ (char 't' >> return '\t') <|>
+ (char '0' >> return '\0') <|>
+ (char 'x' >> pHexDigit >>= \a -> pHexDigit >>= \b -> return (chr $ 16 * a + b)))) <|>
+ anyToken
+ where
+ pHexDigit :: Parser Int
+ pHexDigit = (subtract 48 . fromEnum <$> digit)
+ <|> ((+ (10 - 97)) . ord <$> oneOf "abcdef")
+ <|> ((+ (10 - 65)) . ord <$> oneOf "ABCDEF")
+pLCall :: Parser Literal
+pLCall = do
+ n <- try $ pName <* symbol "("
+ al <- sepBy pExpression (symbol ",")
+ symbol ")"
+ return $ LCall n al
+pName :: Parser Name
+pName = do
+ c0 <- satisfy (\c -> isAlpha c || c == '_')
+ cr <- many $ satisfy (\c -> isAlpha c || isDigit c || c == '_')
+ pWhiteComment
+ return $ c0 : cr
+pInteger :: Parser Integer
+pInteger = read <$> many1 (satisfy isDigit) <* pWhiteComment
+symbol :: String -> Parser ()
+symbol "" = error "symbol \"\""
+symbol s = try $ do
+ void $ string s
+ when (isAlpha (last s)) $ void $ notFollowedBy (satisfy isAlpha)
+ when (isDigit (last s)) $ void $ notFollowedBy (satisfy isDigit)
+ pWhiteComment
+pWhiteComment :: Parser ()
+pWhiteComment = void $ pWhite >> endBy pComment pWhite
+pWhite :: Parser ()
+pWhite = void $ many (oneOf " \t\n")
+pComment :: Parser ()
+pComment = pLineComment <|> pBlockComment
+pLineComment :: Parser ()
+pLineComment = do
+ void $ try $ string "//"
+ void $ many (satisfy (/= '\n'))
+ eof <|> void (char '\n')
+pBlockComment :: Parser ()
+pBlockComment = do
+ void $ try $ string "/*"
+ void $ sepEndBy (manyTill anyToken (lookAhead $ try (string "/*") <|> try (string "*/")))
+ pBlockComment
+ void $ string "*/"
+lefts :: [Either a b] -> [a]
+lefts = foldr (\e l -> either (:l) (const l) e) []
+rights :: [Either a b] -> [b]
+rights = foldr (\e l -> either (const l) (:l) e) []
diff --git a/RegAlloc.hs b/RegAlloc.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2b1717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RegAlloc.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+module RegAlloc(regalloc, Allocation(..)) where
+import Data.Function
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Debug.Trace
+import Utils
+-- Follows the Linear Scan Register Allocation algorithm specified in:
+-- https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/suresh/502-Fall2008/papers/linear-scan.pdf
+-- Test case:
+-- regalloc [((1, 3), "a"), ((2, 2), "x"), ((2, 10), "b"), ((3, 7), "c"), ((4, 5), "d")] ["ra", "rb"]
+data Allocation a = AllocReg a | AllocMem
+ deriving Show
+type Interval = (Int, Int)
+data State a = State {stActive :: [Int], stAlloc :: [Allocation a], stFreeRegs :: [a]}
+ deriving Show
+regalloc :: (Show a, Show b, Ord a, Ord b)
+ => [(Interval, b)] -- [(live interval, name of variable)]
+ -> [a] -- the available registers
+ -> [(b, b)] -- pairs to be allocated to the same register if possible
+ -> Map.Map b (Allocation a) -- allocation map
+regalloc vars' regs aliaspairs =
+ let foldfunc = \st' ((int, name), index) ->
+ let st = expireOldIntervals st' int
+ wanted = findWantedAliases aliaspairs name
+ wantedregs = uniq $ sort $ catMaybes $ flip map wanted $ \n ->
+ case findIndex (== n) intnames of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just idx | idx >= length (stAlloc st) -> Nothing
+ | otherwise -> case stAlloc st !! idx of
+ AllocMem -> Nothing
+ AllocReg r -> Just r
+ in if length (stActive st) == length regs
+ then spillAtInterval st index
+ else let -- ([regchoice], fr) = splitAt 1 (stFreeRegs st)
+ (regchoice, fr) = case find (`elem` wantedregs) (stFreeRegs st) of
+ Nothing -> (head (stFreeRegs st), tail (stFreeRegs st))
+ Just wr -> trace ("Pair-allocated " ++ show name ++ " in " ++ show wr) $
+ (wr, stFreeRegs st \\ [wr])
+ allocrev = stAlloc st ++ [AllocReg regchoice]
+ active = sortBy (compare `on` snd . (ints !!)) $ index : stActive st
+ in State active allocrev fr
+ in Map.fromList $ zip intnames $ stAlloc $
+ foldl foldfunc (State [] [] regs) (zip vars [0..])
+ where
+ vars = sortBy (compare `on` fst . fst) vars'
+ (ints, intnames) = (map fst vars, map snd vars)
+ expireOldIntervals :: State a -> Interval -> State a
+ expireOldIntervals st (intstart, _) =
+ let (dropped, active) = span ((< intstart) . snd . (ints !!)) (stActive st)
+ fr = selectAllocRegs (map (stAlloc st !!) dropped) ++ stFreeRegs st
+ in State active (stAlloc st) fr
+ spillAtInterval :: State a -> Int -> State a
+ spillAtInterval st index =
+ let spill = last (stActive st)
+ in if snd (ints !! spill) > snd (ints !! index)
+ then let alloc = setAt spill AllocMem (stAlloc st) ++ [stAlloc st !! spill]
+ active = sortBy (compare `on` snd . (ints !!)) $
+ index : (stActive st \\ [spill])
+ in State active alloc (stFreeRegs st)
+ else State (stActive st) (stAlloc st ++ [AllocMem]) (stFreeRegs st)
+ findWantedAliases :: (Ord b) => [(b, b)] -> b -> [b]
+ findWantedAliases pairs x =
+ uniq $ sort $ map snd (filter ((== x) . fst) pairs) ++ map fst (filter ((== x) . snd) pairs)
+selectAllocRegs :: [Allocation a] -> [a]
+selectAllocRegs allocs = catMaybes $ flip map allocs $ \alloc -> case alloc of
+ (AllocReg r) -> Just r
+ AllocMem -> Nothing
+setAt :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
+setAt idx v l =
+ let (pre, _ : post) = splitAt idx l
+ in pre ++ v : post
diff --git a/ReplaceRefs.hs b/ReplaceRefs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ab73c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ReplaceRefs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+module ReplaceRefs
+ (replaceRefsIns, replaceRefsTerm, replaceRefsBB, replaceRefsBBList)
+ where
+import Intermediate
+replaceRefsIns :: Ref -> Ref -> IRIns -> IRIns
+replaceRefsIns from to (IMov a b) = IMov (trans from to a) (trans from to b)
+replaceRefsIns from to (IStore a b) = IStore (trans from to a) (trans from to b)
+replaceRefsIns from to (ILoad a b) = ILoad (trans from to a) (trans from to b)
+replaceRefsIns from to (IAri at a b) = IAri at (trans from to a) (trans from to b)
+replaceRefsIns from to (ICall n al) = ICall n (map (trans from to) al)
+replaceRefsIns from to (ICallr a n al) = ICallr (trans from to a) n (map (trans from to) al)
+replaceRefsIns from to (IResize a b) = IResize (trans from to a) (trans from to b)
+replaceRefsIns _ _ INop = INop
+replaceRefsTerm :: Ref -> Ref -> IRTerm -> IRTerm
+replaceRefsTerm from to (IJcc ct a b i1 i2) = IJcc ct (trans from to a) (trans from to b) i1 i2
+replaceRefsTerm _ _ (IJmp i) = IJmp i
+replaceRefsTerm _ _ IRet = IRet
+replaceRefsTerm from to (IRetr a) = IRetr (trans from to a)
+replaceRefsTerm _ _ ITermNone = ITermNone
+replaceRefsBB :: Ref -> Ref -> BB -> BB
+replaceRefsBB from to (BB bid inss term) =
+ BB bid (map (replaceRefsIns from to) inss) (replaceRefsTerm from to term)
+replaceRefsBBList :: Ref -> Ref -> [BB] -> [BB]
+replaceRefsBBList from to bbs = map (\bb -> replaceRefsBB from to bb) bbs
+trans :: Ref -> Ref -> Ref -> Ref
+trans from to ref
+ | ref == from = to
+ | otherwise = ref
diff --git a/TypeCheck.hs b/TypeCheck.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36d98c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TypeCheck.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+module TypeCheck(typeCheck) where
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import AST
+import Defs
+import Pretty
+import TypeRules
+data DBItem = DBVar Type | DBFunc (Maybe Type) [Type]
+type TypeDB = [Map.Map Name DBItem]
+dbFind :: TypeDB -> Name -> Maybe DBItem
+dbFind db name = findJust $ map (Map.lookup name) db
+ where findJust [] = Nothing
+ findJust (Just x:_) = Just x
+ findJust (Nothing:l) = findJust l
+dbFindTop :: TypeDB -> Name -> Maybe DBItem
+dbFindTop [] _ = error "dbFindTop on empty scope stack"
+dbFindTop (m:_) name = Map.lookup name m
+dbSet :: TypeDB -> Name -> DBItem -> TypeDB
+dbSet [] _ _ = error "dbSet on empty scope stack"
+dbSet (m:ms) name val = Map.insert name val m : ms
+emptyDB :: TypeDB
+emptyDB = [Map.fromList
+ [("putc", DBFunc Nothing [TChar]),
+ ("putint", DBFunc Nothing [TInt]),
+ ("getc", DBFunc (Just TInt) []),
+ ("_builtin_malloc", DBFunc (Just $ TArr TChar Nothing) [TInt])]]
+withScope :: TypeDB -> (TypeDB -> a) -> a
+withScope db f = f (Map.empty : db)
+typeCheck :: Program -> Error Program
+typeCheck (Program vars funcs) = do
+ db <- foldM registerDVar emptyDB vars
+ >>= \db' -> foldM registerDFunc db' funcs
+ vars' <- mapM (annotateDVar db) vars
+ funcs' <- mapM (annotateDFunc db) funcs
+ return $ Program vars' funcs'
+registerDVar :: TypeDB -> DVar -> Error TypeDB
+registerDVar db (DVar t n _) = case dbFind db n of
+ Nothing -> return $ dbSet db n (DBVar t)
+ Just _ -> Left $ "Duplicate top-level name '" ++ n ++ "'"
+registerDFunc :: TypeDB -> DFunc -> Error TypeDB
+registerDFunc db (DFunc rt n al _) = case dbFind db n of
+ Nothing -> return $ dbSet db n (DBFunc rt (map fst al))
+ Just _ -> Left $ "Duplicate top-level name '" ++ n ++ "'"
+annotateDVar :: TypeDB -> DVar -> Error DVar
+annotateDVar db (DVar toptype name expr) = do
+ expr' <- annotateExpr db expr
+ when (isNothing (typeof expr')) $
+ Left $ "Cannot assign void value in global declaration of " ++ name
+ let typ = fromJust $ typeof expr'
+ if canCoerce typ toptype
+ then return $ DVar toptype name expr'
+ else Left $ "Cannot assign a value of type " ++ pretty typ ++
+ " to a variable of type " ++ pretty toptype
+annotateDFunc :: TypeDB -> DFunc -> Error DFunc
+annotateDFunc db dfunc@(DFunc rettype name arglist block) = do
+ when (name == "main" && rettype /= Just TInt) $
+ Left $ "Function 'main' should return an int"
+ let db' = foldl registerArg db arglist
+ block' <- annotateBlock dfunc db' block
+ return $ DFunc rettype name arglist block'
+ where
+ registerArg :: TypeDB -> (Type, Name) -> TypeDB
+ registerArg db' (t, n) = dbSet db' n (DBVar t)
+annotateBlock :: DFunc -> TypeDB -> Block -> Error Block
+annotateBlock dfunc db (Block sts) =
+ Block . snd <$> foldM (\(db', l) st ->
+ (\(db'', st') -> (db'', l ++ [st'])) <$> annotateStatement dfunc db' st)
+ (db, []) sts
+annotateStatement :: DFunc -> TypeDB -> Statement -> Error (TypeDB, Statement)
+annotateStatement _ db (SDecl toptype name expr) = do
+ expr' <- annotateExpr db expr
+ when (isNothing (typeof expr')) $
+ Left $ "Cannot assign void value in declaration of " ++ name
+ when (isJust (dbFindTop db name)) $
+ Left $ "Duplicate declaration of variable " ++ name
+ let typ = fromJust $ typeof expr'
+ if canCoerce typ toptype
+ then return $ (dbSet db name (DBVar toptype), SDecl toptype name expr')
+ else Left $ "Cannot assign a value of type " ++ pretty typ ++
+ " to a variable of type " ++ pretty toptype
+annotateStatement _ db (SAs ae expr) = do
+ ae' <- annotateAsExpr db ae
+ expr' <- annotateExpr db expr
+ when (isNothing (typeof expr')) $
+ Left $ "Cannot assign a void value in assignment of " ++ pretty ae
+ let typ = fromJust $ typeof expr'
+ let aetyp = fromJust $ typeof ae'
+ when (not $ isBasicType aetyp) $
+ Left $ "Cannot assign to a location of type " ++ pretty aetyp
+ when (not $ canCoerce typ aetyp) $
+ Left $ "Cannot assign a value of type " ++ pretty typ ++
+ " to a location of type " ++ pretty aetyp
+ return (db, SAs ae' expr')
+annotateStatement dfunc db (SIf expr bl1 bl2) = do
+ expr' <- annotateExpr db expr
+ when (isNothing (typeof expr')) $
+ Left $ "Cannot use void value in 'if' condition"
+ when (not $ canCoerce (fromJust (typeof expr')) TInt) $
+ Left $ "Cannot use type " ++ pretty (fromJust (typeof expr')) ++ " in 'if' condition"
+ bl1' <- withScope db $ flip (annotateBlock dfunc) bl1
+ bl2' <- withScope db $ flip (annotateBlock dfunc) bl2
+ return (db, SIf expr' bl1' bl2')
+annotateStatement dfunc db (SWhile expr bl) = do
+ expr' <- annotateExpr db expr
+ when (isNothing (typeof expr')) $
+ Left $ "Cannot use void value in 'while' condition"
+ when (not $ canCoerce (fromJust (typeof expr')) TInt) $
+ Left $ "Cannot use type " ++ pretty (fromJust (typeof expr')) ++ " in 'while' condition"
+ bl' <- withScope db $ flip (annotateBlock dfunc) bl
+ return (db, SWhile expr' bl')
+annotateStatement (DFunc Nothing _ _ _) db (SReturn Nothing) =
+ return (db, SReturn Nothing)
+annotateStatement (DFunc (Just _) _ _ _) _ (SReturn Nothing) =
+ Left "Cannot return void value from non-void function"
+annotateStatement (DFunc mrt _ _ _) db (SReturn (Just expr)) = do
+ expr' <- annotateExpr db expr
+ case mrt of
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Cannot return non-void value from void function"
+ Just rt -> do
+ when (isNothing (typeof expr')) $
+ Left $ "Cannot use void value in 'return'"
+ when (not $ canCoerce (fromJust (typeof expr')) rt) $
+ Left $ "Cannot coerce type " ++ pretty (fromJust (typeof expr')) ++ " to " ++ pretty rt ++
+ " in 'return'"
+ return (db, SReturn (Just expr'))
+annotateStatement _ db (SExpr expr) = (\expr' -> (db, SExpr expr')) <$> annotateExpr db expr
+annotateExpr :: TypeDB -> Expression -> Error Expression
+annotateExpr db (EBin bo e1 e2 _) = do
+ e1' <- annotateExpr db e1
+ e2' <- annotateExpr db e2
+ when (isNothing (typeof e1')) $ Left $ "Use of void value in expression: " ++ show e1'
+ when (isNothing (typeof e2')) $ Left $ "Use of void value in expression: " ++ show e2'
+ let t1 = fromJust $ typeof e1'
+ t2 = fromJust $ typeof e2'
+ rt <- let errval = Left $ "Operator " ++ pretty bo ++ " doesn't take" ++
+ " arguments of types " ++ pretty t1 ++ " and " ++
+ pretty t2
+ in maybe errval return $ retTypeBO bo t1 t2
+ return $ EBin bo e1' e2' (Just rt)
+annotateExpr db (EUn uo e _) = do
+ e' <- annotateExpr db e
+ when (isNothing (typeof e')) $ Left "Use of void value in expression"
+ let t = fromJust $ typeof e'
+ rt <- let errval = Left $ "Unary operator " ++ pretty uo ++ " doesn't take" ++
+ " an argument of type " ++ pretty t
+ in maybe errval return $ retTypeUO uo t
+ return $ EUn uo e' (Just rt)
+annotateExpr _ (ELit lit@(LInt _) _) = return $ ELit lit (Just TInt)
+annotateExpr _ (ELit lit@(LChar _) _) = return $ ELit lit (Just TChar)
+annotateExpr db (ELit lit@(LVar n) _) = case dbFind db n of
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Use of undeclared variable " ++ n ++ " in expression"
+ Just (DBVar t) -> return $ ELit lit (Just t)
+ Just (DBFunc _ _) -> Left $ "Cannot use function " ++ n ++ " in expression"
+annotateExpr db (ELit (LCall n as) _) = do
+ as' <- mapM (annotateExpr db) as
+ case dbFind db n of
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Use of undeclared function " ++ n
+ Just (DBVar t) -> Left $ "Cannot call variable of type " ++ pretty t
+ Just (DBFunc mrt ats) -> do
+ when (length as' /= length ats) $
+ Left $ "Function '" ++ n ++ "' expected " ++ show (length ats) ++
+ " arguments but got " ++ show (length as')
+ forM_ (zip as' ats) $ \(arg, at) -> do
+ when (isNothing (typeof arg)) $
+ Left "Use of void value in function argument"
+ if canCoerce (fromJust $ typeof arg) at
+ then return ()
+ else Left $ "Argument of " ++ n ++ " has type " ++ pretty at ++
+ " but value of type " ++ pretty (fromJust $ typeof arg) ++
+ " was given"
+ return $ ELit (LCall n as') mrt
+annotateExpr db (ESubscript arr sub _) = do
+ arr' <- annotateExpr db arr
+ sub' <- annotateExpr db sub
+ let subtyp = fromJust (typeof sub')
+ when (subtyp /= TInt) $
+ Left $ "Type of array subscript should be int, but is " ++ pretty subtyp
+ case fromJust (typeof arr') of
+ TArr et _ -> return $ ESubscript arr' sub' (Just et)
+ _ -> Left $ "Subscripted expression is not an array: " ++ pretty arr
+annotateExpr db (ECast t e) = do
+ e' <- annotateExpr db e
+ let typ = fromJust (typeof e')
+ if canCast typ t
+ then return $ ECast t e'
+ else Left $ "Cannot cast value of type " ++ pretty typ ++ " to type " ++ pretty t
+annotateExpr db e@(ENew t sze) = do
+ sze' <- annotateExpr db sze
+ case typeof sze' of
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Use of void value in array length in 'new' expression: " ++ pretty e
+ Just TInt -> return ()
+ Just szet -> Left $ "Type of array length in 'new' expression should be int, is " ++ pretty szet
+ if isBasicType t
+ then return $ ENew t sze'
+ else Left $ "Can only allocate arrays of basic types using 'new': " ++ pretty e
+annotateAsExpr :: TypeDB -> AsExpression -> Error AsExpression
+annotateAsExpr db (AEVar n _) = case dbFind db n of
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Use of undeclared variable " ++ n ++ " in assignment expression"
+ Just (DBVar t) -> return $ AEVar n (Just t)
+ Just (DBFunc _ _) -> Left $ "Cannot use function " ++ n ++ " in assignment expression"
+annotateAsExpr db (AESubscript ae expr _) = do
+ ae' <- annotateAsExpr db ae
+ expr' <- annotateExpr db expr
+ case typeof expr' of
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Use of void value in array index in assignment expression"
+ Just TInt -> return ()
+ Just t -> Left $ "Use of non-int type " ++ pretty t ++ " in array index in assignment expression"
+ case fromJust (typeof ae') of
+ TArr t _ -> return $ AESubscript ae' expr' (Just t)
+ t -> Left $ "Indexed expression '" ++ pretty ae ++ "' has non-array type " ++ pretty t ++
+ " in assignment expression"
diff --git a/TypeRules.hs b/TypeRules.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3e7678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TypeRules.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+module TypeRules where
+import AST
+canCoerce :: Type -> Type -> Bool
+canCoerce t1 t2 | t1 == t2 = True
+canCoerce (TArr t1 (Just _)) (TArr t2 Nothing) | t1 == t2 = True
+canCoerce _ _ = False
+canCast :: Type -> Type -> Bool
+canCast t1 t2 | canCoerce t1 t2 = True
+canCast t1 t2 | isIntegralType t1 && isIntegralType t2 = True
+canCast _ _ = False
+isBasicType :: Type -> Bool
+isBasicType = isIntegralType
+isIntegralType :: Type -> Bool
+isIntegralType TInt = True
+isIntegralType TChar = True
+isIntegralType _ = False
+isSimpleArithBO :: BinaryOp -> Bool
+isSimpleArithBO = flip elem [BOAdd, BOSub, BOMul, BODiv, BOMod]
+isBoolBO :: BinaryOp -> Bool
+isBoolBO = flip elem [BOAnd, BOOr]
+isCompareBO :: BinaryOp -> Bool
+isCompareBO = flip elem [BOEq, BONeq, BOGt, BOLt, BOGeq, BOLeq]
+retTypeBO :: BinaryOp -> Type -> Type -> Maybe Type
+retTypeBO bo TInt TInt | isSimpleArithBO bo = Just TInt
+retTypeBO bo TChar TChar | isSimpleArithBO bo = Just TChar
+retTypeBO bo TInt TInt | isBoolBO bo = Just TInt
+retTypeBO bo TInt TInt | isCompareBO bo = Just TInt
+retTypeBO bo TChar TChar | isCompareBO bo = Just TInt
+retTypeBO _ _ _ = Nothing
+-- retTypeBO bo t1 t2 = error $ "retTypeBO " ++ show bo ++ " " ++ show t1 ++ " " ++ show t2
+retTypeUO :: UnaryOp -> Type -> Maybe Type
+retTypeUO UONot TInt = Just TInt
+retTypeUO UONeg TInt = Just TInt
+retTypeUO UONeg TChar = Just TChar
+retTypeUO _ _ = Nothing
+class TypeOf a where
+ typeof :: a -> Maybe Type
+instance TypeOf Expression where
+ typeof (EBin _ _ _ mt) = mt
+ typeof (EUn _ _ mt) = mt
+ typeof (ELit _ mt) = mt
+ typeof (ESubscript _ _ mt) = mt
+ typeof (ECast t _) = Just t
+ typeof (ENew t _) = Just $ TArr t Nothing
+instance TypeOf AsExpression where
+ typeof (AEVar _ mt) = mt
+ typeof (AESubscript _ _ mt) = mt
diff --git a/Utils.hs b/Utils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65bb651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module Utils where
+uniq :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
+uniq (a:b:cs) | a == b = uniq (b:cs)
+ | otherwise = a : uniq (b:cs)
+uniq l = l
diff --git a/Verify.hs b/Verify.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18f90ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Verify.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module Verify(verify) where
+import AST
+import Defs
+import Intermediate
+verify :: IRProgram -> Error IRProgram
+verify (IRProgram vars funcs) = IRProgram <$> mapM verifyVar vars <*> mapM verifyFunc funcs
+verifyVar :: DVar -> Error DVar
+verifyVar dvar@(DVar _ n e) = case e of
+ ELit _ _ -> return dvar
+ _ -> Left $ "Initialisation of global variable " ++ n ++ " is not a literal"
+verifyFunc :: IRFunc -> Error IRFunc
+verifyFunc irfunc@(IRFunc mrt name _ bbs _) =
+ let terms = map (\(BB _ _ term) -> term) bbs
+ (nret', nretr') = unzip $ flip map terms $ \term -> case term of
+ IRet -> (1, 0)
+ IRetr _ -> (0, 1)
+ _ -> (0, 0)
+ (nret, nretr) = (sum nret', sum nretr') :: (Int, Int)
+ in case (mrt, nret, nretr) of
+ (Nothing, _, 0) -> return irfunc
+ (Just _, 0, _) -> return irfunc
+ (Nothing, _, _) -> Left $ "Some code paths of void function '" ++ name ++ "' return a value"
+ (Just _, _, _) -> Left $ "Not all code paths of non-void function '" ++ name ++ "' return a value"
diff --git a/X64.hs b/X64.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2d63aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/X64.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+module X64 where
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Int
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+type Offset = Int64
+class Stringifiable a where
+ stringify :: a -> String
+data Register = RAX | RBX | RCX | RDX | RSI | RDI | RSP | RBP | R8 | R9 | R10 | R11 | R12 | R13 | R14 | R15
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
+data XRef = XReg Int Register | XMem Int (Maybe Register) (Int, Register) (Maybe String) Offset | XImm Offset
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+newtype Reg = Reg XRef deriving (Show, Eq)
+newtype Mem = Mem XRef deriving (Show, Eq)
+newtype Imm = Imm XRef deriving (Show, Eq)
+newtype RegMem = RegMem XRef deriving (Show, Eq)
+newtype RegMemImm = RegMemImm XRef deriving (Show, Eq)
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Ins
+ = MOV RegMem RegMem | MOVi RegMem Imm | MOVi64 Reg Imm
+ | MOVSX Reg RegMem
+ | ADD RegMem RegMemImm
+ | SUB RegMem RegMemImm
+ | AND RegMem RegMemImm
+ | OR RegMem RegMemImm
+ | XOR RegMem RegMemImm
+ | IMULDA RegMem | IMUL Reg RegMem | IMUL3 Reg RegMem Imm
+ | MULDA RegMem
+ | IDIVDA RegMem
+ | DIVDA RegMem
+ | CMP RegMem RegMem | CMPi RegMem Imm
+ | SETCC CondCode RegMem
+ | CALL String
+ | PUSH RegMemImm
+ | POP RegMem
+ | JMP String
+ | JCC CondCode String
+ | RET
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Asm = Asm [(String, [Ins])]
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+class XRefSub a where
+ xref :: XRef -> a
+instance XRefSub Reg where
+ xref x@(XReg _ _) = Reg x
+ xref _ = undefined
+instance XRefSub Mem where
+ xref x@(XMem _ _ _ _ _) = Mem x
+ xref _ = undefined
+instance XRefSub Imm where
+ xref x@(XImm _) = Imm x
+ xref _ = undefined
+instance XRefSub RegMem where
+ xref x@(XReg _ _) = RegMem x
+ xref x@(XMem _ _ _ _ _) = RegMem x
+ xref _ = undefined
+instance XRefSub RegMemImm where
+ xref x = RegMemImm x
+verify :: Asm -> Either String ()
+verify (Asm funcs) = mapM_ (\(_, inss) -> mapM_ goI inss) funcs
+ where
+ goI :: Ins -> Either String ()
+ goI (MOV (RegMem a) (RegMem b)) = ckRegMem a >> ckRegMem b >> ck2mem a b >> ckSizes a b
+ goI (MOVi (RegMem a) (Imm b)) = ckRegMem a >> ckImm b >> ckSizes a b
+ goI (MOVi64 (Reg a) (Imm b)) = ckReg a >> ckImm b >> ckSizes64 a b
+ goI (MOVSX (Reg a) (RegMem b)) = ckReg a >> ckRegMem b >> ckMovsx a b
+ goI (ADD (RegMem a) (RegMemImm b)) = ckRegMem a >> ckRegMemImm b >> ck2mem a b >> ckSizes a b
+ goI (SUB (RegMem a) (RegMemImm b)) = ckRegMem a >> ckRegMemImm b >> ck2mem a b >> ckSizes a b
+ goI (AND (RegMem a) (RegMemImm b)) = ckRegMem a >> ckRegMemImm b >> ck2mem a b >> ckSizes a b
+ goI (OR (RegMem a) (RegMemImm b)) = ckRegMem a >> ckRegMemImm b >> ck2mem a b >> ckSizes a b
+ goI (XOR (RegMem a) (RegMemImm b)) = ckRegMem a >> ckRegMemImm b >> ck2mem a b >> ckSizes a b
+ goI (IMULDA (RegMem a)) = ckRegMem a
+ goI (IMUL (Reg a) (RegMem b)) = ckReg a >> ckRegMem b >> ck2mem a b >> ckSizes a b
+ goI (IMUL3 (Reg a) (RegMem b) (Imm c)) = ckReg a >> ckRegMem b >> ckImm c >> ckSizes a b >> ckSizes a c
+ goI (MULDA (RegMem a)) = ckRegMem a
+ goI (IDIVDA (RegMem a)) = ckRegMem a
+ goI (DIVDA (RegMem a)) = ckRegMem a
+ goI (CMP (RegMem a) (RegMem b)) = ckRegMem a >> ckRegMem b >> ck2mem a b >> ckSizes a b
+ goI (CMPi (RegMem a) (Imm b)) = ckRegMem a >> ckImm b >> ckSizes a b
+ goI (SETCC _ (RegMem a)) = ckRegMem a >> ckSizeEq 1 a
+ goI (CALL s) = when (null s) $ Left "Empty call target"
+ goI (PUSH (RegMemImm a)) = ckRegMemImm a
+ goI (POP (RegMem a)) = ckRegMem a
+ goI (JMP s) = when (null s) $ Left "Empty jump target"
+ goI (JCC _ s) = when (null s) $ Left "Empty jcc target"
+ goI RET = return ()
+ ckReg (XReg _ _) = return ()
+ ckReg _ = Left "Argument is not a Reg"
+ ckImm (XImm _) = return ()
+ ckImm _ = Left "Argument is not an Imm"
+ ckRegMem (XReg _ _) = return ()
+ ckRegMem (XMem _ _ _ _ _) = return ()
+ ckRegMem _ = Left "Argument is not a Reg or a Mem"
+ ckRegMemImm _ = return ()
+ ck2mem x@(XMem _ _ _ _ _) y@(XMem _ _ _ _ _) =
+ Left $ "Invalid double-memory operands: " ++ show x ++ "; " ++ show y
+ ck2mem _ _ = return ()
+ ckSizes64 x@(XReg a _) y@(XReg b _) =
+ when (a /= b) $ Left $ "Inconsistent operand sizes: " ++ show x ++ "; " ++ show y
+ ckSizes64 x@(XReg a _) y@(XMem b _ _ _ _) =
+ when (a /= b) $ Left $ "Inconsistent operand sizes: " ++ show x ++ "; " ++ show y
+ ckSizes64 x@(XMem a _ _ _ _) y@(XReg b _) =
+ when (a /= b) $ Left $ "Inconsistent operand sizes: " ++ show x ++ "; " ++ show y
+ ckSizes64 x@(XMem a _ _ _ _) y@(XMem b _ _ _ _) =
+ when (a /= b) $ Left $ "Inconsistent operand sizes: " ++ show x ++ "; " ++ show y
+ ckSizes64 x@(XReg a _) y@(XImm v) =
+ when (not $ fitsIn v a) $ Left $ "Immediate too large: " ++ show x ++ "; " ++ show y
+ ckSizes64 x@(XMem a _ _ _ _) y@(XImm v) =
+ when (not $ fitsIn v a) $ Left $ "Immediate too large: " ++ show x ++ "; " ++ show y
+ ckSizes64 _ _ = undefined
+ ckSizes a b@(XImm v) = when (v >= 2 ^ (32::Int)) (Left "Immediate too large") >> ckSizes64 a b
+ ckSizes a b = ckSizes64 a b
+ ckMovsx (XReg a _) (XReg b _) = when (a <= b) $ Left "MOVSX with shrinking operands"
+ ckMovsx (XReg a _) (XMem b _ _ _ _) = when (a <= b) $ Left "MOVSX with shrinking operands"
+ ckMovsx (XMem a _ _ _ _) (XReg b _) = when (a <= b) $ Left "MOVSX with shrinking operands"
+ ckMovsx (XMem a _ _ _ _) (XMem b _ _ _ _) = when (a <= b) $ Left "MOVSX with shrinking operands"
+ ckMovsx _ _ = undefined
+ ckSizeEq sz (XReg a _) = when (a /= sz) $ Left "Invalid operand size"
+ ckSizeEq sz (XMem a _ _ _ _) = when (a /= sz) $ Left "Invalid operand size"
+ ckSizeEq sz (XImm v) = when (v >= 2 ^ (8 * sz)) $ Left "Invalid operand size (immediate)"
+ fitsIn v sz = (fromIntegral v :: Integer) < ((2 :: Integer) ^ (8 * sz))
+instance Stringifiable XRef where
+ stringify (XReg sz reg) =
+ let n = fromEnum reg
+ in case n of
+ _ | n < 4 -> erPrefix $ lxSuffix $ [chr (n + ord 'a')]
+ | n < 8 -> erPrefix $ lSuffix $ ["si", "di", "sp", "bp"] !! (n - 4)
+ | otherwise -> bwdSuffix $ 'r' : show n
+ where
+ erPrefix s = case sz of
+ 4 -> 'e' : s
+ 8 -> 'r' : s
+ _ -> s
+ lxSuffix s = case sz of
+ 1 -> s ++ "l"
+ _ -> s ++ "x"
+ lSuffix s = case sz of
+ 1 -> s ++ "l"
+ _ -> s
+ bwdSuffix s = case sz of
+ 1 -> s ++ "b"
+ 2 -> s ++ "w"
+ 4 -> s ++ "d"
+ _ -> s
+ stringify (XMem _ _ (mult, _) _ _) | not (mult `elem` [0,1,2,4,8]) =
+ error $ "Register multiplier has invalid value " ++ show mult ++ " in XMem"
+ stringify (XMem sz mr pair lab off) =
+ let res = intercalate "+" $ catMaybes [goR1 mr, goPair pair, goLab lab, goOff off]
+ in szword sz ++ " " ++ if null res then "[0]" else "[" ++ res ++ "]"
+ where
+ szword 1 = "byte"
+ szword 2 = "word"
+ szword 4 = "dword"
+ szword 8 = "qword"
+ szword _ = undefined
+ goR1 Nothing = Nothing
+ goR1 (Just r) = Just $ stringify (XReg 8 r)
+ goPair (0, _) = Nothing
+ goPair (mult, r) = Just $ show mult ++ "*" ++ stringify (XReg 8 r)
+ goLab = id
+ goOff 0 = Nothing
+ goOff o = Just $ show o
+ stringify (XImm imm) = show imm
+instance Stringifiable Reg where stringify (Reg x) = stringify x
+instance Stringifiable Mem where stringify (Mem x) = stringify x
+instance Stringifiable Imm where stringify (Imm x) = stringify x
+instance Stringifiable RegMem where stringify (RegMem x) = stringify x
+instance Stringifiable RegMemImm where stringify (RegMemImm x) = stringify x
+instance Stringifiable CondCode where
+ stringify CCA = "a"
+ stringify CCAE = "ae"
+ stringify CCB = "b"
+ stringify CCBE = "be"
+ stringify CCC = "c"
+ stringify CCE = "e"
+ stringify CCG = "g"
+ stringify CCGE = "ge"
+ stringify CCL = "l"
+ stringify CCLE = "le"
+ stringify CCNA = "na"
+ stringify CCNAE = "nae"
+ stringify CCNB = "nb"
+ stringify CCNBE = "nbe"
+ stringify CCNC = "nc"
+ stringify CCNE = "ne"
+ stringify CCNG = "ng"
+ stringify CCNGE = "nge"
+ stringify CCNL = "nl"
+ stringify CCNLE = "nle"
+instance Stringifiable Ins where
+ stringify (MOV a b) = "mov " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ stringify (MOVi a b) = "mov " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ stringify (MOVi64 a b) = "mov " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ stringify (MOVSX a b@(RegMem bx)) = case compare (xrefGetSize bx) 4 of
+ EQ -> "movsxd " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ LT -> "movsx " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ GT -> undefined
+ stringify (ADD a b) = "add " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ stringify (SUB a b) = "sub " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ stringify (AND a b) = "and " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ stringify (OR a b) = "or " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ stringify (XOR a b) = "xor " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ stringify (IMULDA a) = "imul " ++ stringify a
+ stringify (IMUL a b) = "imul " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ stringify (IMUL3 a b c) = "imul " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b ++ ", " ++ stringify c
+ stringify (MULDA a) = "mul " ++ stringify a
+ stringify (IDIVDA a) = "idiv " ++ stringify a
+ stringify (DIVDA a) = "div " ++ stringify a
+ stringify (CMP a b) = "cmp " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ stringify (CMPi a b) = "cmp " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ stringify (SETCC cc a) = "set" ++ stringify cc ++ " " ++ stringify a
+ stringify (CALL a) = "call " ++ a
+ stringify (PUSH a) = "push " ++ stringify a
+ stringify (POP a) = "pop " ++ stringify a
+ stringify (JMP s) = "jmp " ++ s
+ stringify (JCC cc s) = "j" ++ stringify cc ++ " " ++ s
+ stringify RET = "ret"
+instance Stringifiable Asm where
+ stringify (Asm funcs) = intercalate "\n" $ map goF funcs
+ where
+ goF :: (String, [Ins]) -> String
+ goF (name, inss) = name ++ ":\n" ++ unlines (map (('\t' :) . stringify) inss)
+xrefGetSize :: XRef -> Int
+xrefGetSize (XReg s _) = s
+xrefGetSize (XMem s _ _ _ _) = s
+xrefGetSize (XImm _) = undefined
+xrefSetSize :: Int -> XRef -> XRef
+xrefSetSize sz (XReg _ r) = XReg sz r
+xrefSetSize sz (XMem _ a b c d) = XMem sz a b c d
+xrefSetSize _ x@(XImm _) = x
+isXMem :: XRef -> Bool
+isXMem (XMem _ _ _ _ _) = True
+isXMem _ = False
+isXImm :: XRef -> Bool
+isXImm (XImm _) = True
+isXImm _ = False
diff --git a/arrays.lang b/arrays.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cab05f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arrays.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+func int main() {
+ int[] arr := new int[5];
+ arr[0] = 97;
+ arr[1] = 98;
+ putc(char(arr[0]));
+ return 0;
diff --git a/bf.lang b/bf.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9366fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bf.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+func putstr(char[] str) {
+ int i := 0;
+ while (str[i] != '\0') {
+ putc(str[i]);
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+func int strlen(char[] str) {
+ int i := 0;
+ char c := str[i];
+ while (c != '\0') {
+ i = i + 1;
+ c = str[i];
+ }
+ return i;
+func int[] makejumpmap(char[] src, int srclen) {
+ int[] jm := new int[srclen];
+ int[] stack := new int[srclen];
+ int stkp := 0;
+ int i := 0;
+ while (i < srclen) {
+ putint(i); putc(' '); putint(stkp); putc(' '); putc(src[i]); putc('\n');
+ if (src[i] == '[') {
+ stack[stkp] = i;
+ stkp = stkp + 1;
+ }
+ if (src[i] == ']') {
+ stkp = stkp - 1;
+ int j := stack[stkp];
+ jm[i] = j;
+ jm[j] = i;
+ }
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ /*i = 0;
+ while (i < srclen) {
+ putint(jm[i]);
+ putc(' ');
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ putc('\n');*/
+ return jm;
+func interpret(char[] src, int srclen) {
+ int[] jm := makejumpmap(src, srclen);
+ char[] mem := new char[4088];
+ int ip := 0;
+ int memp := 0;
+ while (src[ip] != '\0') {
+ // putint(ip); putc('\n');
+ char c := src[ip];
+ if (c == '+') {mem[memp] = mem[memp] + char(1);}
+ if (c == '-') {mem[memp] = mem[memp] - char(1);}
+ if (c == '>') {memp = memp + 1;}
+ if (c == '<') {memp = memp - 1;}
+ if (c == '.') {putc(mem[memp]);}
+ if (c == ',') {mem[memp] = char(getc());}
+ if (c == '[') {
+ if (mem[memp] == '\0') {
+ ip = jm[ip];
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == ']') {
+ if (mem[memp] != '\0') {
+ ip = jm[ip];
+ }
+ }
+ ip = ip + 1;
+ }
+ memp = 0;
+ while (memp < 10) {
+ putint(int(mem[memp])); putc(' ');
+ memp = memp + 1;
+ }
+ putc('\n');
+func int main() {
+ int bufsize := 4088;
+ char[] source := new char[4088];
+ int sourcelen := 0;
+ int done := 0;
+ while (done != 1) {
+ int c := getc();
+ if (c < 0) {
+ done = 1;
+ } else {
+ source[sourcelen] = char(c);
+ sourcelen = sourcelen + 1;
+ if (sourcelen >= bufsize - 1) {
+ done = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ source[sourcelen] = '\0';
+ interpret(source, sourcelen);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/chartest.lang b/chartest.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..208bcab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chartest.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+int glob := 42;
+func f(char x) {
+ putc(x);
+func char g() {
+ return '\n';
+func int main() {
+ char c := 'a';
+ f(c);
+ putc('\n');
+ char d := g();
+ c = d + d + d + d + d + d + d + d + 'a';
+ putc(c);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/fibo.lang b/fibo.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1a7a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fibo.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+func printnum(int n) {
+ if (n == 0) {putc('0'); return;}
+ if (n < 0) {putc('-'); n = -n;}
+ while (n > 0) {
+ putc('0' + char(n % 10));
+ n = n / 10;
+ }
+func int fibo(int n) {
+ int a := 0;
+ int b := 1;
+ int i := 0;
+ while (i < n) {
+ int c := a + b;
+ a = b;
+ b = c;
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ return b;
+func int main() {
+ int i := 0;
+ while (i <= 20) {
+ printnum(fibo(i));
+ putc('\n');
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/graph.png b/graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0356b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graph.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/prologue.asm b/prologue.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74d9de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prologue.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+; SYS_EXIT equ 0x2000001 ;code
+; SYS_FORK equ 0x2000002 ;--
+; SYS_READ equ 0x2000003 ;fd, buf, len
+; SYS_WRITE equ 0x2000004 ;fd, buf, len
+global start
+default rel
+section .text
+ call main
+ mov rdi, rax
+ mov eax, 0x2000001
+ syscall
+ jmp $
+ push rax
+ push rdi
+ push rsi
+ push rdx
+ push rcx
+ push r11
+ mov eax, 0x2000004
+ mov edi, 1
+ lea rsi, [rsp+56]
+ mov edx, edi
+ syscall
+ pop r11
+ pop rcx
+ pop rdx
+ pop rsi
+ pop rdi
+ pop rax
+ ret
+ push rdi
+ push rsi
+ push rax
+ push rbx
+ push rcx
+ push rdx
+ push r11
+ mov rax, [rsp+64]
+ mov ebx, 18
+ test rax, rax
+ jz .numzero
+ mov ecx, 10
+ xor edx, edx
+ div rcx
+ add dl, '0'
+ dec rbx
+ mov [rsp+rbx], dl
+ test rax, rax
+ jnz .strlp
+ jmp .strdone
+ dec rbx
+ mov byte [rsp+rbx], '0'
+ jmp .strdone
+ mov eax, 0x2000004
+ mov edi, 1
+ lea rsi, [rsp+rbx]
+ mov edx, 18
+ sub rdx, rbx
+ syscall
+ pop r11
+ pop rdx
+ pop rcx
+ pop rbx
+ pop rax
+ pop rsi
+ pop rdi
+ ret
+ push rdi
+ push rsi
+ push rdx
+ push rcx
+ push r11
+ mov eax, 0x2000003
+ xor edi, edi
+ mov rsi, rsp
+ mov edx, 1
+ syscall
+ cmp rax, 1
+ jne .fail
+ mov rax, [rsp]
+ pop r11
+ pop rcx
+ pop rdx
+ pop rsi
+ pop rdi
+ ret
+ mov rax, -1
+ jmp .finish
+ push rdi
+ push rsi
+ push rdx
+ push r8
+ push r9
+ push r10
+ push r11
+ push rcx
+ xor edi, edi
+ mov rsi, [rsp+72]
+ mov edx, 0x03
+ mov r10d, 0x1001
+ mov r8d, -1
+ xor r9d, r9d
+ mov eax, 0x20000C5
+ syscall
+ pop rcx
+ pop r11
+ pop r10
+ pop r9
+ pop r8
+ pop rdx
+ pop rsi
+ pop rdi
+ ret
diff --git a/putint.lang b/putint.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..198b4ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/putint.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+func int main() {
+ putint(-12345678); putc('\n');
+ return 0;
diff --git a/putstr.lang b/putstr.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b13e2c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/putstr.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+func putstr(char[] str) {
+ int i := 0;
+ while (str[i] != '\0') {
+ putc(str[i]);
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+func int main() {return 0;}
+irfunc putstr(char[] str)
+ {{{(0)
+ mov t5Q <- 0Q
+ jmp 7
+ }}}
+ {{{(7)
+ mov t15Q <- t5Q
+ add t15Q, 8Q
+ mov t13Q <- astrQ
+ add t13Q, t15Q
+ load t16B <- *t13Q
+ neq t16B, 0B
+ jne t16B, 0Q -> 9 | 6
+ }}}
+ {{{(9)
+ mov t25Q <- t5Q
+ add t25Q, 8Q
+ mov t23Q <- astrQ
+ add t23Q, t25Q
+ load t26B <- *t23Q
+ call putc (t26B)
+ mov t30Q <- t5Q
+ add t30Q, 1Q
+ mov t5Q <- t30Q
+ jmp 7
+ }}}
+ {{{(6)
+ ret
+ }}}
diff --git a/test.lang b/test.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f03b3e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+int glob := 100;
+func f() {
+ glob = glob + 10;
+func g(int x , int y) {
+ glob = glob + x + 2 * y;
+func int main() {
+ int i := 0; /* block /* comments */ nest! */
+ // int[4] arr := 2;
+ i = i + 1;
+ f();
+ if (i > 0 && i < 10) {
+ int i := 20;
+ g(i , 2 * i);
+ }